Hymnal: The Psalms of David #P76 (1766) Lyrics: 1 In Judah, GOD of old was known;
His Name in Isr'el great;
In Salem stood his holy Throne,
And Sion was his Seat.
2 Among the Praises of his Saints
His Dwelling there he chose;
There he receiv'd their just Complaints,
Against their haughty Foes.
3 From Sion went his dreadful Word,
And broke the threat'ning Spear,
The Bow, the Arrow, and the Sword,
And crush'd th' Assyrian War.
4 What are the Earth's wide Kingdoms else
But mighty Hills of Prey;
The Hill on which Jehovah dwells,
Is glorious more than they.
5 'Twas Sion's King that stopp'd the Breath
Of Captains and their Bands;
The Men of Might slept fast in Death,
And never found their Hands.
6 At thy Rebuke, O Jacob's GOD,
Both Horse and Chariot fell:
Who knows the Terrors of thy Rod?
Thy Vengeance who can tell?
7 What Pow'r can stand before thy Sight,
When once thy Wrath appears?
When Heav'n shines round with dreadful Light,
The Earth lies still and fears.
8 When GOD in his own sov'reign Ways
Comes down to save th' Opprest,
The Wrath of Man shall work his Praise,
And he'll restrain the rest.
7 [Vow to the Lord, and Tribute bring,
Ye Princes, fear his Frown;
His Terror shakes the proudest King,
And cuts an Army down.
10 The Thunder of his sharp Rebuke
Our haughty Foes shall feel;
For Jacob's GOD hath not forsook
But dwells in Sion still.]
Topics: Church destruction of enemies proceeds from thence; Church wrath against enemies proceeds thence; Enemies destroyed; Isreal saved from the Assyrians; National deliverance; Vengence against the Enemies of the Church Scripture: Psalm 76 Languages: English
In Judah, GOD of old was known