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Hymnal, Number:elhl1892

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Now our worship sweet is o'er

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #11 (1893) Meter: 7.8.8 Lyrics: 1 NOW our worship sweet is o'er-- Singing, praying, teaching, hearing, Let us gladly God adore For His gracious strength and cheering. Praise our God, who fain would save us, For the rich repast He gave us. 2 Now the Blessing cheers our heart, And the service all is ended, Let us joyfully depart,-- Be our souls to God commended. May His Spirit ever guide us, And with all things well provide us. 3 Let our going out be blest, Bless our entrance in like measure; Bless, O Lord, our toil and rest, Bless our bread, our grief and pleasure, Be in death Thy blessing given, And make us blest heirs of heaven. Topics: Sunday Closing Languages: English
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On what has now been sown

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #12 (1893) Lyrics: 1 ON what has now been sown, Thy blessing, Lord, bestow; The power is Thine alone To make it spring and grow: Do Thou in grace the harvest raise, And Thou alone shalt have the praise. 2 To Thee our wants are known, From Thee are all our powers, Accept what is Thine own, And pardon what is ours: Our praises, Lord, and prayers receive, And to Thy Word a blessing give. 3 O grant that each of us, Who meet before Thee here, May meet together thus, When Thou and Thine appear, And follow Thee to heaven our home; E'en so, Amen, Lord Jesus, come! Topics: Sunday Closing Languages: English
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This is the day the Lord hath made

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #13 (1893) Meter: Lyrics: 1 THIS is the day the Lord hath made; He calls the hours His own: Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. 2 To-day He rose and left the dead, And Satan's empire fell; To-day the saints His triumph spread, And all His wonders tell. 3 Hosanna to th'anointed King, To David's holy Son; Help us, O Lord; descend and bring Salvation from Thy throne. 4 Blest be the Lord, who comes to men With messages of grace; Who comes in God His Father's name, To save our sinful race. 5 Hosanna in the highest strains The Church on earth can raise; The highest heavens, in which He reigns, Shall give Him nobler praise. Topics: Sunday Opening Languages: English
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Thy presence, gracious God, afford

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #14 (1893) Meter: Lyrics: 1 THY presence, gracious God, afford, Prepare us to receive Thy Word; Now let Thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mixed with what we hear. 2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes above; With food divine may we be fed, And satisfied with living bread. 3 To us the sacred Word apply With sovereign power and energy; And may we, in Thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear. 4 Father, in us Thy Son reveal; Teach us to know and do Thy will; Thy saving power and love display, And guide us to the realms of day. Topics: Sunday Opening Languages: English
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Again is come the new church-year

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #15 (1893) Meter: Lyrics: 1 AGAIN is come the new church-year; Rejoice, all Christians, far and near! Thy King, O Zion, comes to Thee, Therefore rejoice eternally! Hallelujah! 2 Now in our midst anew are heard The lessons of God's gracious Word, Which shows the way to life in heaven. For this all praise to God be given! Hallelujah! 3 What we are taught by Thy true Word, Be which our faith is strengthened, Lord, Let that abide in us, that we May render endless praise to Thee. Hallelujah! Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English
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A great and mighty wonder

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #16 (1893) Meter: 7.6 Lyrics: 1 A great and mighty wonder Our Christmas Festal brings: On earth, a lowly Infant, Behold the King of kings! 2 The Word is made incarnate, Descending from on high; And cherubim sing anthems To shepherds, from the sky. 3 And we with them triumphant, Repeat the hymn again: "To God on high be glory, And peace on earth to men!" 4 While thus they sing your Monarch, Those bright angelic bands, Rejoice, ye vales and mountains! Ye oceans, clap your hands! 5 Since all He comes to ransom, By all be He adored, The Infant born in Bethlehem, The Saviour and the Lord! 6 And idol forms shall perish, And error shall decay, And Christ shall wield His scepter, Our Lord and God for aye. Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English
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All my heart this night rejoices

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #17 (1893) Meter: 8.6.6 Lyrics: 1 ALL my heart this night rejoices, As I hear Far and near Sweetest angel voices; "Christ is born," their choirs are singing, Till the air Everywhere, Now with joy is ringing. 2 Forth to-day the Conqu'ror goeth, Who the foe, Sin and woe, Death and hell o'erthroweth, God is man, man to deliver, His dear Son Now is one With our blood forever. 3 Should we still dread God's displeasure, Who to save Freely gave Us His dearest treasure? To redeem us, He has given His own Son From the throne Of His might in heaven. 4 Should He, who Himself imparted, Aught withhold From the fold, Leave us broken-hearted? Should the Son of God not love us, Who to cheer Suff'rers here Left His throne above us? 5 If our blessed Lord and Maker Hated men, Would He then Be of flesh partaker? If He in our woe delighted, Would He bear All the care Of our race benighted? 6 He becomes the Lamb that taketh Sin away, And for aye Full atonement maketh. For our life His own He tenders, And our race, By His grace, Meet for glory renders. 7 Hark! a voice from yonder manger, Soft and sweet, Doth entreat: "Flee from woe and danger; Brethren, from all ills that grieve you, You are freed All you need I will surely give you." 8 Come, then, banish all your sadness, One and all, Great and small, Come with songs of gladness; Love Him who with love is glowing. Hail the Star Near and far Light and joy bestowing! 9 Ye whose anguish knew no measure, Weep no more, See the door To celestial pleasure. Cling to Him, for He will guide you Where no cross, Pain or loss, Can again betide you. 10 Hither come, ye heavy-hearted, Who for sin, Deep within, Long and sore have smarted; For the poisoned wounds you're feeling Help is near, One is here Mighty for their healing. 11 Hither come, ye poor and wretched, Know His will Is to fill Every hand outstretched; Here are riches without measure, Here forget All regret, Fill your hearts with treasure. 12 Let me in my arms receive Thee, On Thy breast Let me rest, Saviour, ne'er to leave Thee! Since Thou hast Thyself presented Now to me, I shall be Evermore contented. 13 Guilt no longer can distress me; Son of God, Thou my load Bearest to release me. Stain in me Thou findest never; I am clean, All my sin Is removed forever. 14 I am pure, in Thee believing, From Thy store Evermore Richest robes receiving. In my heart I will enfold Thee, Treasure rare, Let me there Loving ever hold Thee! 15 Thee, O Lord, with heed I'll cherish, While I've breath, Nor shall death My devotion perish; I shall dwell with Thee forever, Far on high, In the joy That can alter never. Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English
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Have mercy, Lord

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #18 (1893) Meter: First Line: All praise to Jesus' hallowed name Lyrics: 1 ALL praise to Jesus' hallowed name, Who of virgin pure became True man for us! The angels sing, As the glad news to earth they bring. Have mercy, Lord. 2 Th'eternal Father's only Son For a manger leaves His throne; Disguised in our poor flesh and blood Is now the everlasting Good. Have mercy, Lord. 3 He whom the world could not inclose Doth in Mary's lap repose. He is become an infant small, Who by His might upholdeth all. Have mercy, Lord. 4 Th'eternal Light, come down from heaven, Hath to us new sunshine given; It shineth in the midst of night, And maketh us the sons of light. Have mercy, Lord. 5 The Father's Son, God ever blest, In the world become a guest; He leads us from this vale of tears, And makes us in His kingdom heirs. Have mercy, Lord. 6 He came to earth despised and poor, Man to pity and restore, And make us rich in heaven above, Equal with angels through His love. Have mercy, Lord. 7 All this He did, that He might prove To us sinners His great love; For this let Christendom adore And praise His name forevermore. Have mercy, Lord. Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English
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Arise, sons of the kingdom

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #19 (1893) Meter: Lyrics: 1 ARISE, sons of the Kingdom! The King is drawing nigh; Arise, and hail with gladness The Ruler from on high. Ye Christians, hasten forth! Your praise and homage bring Him, And glad hosannas sing Him; Naught else your love is worth. 2 Arise, ye drooping mourners! The King is very near; Away with grief and sorrow, For lo! your Help is here. Behold, in many a place-- O blessed consolation!-- We find Him, our Salvation, In His pure means of grace. 3 Arise, ye much afflicted! The King is now not far; Rejoice, ye long dejected! Here comes the Morning Star. The Lord will give you joy; Though troubles now distress you, With comfort He will bless you, E’en death He will destroy. 4 Now hear, ye bold transgressors, The King does well give heed To all that ye are doing, And to the life ye lead, Enthralled by sin and hell; Nothing in all Creation Escapes His observation, He marketh all things well. 5 Be righteous, ye His subjects, The King is just and true; Prepare for Him a high-way, Make all things straight and new. He means all for our good; Then let us bear the crosses Which He Himself imposes, In an undaunted mood. 6 Though war and conflagration Take all our goods away: The Lord is our salvation And heritage for aye. E'en though our loved ones die, Yet are they not forsaken, But from this world are taken To live with God on high. 7 Arise, ye poor and needy! The King provides for you; He comes with succor speedy, With mercy ever new. He who a beast did heed Lets not His children perish; All hopes that man may cherish He can fulfill indeed. 8 He nevermore forsaketh A child that feels the rod, Who Him his refuge maketh, And puts his trust in God. He is our sovereign King; E'en death itself shall never Those from their Master sever Who to His mercy cling. 9 Arise, ye faint and fearful! The King now comes with might; His heart hath long since loved us, He makes our darkness light. Now are our sorrow o'er; No wrath shall e'er befall us, Since God in grace doth call us His children evermore. 10 Haste then, with eager footsteps, To see your Sovereign there! He rides as King of Zion, Strong, glorious, meek, and fair. Draw near the Lord and give To Him your salutation, Who bringeth great salvation, And bids the sinner live. 11 The King in grace remembers His loved ones here below With gifts of royal treasures, Yea, doth Himself bestow Through His blest Word and grace. O King, arrayed in splendor, To Thee all praise we'll render Here and there face to face. 12 O rich the gifts Thou bring'st us, Thyself made poor and weak; O Love beyond expression That thus can sinners seek! For this, O Lord, will we Our joyous tribute bring Thee, And glad hosannas sing Thee, And ever grateful be. Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English
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Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing

Hymnal: ELHL1892 #20 (1893) Meter: Lyrics: 1 COME hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing; Come see in the manger our Saviour and King! To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord; O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 2 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies; To be born of a Virgin He does not despise: To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord: O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 3 Hark, hark to the angels all singing in heaven, "To God in the highest all glory be given!" To Bethlehem hasten with joyful accord: O come ye, come hither to worship the Lord! 4 To Thee, then, O Jesus, this day of Thy birth, Be glory and honor through heaven and earth. True Godhead incarnate, omnipotent Word! O come, let us hasten to worship the Lord! Topics: Advent and Christmas Languages: English


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