Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #329 (1828) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 Let earth and heaven agree;
Angels and men be joined,
To celebrate with me
The Saviour of mankind:
T'adore the all-atoning Lamb,
And bless the sound of Jesus' name.
2 Jesus! transporting sound!
The joy of earth and heaven;
No other help is found,
No other name is given,
By which we can salvation have,
But Jesus came to world to save.
3 Jesus! harmonious name!
It charms the host above;
They evermore proclaim,
And wonder at his love;
'Tis all their happiness to gaze,
'Tis heaven to see our Jesus' face.
4 Stung by the scorpion sin,
My poor expiring soul
The balmy sound drinks in,
And is at once made whole:
See there my Lord upon the tree!
I hear, I feel he died for me.
5 O unexampled love!
O all-redeeming grace!
How swiftly didst thou move
To save a fallen race.
What shall I do to make it known,
What thou for all mankind hast done?
6 O for a trumpet voice,
On all the world to call;
To bid their hearts rejoice
In him who died for all!
For all my Lord was crucified!
For all, for all my Saviour died.
7 To serve thy blessed will,
Thy dying love to praise,
Thy counsel to fulfil,
And minister thy grace,
Freely what I receive to give,
The life of heaven on earth I live. Topics: Salvation through Jesus Christ Addresses to Christ and gratitude for redeeming love
Let earth and heaven agree