1924 - 2001 Arranger of "PEACE " in Rejoice in the Lord Brandon, George. Received his bachelor's degree from the College of the Pacific in 1945, and his degree as Master of Sacred Music from Union Theological Seminary, New York, in 1952. He was a member of the First Christian Church of Stockton, California.
--The Hymn Society, DNAH Archives
George Brandon is one of the younger church musicians who is alert to the value of hymns. He received his bachelor's degree from the College of the Pacific in 1945 and his degree as Master of Sacred Music from Union Theological Seminary, New York, in 1952. He is a member of the First Christian Church of Stockton, California, his home town. He has had one anthem published, "The Word Became Flesh." He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Hymn Society of America.
--Ten New Hymns on the Bible, 1952. Used by permission.
George Brandon