Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CII (1766) Lyrics: 1 No, I'll repine at death no more,
But with a chearful Gasp resign
To the cold Dungeon of the Grave,
These dying, with'ring Limbs of mine.
2 Let Worms devour my wasting Flesh,
And crumble all my Bones to Dust;
My God shall raise my Frame anew
At the Revival of the Just.
3 Break, sacred Norning, through the Skies,
Bring that delightful, dreadful Day;
Cut short the Hours, dear Lord, and come,
Thy ling'ring Wheels, how long they stay!
[4 Our weary Spirits faint to see
The Light of thy returning Face,
And hear the Language of those Lips,
Where God has shed his richest Grace.]
[5 Haste, then, upon the Wings of Love,
Rouse all the pious sleeping Clay,
That we may join in heav'nly Joys,
And sing the Triumph of the Day.] Topics: Death and Resurrection Languages: English
No, I'll repine at Death no more