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Scripture:Psalm 9:9

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Showing 11 - 20 of 73Results Per Page: 102050

Come, Sing to God with All Your Heart

Author: Ruth C. Duck Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Topics: Acrostic Psalms; Biblical Names and Places; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Enemies; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God as Judge; God's Sovereignty; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; Grace; Gratitude; Justice; Lament General; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; People of God / Church Suffering; Poverty; Prayer; Seeking God; The Creation; The Needy; Trust; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday) Used With Tune: MORNING SONG (CONSOLATION)

Now thank we all our God

Author: Martin Rinkart, 1586-1649; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78 Meter: Appears in 697 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:1-14 Lyrics: 1 Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom the world rejoices; who from our mothers' arms has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today. 2 O may this bounteous God through all our life be near us, with ever joyful hearts and blessèd peace to cheer us. Lord, keep us in your grace, and guide us when perplexed, and free us from all ills in this world in the next. 3 All praise and thanks to God who reigns in highest heaven, to Father and to Son and Spirit now be given: the one eternal God, whom heaven and earth adore, who ever was, is now, and shall be ever more. Topics: Adoration and praise; Anniversary of a Church; Funerals; Marriage; Providence; Thanksgiving; Worship Recessional Used With Tune: NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT (1)

Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Author: William Whiting Meter: Appears in 432 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9 Lyrics: 1 Eternal Father, strong to save, whose arm hath bound the restless wave, who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep its own appointed limits keep: O hear us when we cry to thee for those in peril on the sea. [Copyrighted verses 2 & 3 have been omitted] 4 O Trinity of love and power, thy children shield in danger's hour; from rock and tempest, fire and foe, protect them wheresoe'er they go; thus evermore shall rise to thee glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Topics: God in Creation God's Work in Nature; Travel; God Creator; God Father; National Life; Travel; Trinity Used With Tune: MELITA Text Sources: A Missionary Service Book, 1937, stanzas 2-3
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Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above

Author: Frances E. Cox; Johann J. Schütz Meter: Appears in 199 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above, The God of all creation, The God of power, the God of love, The God of our salvation; With healing balm our souls he fills, And every faithless murmur stills: To God all praise and glory. 2 What God's almighty power has made, In mercy he is keeping; By morning glow or evening shade His eye is never sleeping; Within the kingdom of his might, All things are just and good and right: To God all praise and glory. 3 Then all our gladsome way along, We sing aloud in praising, That men may hear the grateful song Our voices all are raising; Be joyful in the Lord, O heart, Both soul and body, bear your part: To God all praise and glory. 4 All you who name Christ's holy name Give God all praise and glory; All you who own his power, proclaim Aloud the wondrous story! Cast each false idol from his throne, The Lord is God, and he alone: To God all praise and glory. Amen. Topics: Service for the Lord's Day Opening of Worship; Service for the Lord's Day After Old Testament Lesson; Service for the Lord's Day After Creed; Service for the Lord's Day Conclusion of Worship Used With Tune: MIT FREUDEN ZART
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When the great Judge, supreme and just

Meter: Appears in 55 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:6-13 Lyrics: 1 When the great Judge, supreme and just, Shall once inquire for blood; The humble souls that mourn in dust Shall find a faithful God. 2 He from the dreadful gates of death Does his own children raise; In Zion’s gates with cheerful breath, They sing their Father’s praise. 3 His foes shall fall with heedless feet, Into the pit they made; And sinners perish in the net That their own hands have spread. 4. Thus by thy judgment, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known; When men of mischief are destroy'd, The snare must be their own. 5 The wicked shall sink down to hell; Thy wrath devour the lands That dare forget thee, or rebel Against thy known commands. 6 Though saints to sore distress are brought, And wait, and long complain, Their cries shall never be forgot, Nor shall their hopes be vain. 7 [Rise, great Redeemer, from thy seat, To judge and save the poor; Let nations tremble at thy feet, And man prevail no more. 8 Thy thunder shall affright the proud, And put their hearts to pain, Make them confess, that thou art God, And they but feeble men.] Topics: The Wisdom and Equity of Providence

