Hymnal: PDIL1740 #14 (1740) First Line: O Lord, our God, how wond'rous great Lyrics: 1 O Lord, our God, how wond'rous great
Is thine exalted Name!
The Glories of thy heav'nly State
Let Men and Babes proclaim.
2 When I behold thy Works on high,
The Moon that rules the Night,
And Stars that well adorn the Sky,
Those moving Worlds of Light;
3 Lord, what is Man, or all his race,
Who dwells so far below,
That thou shouldst visit him with Grace,
And love his Nature so?
4 That thine eternal Son should bear
To take a mortal Form,
Made lower than his Angels are,
To save a dying worm.
5 [Yet while he liv'd on Earth unknown,
And Men would not adore,
Th' obedient Seas and Fishes own
His Godhead and his Pow'r.
6 The Waves lay spread beneath his Feet,
And Fish at his Command,
Bring their large Shoals to Peter's Net,
Bring Tribute to his Hand.
7 These lesser Glories of the Son
Shone through the fleshly Cloud;
Now we behold him on his Throne,
And Men confess him GOD.]
8 Let him be crown'd with Majesty,
Who bow'd his Head to Death;
And be his Honours sounded high,
By all Things that have breath.
9 JESUS, our Lord, how wond'rous great
Is thine exalted Name!
The Glories of thy heav'nly State
Let the whole earth proclaim. Topics: Adam the first and second their Dominion; Christ exalted to the kingdom; Christ his condescension and glorification; Christ praiseed by Children; Dominion of Man over Creatures; God his sovereignty and goodness to man; God made man; God praised by children; Goodness of God; Hosanna of the Childern Scripture: Psalm 8 Languages: English
Christ's Condescension and Glorification; or GOD made Man