Appears in 1 hymnal Lyrics: 1 To GOD I lift my Heart and Voice,
In whom my Trust is placed;
Let not my Foes, O LORD, rejoice,
Nor let me be disgraced!
No Sorrows have surrounded
Those, who on thee for Aid depend;
But they shall be confounded,
Who daring wilfully offend.
2 Teach me, O LORD! thy Truth impart,
And grant me thy Direction;
For all Day long, with humble Heart,
I wait for thy Protection.
Guide me in ev'ry Station,
And lead me in the Way that's just,
Thou GOD of my Salvation,
In thee alone I put my Trust.
3 Thy Mercies call to Mind once more,
With which I have been blessed;
And let thy Goodness, as before,
Be now to me expressed.
LORD! pardon each Transgression,
Committed in my heedless Youth;
Accept of my Confession,
And think of me, thou GOD of Truth.
4 The righteous GOD, his just Controul,
And wond'rous Love displayed,
In bringing back the wand'ring Soul,
That had from Virtue strayed:
In Justice, he will ever
Guide those who his Direction seek,
And from their sins deliver,
The humble-minded and the meek.
Part II
5 In ev'ry Precept GOD imparts,
Are Truth and Mercy shining;
To such as with religious Hearts,
Are to his Will inclining;
Tho' I have much transgressed,
Yet let me not be put to Shame;
Since Mercy, 'tis confessed,
O LORD, doth most exalt thy Fame.
7 Whoe'er to God his Duty pays,
And him with Fear respecteth;
The LORD in all his righteous Ways,
With constant Care directeth:
His soul for ever blessed,
Shall rest in peace, nor know Disgrace;
His Wealth shall be possessed,
By his surviving num'rous Race.
8 To all his Saints The LORD imparts,
His secret Will and Pleasure;
And plants in their obedient Hearts,
His Precepts boundless Treasure.
My Cry to him increases,
That he may send his timely Aid:
And break the Snare in pieces.
Which for my heedless Feet is laid.
8 Turn thou, O LORD, and let my Grief,
In Mercy be redressed;
Patient I wait for thy Relief,
With many Woes oppressed;
The Sorrows are encreased,
That trouble my tormented Mind;
Oh! let me be released,
And from this State Deliv'rance find.
9 From all Affliction let me be,
O LORD, by thee defended;
And in thy Mercy set me free,
Tho' I have much offended.
My Foes are daily growing,
And for my Ruin still engage;
Their Malice ever shewing,
In lawless Force, and boundless Rage.
10 From their fierce Anger set me free,
And let their Rage be tamed;
Since I have put my Trust in thee,
I shall not be ashamed.
On thee my Hope is placed,
LORD, perfect thou thy Servant's Mind:
Let Israel, now disgraced,
O GOD, thy sure Deliv'rance find.
Topics: Prayers When percecuted; Prayers Of a Sinner to obtain Forgiveness of Sins Scripture: Psalm 25 Used With Tune: [To God I lift my heart and voice]
To GOD I lift my Heart and Voice