Author: Johann Jakob Schütz, 1640-90; Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1812-97; Honor Mary Thwaits, 1914-93 Hymnal: Together in Song #110 (1999) Meter: Scripture: Psalm 9:1-14 Lyrics: 1 Sing praise to God who reigns above,
the God of all creation,
the God of power, the God of love,
the God of our salvation;
with healing balm my soul he fills,
and every grief he gently stills:
to God all praise and glory!
2 What God's almighty power has made
that will he ever cherish,
and will, unfailing, soon and late,
with lovingkindness nourish;
and where he rules in kingly might
there all is just and all is right:
to God all praise and glory!
3 The Lord is never far away,
but, through all grief distressing,
an ever present help and stay,
our peace, and joy, and blessing;
as with a mother's tender hand
he leads his own, his chosen band:
to God all praise and glory!
4 Come, you that name Christ's holy name,
give God all praise and glory;
and all who own his power, proclaim
aloud the wondrous story.
Cast each false idol from its throne,
the Lord is God, and he alone:
to God all praise and glory!
5 So come before his countenance
and leap in exultation;
now gladly pay your due of praise
in joyful celebration.
Take courage in the Lord, my heart;
refreshed in him, play your full part;
to God all praise and glory!
Topics: Assurance; Celebration of Faith; Comfort; Faithfulness of God; Grief; Healing; Mission/Sending; Providence; Providence Languages: English Tune Title: LOBT GOTT DEN HERREN, IHR HEIDEN
Sing praise to God who reigns above