Hymnal: Crowning Day No. 5 #111 (1902) First Line: There is a home, a peaceful home Refrain First Line: Beautiful home, beautiful home Lyrics: 1 There is a home, a peaceful home,
A home of joy and love,
And they that bear the cross below,
Shall wear the crown above.
Beautiful home, beautiful home,
Beautiful home of love,
And they that bear the cross below,
Shall wear the crown above.
2 No night shall dim that glorious home,
For Jesus is the light;
And mourning pilgrims here below.
Shall there be clad in white. [Refrain]
3 With palms of victory in their hands
They with the ransomed sing,
“All praise to Him who wash’d us white,
Our Saviour, God and king.” [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [There is a home, a peaceful home]
Beautiful Home