Hymnal: The Christians Duty, exhibited, in a series of Hymns #CXI (1791) Scripture: Psalm 119 First Line: How shall the young secure their hearts Lyrics: Verse 9:
1 How shall the Young secure their Hearts,
And guard their Lives from Sin?
Thy Word the choicest Rules imparts
To keep the Conscience clean.
Verse 130:
1 When once it enters to the Mind,
It spreads such Light abroad,
The meanest Souls Instruction find,
And raise their thoughts to GOD.
Verse 105:
3 'Tis like the Sun, a heav'nly Light,
That guides us all the Day;
And thro' the Dangers of the Night,
A Lamp to lead our Way.
Verses 99, 100:
4 The Men that keep thy Law with Care,
And meditate thy Word,
Grow wiser than their Teachers are,
And better know the LORD.
Verses 104,113:
5 Thy Precepts make me truly wise;
I hate the Sinner's Road;
I hate my own vain Thoughts that rise,
But love thy Law, my GOD.
Verses 89, 90, 91
6 [The starry Heav'ns thy Rule obey,
The Earth maintains her Place;
And these thy Servants Night and Day
Thy Skill and Powe' express.
7 But still thy Law and Gospel, LORD,
Have Lessons more divine;
Not Earth stands firmer than thy Word,
Nor Stars so nobly shine.]
Verses 160, 140, 9, 116
8 Thy Word is everlasting truth,
How pure is ev'ry Page!
That holy Book shall guide our Youth,
And well support our Age. Topics: Holy Scriptures Languages: English
Instruction from Scripture