Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #59 (1754) Lyrics: 1 He's blest, whose Sins have Pardon gain'd.
No more in Judgment to appear;
2 Whose Guilt Remission has obtain'd
And whose Repentance is sincere.
3 While I concel'd the fretting Sore,
My Bones consum'd without Relief;
All Day did I with Anguish roar;
But no Complaints asswag'd my Grief.
4 Heavy on me thy Hand remain'd,
By Day and Night alike distress'd;
Till quite of vital Moisture drain'd,
Like Land with Summer's Drought oppress'd.
5 No sooner I my Wound disclos'd,
The Guilt that tortur'd me within,
But thy Forgiveness interpos'd,
And Mercy's healing Balm pour'd in.
6 True Penitents shall thus succeed,
Who seek Thee whilst Thou mayst be found;
And, from the common Deluge freed,
Shall see remorseless Sinners drown'd.
7 Thy Favour, Lord, in all Distress,
My Tow'r of Refuge I must own:
Thou shalt my haughty Foes suppress,
And me with songs of Triumph crown.
8 In my Instruction then confide,
You that would Truth's safe Path descry:
Your Progress I'll securely guide,
And keep you in my watchful Eye.
9 Submit yourselves to Wisdom's Rule,
Like Men that Reason have attain'd;
Not like th' ungovern'd Horse and Mule,
Whose Fury must be curb'd and rein'd.
10 Sorrows, on Sorrows multiply'd,
The harden'd Sinner shall confound;
But them who in his Truth confide,
Blessings of Mercy shall surround.
11 His Saints, that have perform'd his Laws,
Their Life in Triumphs shall employ:
Let them (as they alone have Cause)
In grateful Raptures shout for Joy. Scripture: Psalm 32 Languages: English
He's blest, whose Sins have Pardon gained