Author: Augustus Montague Toplady Hymnal: Church Book #184 (1890) Lyrics: 1 Weary sinner, keep thine eyes
On the atoning Sacrifice:
There the Incarnate Deity
Numbered with transgressors see:
There His Father's absence mourns,
Nailed, and bruised, and crowned with thorns.
2 Surely Christ thy griefs hath borne;
Weeping soul, no longer mourn:
View Him bleeding on the tree,
Pouring out His life for thee:
There thy every sin He bore;
Weeping soul, lament no more.
3 Cast thy guilty soul on Him,
Find Him mighty to redeem:
At his feet thy burden lay,
Look thy doubts and cares away:
Now, by faith, the Son embrace,
Plead His promise, trust His grace.
4 Lord, Thy arm must be revealed,
Ere I can by faith be healed:
Since I scarce can look to Thee,
Cast a gracious eye on me:
At Thy feet myself I lay:
Shine, O shine my fears away! Topics: Good Friday; Passion Week; Good Friday Languages: English Tune Title: REDHEAD, 76
Weary sinner, keep thine eyes