Author: Christopher M. Idle Meter: Appears in 8 hymnals Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16 Lyrics: 1 Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus,
bears the name above all names,
reigning Son of God, surpassing
other titles, powers, and claims
since to heaven our Lord has passed,
let us hold our witness fast!
2 Since we have a priest who suffered,
knowing weakness, tears, and pain;
who, like us, was tried and tempted;
unlike us, without a stain
since he shared our lowly place,
let us boldly seek his grace!
3 Sacrifice and suffering over,
now he sits at God's right hand,
crowned with praise, no more an outcast,
his preeminence long planned;
such a great high priest we have,
strong to help, supreme to save!
4 Love's example, hope's attraction,
faith's beginning and its end,
pioneer of our salvation,
mighty advocate and friend:
Jesus, now in glory raised,
our ascended Lord, be praised!
Topics: Intercession of Christ; Comfort & Encouragement; Suffering of Christ; Afflictions; Atonement; Comfort & Encouragement; Intercession of Christ; Suffering of Christ Used With Tune: ALL SAINTS (WEISSE FLAGGEN)
Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus