Hymnal: Psalmodia Germanica #171 (1732) Lyrics: I. Before thy Throne I now appear,
O Lord, bow down thy gracious Ear
To me; and cast not from thy Face
A sinful Wretch that sues for Grace.
II. Thou Father of Eternity,
Thine Image hast impress'd on me:
In thee I am, and live, and move'
Nor can I breathe without thy Love.
III. Oft hast thou snach'd me from Distress,
And rais'd me oft when comfortless;
When but a Step, nay, one Hair's Breadth
Was 'twixt my tott'ring Life and Death.
IV. My Sense and Reason come from thee;
And Sustenance thou giv'st to me;
A Christian Friend bestow'st withal,
To aid me when I'm like to fall.
V. Thou, SON! by thy most precious Blood
Hast purchas'd everlasting Good:
The cursing LAW thou dost repeal,
And sav'st me from the Rage of Hell.
VI. When Sin and Satan me impeach,
And Conscience is within their Reach,
As Mediator thou step'st in,
And say'st me from the Curse of Sin.
VII. My Intercessor and High Priest,
My Joy, Truth, Comfort, and my Rest!
Thy All-sufficient Merit is
The Source of my eternal Bliss.
VIII. Thou, HOLY GHOST! Supremest Good,
Disposer of the Heav'nly Food,
What can be counted good in me,
But what proceeds alone from Thee?
IX. Through thee, I now my God adore,
And call him Father evermore;
Through thee, thy Word and Sacrament
I see and hold with great Content.
X. Through thee, I'm in Temptation free
From Fear and sad Despondency;
Through thee, I'm quicken'd oft to taste
The Sweets of thine eternal Rest.
XI. This makes my Heart and Tongue rehearse
Thy glorious Praise in faithful Verse,
For all the Grace and Mercy free
Thou, to this Hour, hast shed on me.
XII. Beseeching thine Almighty Grace
To aid me till I've run my Race:
Whilst All thou hast conferr'd on me,
Intirely is ascrib'd to Thee.
XIII. Give me a Heart that is sincere,
To love thy Truth, and persevere
In real Christianity,
And shun all foul Hypocrisy.
XV. A blessed EXIT grant I make;
And when, at last, I shall awake,
O, let me see thy glorious Face,
And reap the endless Joys of Grace.
Topics: Evening Hymn Languages: English Tune Title: [Before thy Throne I now appear]
Before thy Throne I now appear