We Are Called

Author: David Haas, b. 1957 Appears in 18 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9 First Line: Come! Live in the light! Refrain First Line: We are called to act with justice Topics: Art and Artists; Culture, Community & Nation; Kingdom; Missional; Music and Singing Used With Tune: WE ARE CALLED

When Aimless Violence Takes Those We Love

Author: Joy F. Patterson, b. 1931 Meter: Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9-10 Lyrics: 1 When aimless violence takes those we love, When random death strikes childhood's promise down, When wrenching loss becomes our daily bread, We know, O God, You leave us not alone. 2 When passing years rob sight and strength and mind Yet fail to still a strongly beating heart, And grief becomes the fabric of our days, Dear Lord, You do not stand from us apart. 3 Our faith may flicker low, and hope grow dim, Yet You, O God, are with us in our pain; You grieve with us and for us day by day, And with us, sharing sorrow, will remain. 4 Because Your Son knew agony and loss, Felt desolation, grief and scorn and shame, We know You will be with us, come what may, Your loving presence near, always the same. 5 Through long grief-darkened days help us, dear Lord, To trust Your grace for courage to endure, To rest our souls in Your supporting love, And find our hope within Your mercy sure. Topics: Society Used With Tune: SURSUM CORDA

Psalm 9:9-20 (A Responsorial Setting)

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9-20 First Line: Oré mboriajú (On the poor, on the poor) Topics: Acrostic Psalms; Biblical Names and Places Zion; Elements of Worship Call to Worship; Enemies; God as Refuge; God as Shelter; God as Judge; God's Sovereignty; God's Faithfulness; God's Justice; Grace; Gratitude; Justice; Lament General; Occasional Services Civic / National Occasions; People of God / Church Suffering; Poverty; Prayer; Seeking God; The Creation; The Needy; Trust; Year B, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, June 19-25 (if after Trinity Sunday); Texts in Languages Other than English Paraguayan Used With Tune: [On the poor, on the poor] Text Sources: Traditional Paraguayan; Adapt. liturgical text; Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
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The LORD will be a refuge for the oppress'd

Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9:9-10 Topics: Anthem
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To the chief Musician upon Muth-Labben. A Psalm of David

Appears in 2 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 9 First Line: Lord, I'll thee praise, with all my heart Lyrics: 1 Lord, I'll thee praise with all my heart, Thy wonders all proclaim. 2 I will be glad and joy in thee, Most high I'll sing thy Name. 3 In turning back, my foes they'll fall, And perish at thy sight. 4 For thou maintain'st my right and cause, In throne sitt'st judging right. 5 Thou hast the heathen folk rebuk'd And wicked ones destroy'd; For ever and for evermore Thou hast their name made void. 6 Destructions (O thou foe) are come, To end perpetual: Thou hast 'stroy'd cities, they are gone, With their memorial. 7 Nevertheless Jehovah shall For evermore endure; And unto judgement he his throne Prepared hath most sure. 8 And he the habitable world Shall judge in righteousness; Unto the people judgment give He shall in uprightness. 9 A refuge for oppressed ones Jehovah shall become; A refuge high he is to them In seasons troublesome. 10 They also that do know thy name, In thee will put their trust: For them that do thee seek O Lord, Forsake thou never dost. [2] 11 O sing ye praises to the Lord, That doth in Sion dwell: The deeds also that he hath done Among the people tell. He to remembrance doth them call, When he for blood doth seek; He also never doth forget The crying of the meek. 13 Jehovah mercy on me have From them tat do me hate; Mark mine afflictions that arise, Thou lift'st me from death's gate. 14 That I on Sion's daughters gates Thy praises all my show: And that in thy salvation I may rejoyce also. 15 The heathen are sung down into The pit that they had made: Their foot is taken in the net Which privily they laid. 16 By judgment which he executes, Jehovah is made known: The wicked's snar'd in's handy work, Deep meditation. 17 The wicked shall be turned down Into the burning pit; All nations that the mighty God Continue to forget. 18 Because the needy ones shall not Forgotten be alway? The expectation of the poor For aye shall not decay: 19 O let not wretched man prevail, But O Jehovah rise; The heathen people in thy sight Let judged be likewise. 20 Jehovah do thou put in fear Ev'n ev'ry one of them: That so the nations they may know That they be sorry men. Selah.


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