Hymnal: A Pocket hymn book, designed as a constant companion for the pious #CIII (1788) Lyrics: 1 Ever fainting with desire,
For thee, O Christ, I call!
Thee I restlessly require,
I want my God, my All.
Jesu, dear redeeming Lord,
I wait thy coming from above;
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
2 Wilt thou suffer me to go
Lamenting all my days?
Shall I never, never know
Thy sanctifying grace?
Wilt thou not thy light afford,
The darkness from my soul remove?
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
3 Lord, if I on thee believe,
The second gift impart;
With th' indwelling Spirit give
A new, a contrite heart;
If with love thy heart is stor'd,
If now o'er me thy bowels move,
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
4 Let me gain my calling's hope,
O make the sinner clean!
Dry corruption's fountain up,
Cut off th' intail of sin:
Take me into thee, my Lord,
And I shall then no longer rove:
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
5 Thou my life, my treasure be,
My portion here below!
Nothing would I seek but thee,
Thee only would I know:
My exceeding great reward,
My heav'n on earth, my heav'n above:
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
6 Grant me now the bliss to feel
Of those that are in thee;
Son of God, thyself reveal,
Engrave thy name on me:
As in heav'n be here ador'd,
And let me now the promise prove:
Help me, Saviour, speak the word,
And perfect me in love.
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Ever fainting with desire