Hymnal: A Pocket hymn-book, designed as a constant companion for the pious #CCXXVI (1790) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O thou, who this mysterious bread
Didst in Emmaus break,
Return herewith our souls to feed,
And to thy followers speak.
2 Unseal the volume of thy grace,
Apply the gospel-word,
Open our eyes to see thy face,
Our hearts to know thee, Lord.
3 Of thee we commune still, and mourn
Till thou the veil remove,
Talk with us, and our hearts shall burn
With flames of fervent love.
4 Inkindle now the heavenly zeal,
And make thy mercy known,
And give our pardon'd souls to feel
That God and love are one. Topics: Sacramental Languages: English
O thou, who this mysterious bread