Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.LXXI (1766) Lyrics: 1 Often I seek my Lord by Night,
Jesus, my Love, my Soul's Delight;
With warm Desire and restless Thought,
I seek him oft, but find him not.
2 Then I arise, and search the Street,
Till I my Lord, my Saviour meet;
I ask the Watchmen of the Night,
Where did you see my Soul's Delight?
3 Sometimes I find him in my Way,
Directed by a heav'nly Ray;
I leap for Joy to see his Face,
And hold him fast in my Embrace.
[4 I bring him to my Mother's Home,
Nor does my Lord refuse to come
To Sion's sacred Chambers, where
My Soul first drew the vital Air.
5 He gives me there his bleeding Heart,
Pierc'd for my sake with deadly Smart;
I give my Soul to him, and there
Our Loves their mutual Tokens share.]
6 I charge you, all ye earthly Toys,
Approach not to disturb my Joys;
Nor Sin, nor Hell, come near my Heart,
Nor cause my Saviour to depart.
Topics: Christ Communion with Him; Church Conversing with Christ viz. seeking, finding, calling, answering; Christ found and brought to the Church; Communion between Christ and the Church; Seeking after Christ; Song of Solomon paraphrased Scripture: Song of Solomon 3:1-5 Languages: English
Often I seek my Lord by Night