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Hymnal, Number:ossn1908

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Jesus Is Strong to Deliver

Author: W. May Hymnal: OSSN1908 #11 (1908) First Line: When in my sorrow, he found me Lyrics: 1 When in my sorrow, he found me— Found me and bade me be whole; Turned all my night into heavenly light, And from me my burden did roll. Refrain: Jesus is strong to deliver: Mighty to save, mighty to save! Jesus is strong to deliver: Jesus is mighty to save! 2 When in the tempest, he’ll hide us; When in the storm, he’ll be near; All the way long he will carry us on— So now we have nothing to fear. [Refrain] 3 Why are you doubting and fearing? Why are you still under sin? Have you not found that his grace doth abound: He’s mighty to save, let him in! [Refrain] Tune Title: [When in my sorrow, he found me]
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Lift the Flood-gates

Author: Mrs. C. H. M. Hymnal: OSSN1908 #12 (1908) First Line: In thy name, O blessed Saviour Refrain First Line: Lift the flood-gates, lift the flood-gates Lyrics: 1 In thy name, O blessed Saviour, Gathered in this sacred place; Here we seek a Father’s blessing, Plead and pray for needed grace; From the ocean of thy fulness, Boundless, fathomless and free, Let a tidal wave come sweeping, Setting hearts at liberty. Refrain: Lift the flood-gates, lift the flood-gates, Let the tide come sweeping in; Blessed tide of full salvation, Washing, cleansing from all sin. 2 Lift the flood-gates, let salvation In tremendous currents flow, To the uttermost fulfilling Thy blest mission here below; Until myriads of sinners, Borne on love’s resistless tide, Shall be swept into the kingdom, And believers sanctified. [Refrain] 3 It is coming, we believe it, Thou dost hear and answer pray’r; It is coming, we shall see it, Thine almighty arm made bare; Tides of power, tides of glory, Holy tides of perfect love, Satisfying, overflowing, Coming on us from above. [Refrain] Tune Title: [In thy name, O blessed Saviour]
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Facing That Way

Author: E. Dee Hymnal: OSSN1908 #13 (1908) First Line: Tho' I had wandered afar from the right Refrain First Line: Facing that way with my heart full of song Lyrics: 1 Tho’ I had wandered afar from the right, Straying away from the truth and the light, Yet I am seeking for heaven today; Glory to God I am facing that way! Refrain: Facing that way with my heart full of song, Walking that way as he leads me along, Eagerly, hopefully pressing each day; Glory to God I am facing that way! 2 There is a place of reunion on high, Where I shall meet many friends by and by; That will be glory for me some sweet day; Blessed be God I am facing that way! [Refrain] 3 There is a place where my Saviour shall be Crowned King of kings and his glory I’ll see, There thro’ eternity with him I’ll stay; Glory to God I am facing that way! [Refrain] Tune Title: [Tho' I had wandered afar from the right]
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The Hand That Was Wounded for Me

Author: Hattie H. Pierson Hymnal: OSSN1908 #14 (1908) First Line: The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe Refrain First Line: The hand of my Saviour I see Tune Title: [The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe]
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He Will Answer

Author: Mrs. C. H. M. Hymnal: OSSN1908 #15 (1908) First Line: Pray’r is the strong but secret chain Refrain First Line: He will answer, he will answer Lyrics: 1 Pray’r is the strong but secret chain Which ever heav’n and earth unites; And God, in love for fallen man, Us to the throne of grace invites. Refrain: He will answer, he will answer, Dare to trust him anywhere, God will hear and answer pray’r, He will answer, He will answer, God will hear and answer pray’r. 2 Whatever need of heart or soul The Spirit hath to you revealed, To God in fervent pray’r hold on Till he the cry of faith hath sealed. [Refrain] 3 The sinner’s penitential cry Is always music to his ear; If sin your burden is, draw nigh In faith, he’s sure your pray’r to hear. [Refrain] 4 Sometimes the answer seems delayed, Then wait and his salvations see; For in his own good time and way, The pray’r of faith shall answered be. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Pray'r is the strong but secret chain]
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The Fight Is On

Author: Mrs. C. H. M. Hymnal: OSSN1908 #16 (1908) First Line: The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out Refrain First Line: The fight is on, O Christian soldier Tune Title: [The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]
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Take Me As I Am

Author: Eliza H. Hamilton Hymnal: OSSN1908 #17 (1908) First Line: Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry Tune Title: [Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry]
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The Tide of Love is Flowing

Author: S. W. B. Hymnal: OSSN1908 #18 (1908) First Line: O the tide of love is flowing, sweetly flowing on Refrain First Line: Tenderly flowing, graciously flowing Lyrics: 1 O the tide of love is flowing, sweetly flowing on, Truly flowing, gently flowing, from the Father’s throne, Bringing peace to every nation, Cheering souls in every station, Wining his sweet approbation, Flowing on. Refrain: Tenderly flowing, graciously flowing, O the tide of love is flowing, sweetly flowing; Peacefully flowing, tenderly flowing, O the tide of love is sweetly flowing on. 2 O the tide of love is flowing for the souls who mourn, And a blessing from the Father unto them is borne, Giving joy beyond comparing, Giving life—so sweet in sharing, Helping those who cares are bearing, Flowing on. [Refrain] 3 O the tide of love is flowing, tide of love divine, And the sunbeams of salvation on its waters shine, And the joys beyond all knowing, Of the Saviour’s rich bestowing, Fill the heart to overflowing, Flowing on. [Refrain] Tune Title: [O the tide of love is flowing, sweetly flowing on]
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I Always Go to Jesus

Author: James Rowe Hymnal: OSSN1908 #19 (1908) First Line: When heavy grows my load of care Lyrics: 1 When heavy grows my load of care, Or when in sorrow or despair I need a friend my woe to share, I always go to Jesus. Refrain: I always go to Jesus, The loving, faithful Jesus; To him alone my wants are known; I always go to Jesus. 2 When darkness hides the path I take, And life’s wild storms upon me break; When earthly friend, I loved, forsake, I always go to Jesus. [Refrain] 3 When enemies their strength display, And strive to cause my soul to stray, From life and light, without delay I always go to Jesus. [Refrain] 4 When worn, and weary, and depressed, My trusting spirit sighs for rest, To lay my head upon his breast, I always go to Jesus. [Refrain] Tune Title: [When heavy grows my load of care]
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Sing We of His Salvation

Author: L. F. J. Hymnal: OSSN1908 #20 (1908) First Line: Hark, the song the redeemed are singing Lyrics: 1 Hark, the song the redeemed are singing! Thro’ the heavenly arches ringing! “Blessing, honor, glory and dominion be unto the Lamb!” In his wonderful love he sought us! By his death on the cross he bought us! And to heaven in his mercy brought us! “Glory to his name!” Refrain: Sing we of his salvation, From sin and condemnation! Now we, his throne surrounding, Saved thro’ his mercy and grace abounding, His praise forever sounding, Shall worship him our glorious King! 2 Once the lowliest of the lowly, He, the holiest of the holy, Came to earth to bring to us the gospel of the Father’s Grace! Here he taught us the way to glory! In his life lived the wondrous story Of the love that serves e’en unto death to a fallen race! [Refrain] 3 Sing we now the Redeemer’s glory! Gladly telling the wondrous story Until all the nations of the earth have heard the message sweet! Then, thro’ Grace, in his holy heaven Where glad homage by angels given, We shall thro’ a blest eternity the song of praise repeat. [Refrain] Tune Title: [Hark, the song the redeemed are singing]


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