Author: C. Wesley, 1707-1788 Hymnal: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #63 (1917) Lyrics: 1 Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep,
To Thee for help we fly;
Thy little flock in safety keep;
For O! the wolf is nigh.
2 Us into Thy protection take,
And gather with Thy arm;
Unless the fold we first forsake
The wolf can never harm.
3 We laugh to scorn his cruel power,
While by our Shepherd's side;
The sheep he never can devour,
Unless he first divide.
4 O do not suffer him to part
The souls that here agree;
But make us of one mind and heart,
And keep us one in Thee!
5 Together let us sweetly live,
Together let us die;
And each a starry crown receive,
And reign above the sky. Topics: Satan, power of; Satan, power of; Christ Our Shepherd; Christian Unity; The Godhead The Son; Crown; Unity, Christian ; Jesus (See also Christ) Shepherd; Sheep, God's ; Shepherd, the Good; Sadness, dispelled; Protection, Divine Languages: English Tune Title: EVAN
Jesus, great Shepherd of the sheep