Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #290 (1814) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Our country is Immanuel’s ground;
We seek that promis'd soil:
The songs of Zion cheer our hearts,
While strangers here we toil.
2 Oft do our eyes with joy o’erflow,
And oft are bath'd in tears:
Yet nought but heaven our hopes can raise,
And nought but sin our fears.
3 The flow'rs, that spring along the road,
We scarcely stoop to pluck;
We walk o'er beds of shining ore,
Nor waste one anxious look.
4 We tread the path our Master trod;
We bear the cross he bore;
And ev'ry thorn, that wounds our feet,
His temples pierced before.
5 Our pow'rs are oft dissolv'd away
In ecstasies of love;
And, while our bodies wander here,
Our souls are fix'd above.
6 We purge our mortal dross away,
Refining as we run;
But, while we die to earth and sense,
Our heav'n is here begun. Topics: The Christian Character and Life, In General Languages: English
Our country is Immanuel's ground