Author: H. Brueckner Hymnal: American Lutheran Hymnal #216 (1930) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Go with Jesus to thy task,
All on Him dependeth;
Jesus, if thou wilt but ask,
Strength and courage lendeth.
Rise with Him at break of day,
Rest in Him while sleeping;
Walk with Jesus on thy way,
Happy in His keeping.
2 'Tis the proper time to pray
When from sleep awaking;
Ask Him then to be thy stay
In each undertaking;
He would guard thee day and night
As thy strong Defender,
Lest to Satan's guile and might
Thou shouldst e'er surrender.
3 So, with Jesus at thy side,
Let the foes be raging;
He is there, whate'er betide,
All thy fears assuaging.
Boldly take with Him thy stand,
All misgivings banish;
Trusting that at His command
All thine ills must vanish.
4 If thy task be thus begun
With the Savior's blessing,
Safely then thy course will run,
Naught thy soul distressing.
All good fortune will be thine
While on earth residing,
And for thee God's sun will shine
When in heav'n abiding.
5 Now, Lord Jesus, be to Thee
All my ways commended;
Deal Thou as Thou wilt with me
Till my course is ended.
To my task I gladly go,
In Thy love reposing.
Amen, yea, it shall be so,
Thus I say in closing. Topics: The Christian Life Obedience; Processionals and Recessionals General Languages: English Tune Title: FRANCK
Go With Jesus To Thy Task