Hymnal: A Pocket hymn-book, designed as a constant companion for the pious #CCXIV (1790) Lyrics: 1 Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!
All praise to him belongs;
Who kindly lengthens out our days,
Demands our choicest songs,
Whose providence hath brought us through
Another various year:
We all with vows, and anthems new,
Before our God appear.
2 Father, thy mercies past we own,
Thy still continu'd care;
To thee presenting, thro' thy Son,
Whate'er we have, or are;
Our lips and lives shall gladly shew
The wonders of thy love,
While on in Jesu's steps we go
To seek thy face above.
3 Our residue of days or hours,
Thine, wholly thine shall be,
And all our consecrated powers
A sacrifice to Thee,
Till Jesus in the clouds appear
To saints on earth forgiven,
And bring the grand sabbatic year,
The jubilee of heaven. Topics: New-Year's Day Languages: English
Sing to the great Jehovah's praise!