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Hymnal, Number:pdil1740

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The Way and End of the Righteous and the Wicked

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #1 (1740) First Line: Blest is the Man who shuns the Place Lyrics: 1 Blest is the Man who shuns the Place Where Sinners love to meet; Who fears to tread their wicked Ways, And hates the Scoffer's Seat: 2 But in the Statutes of the Lord Has plac'd his chief Delight; By Day he reads or hears the Word, And meditates by Night. 3 (He like a Plant of gen'rous Kind, By living Waters set, Safe from the Storms and blasting Wind, Enjoys a peaceful State.] 4 Green as the Leaf, and ever fair Shall his Profession shine; While Fruit of Holiness appear Like Clusters on the Vine. 5 Not so the Impious and Unjust; What vain Designs they form! Their Hopes are blown away like Dust, Or Chaff before the Storm. 6 Sinners in Judgment shall not stand Amongst the Sons of Grace, When Christ the Judge at his right Hand, Appoints his Saints a Place. 7 His Eye beholds the Path they tread, His Heart approves it well; But crooked Ways of Sinners lead Down to the Gates of Hell. Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; End of Righteous and Wicked; Happy Saint and cursed Sinner; Judgment day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Meditation; Saints and Sinners End; Saints and Sinners Portion Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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The Saint Happy, the Sinner Miserable

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #2 (1740) First Line: The Man is ever blest Lyrics: 1 The Man is ever blest Who shuns the Sinners Ways, Among their Counsels never stands, Nor takes the Scorner's Place. 2 But makes the Law of God His Study and Delight, Amidst the Labours of the Day, And Watches of the Night. 3 He like a Tree shall thrive, With Waters near the Root: Fresh as the Leaf his Name shall live His Works are heav'nly Fruit. 4 Not so th' ungoldy Race, They no such Blessings find; Their Hopes shall flee like empty Chaff Before the driving Wind. 5 How will they bear to stand Before that Judgement-Seat, Where all the Saints at Christ's Right-Hand in full Assembly meet? 6 He knows, and he approves The Ways the Righteous go; But Sinners and their Works shall meet A dreadful Overthrow. Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; End of Righteous and Wicked; Happy Saint and cursed Sinner; Judgment day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Meditation; Saints and Sinners End; Saints and Sinners Portion Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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The Difference between the Righteous and the Wicked

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #3 (1740) First Line: Happy the Man, whose cautious Feet Lyrics: 1 Happy the Man, whose cautious Feet Shun the broad Way that Sinners go, Who hates the Place where Atheists meet, And fears to talk as Scoffers do. 2 He loves t' employ the Morning-Light Amongst the Statutes of the Lord; And spends the wakeful Hours of Night, With Pleasure, pondering o'er the Word. 3 He like a Plant by gentle Streams, Shall flourish in immortal Green; And Heav'n will shine with kindest Beams On every Work his Hands begin. 4 But Sinners find their Counsels crost; As Chaff before the Tempest flies, So shall their Hopes be blown and lost, When the last Trumpet shakes the Skies. 5 In vain the Rebel seeks to stand In Judgment with the pious Race: The dreadful Judge with stern Command, Divides him to a different Place. 6 "Strait is the Way my Saints have trod, "I blessed the Path, and drew it plain; "But you would chuse the crooked Road; "And down it leads to endless Pain." Topics: Blessings of a person; Charity and justice; End of Righteous and Wicked; Happy Saint and cursed Sinner; Judgment day; Love of God to the righteous, and hatred to the wicked; Meditation; Saints and Sinners End; Saints and Sinners Portion Scripture: Psalm 1 Languages: English
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Christ Dying, Rising, Interceding, and Reigning

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #4 (1740) First Line: Maker and Sovereign Lord Lyrics: 1 [Maker and Sovereign Lord Of Heaven, and Earth, and Seas, Thy Providence confirms thy Word, And answers thy Decrees. 2 The Things so long foretold By David are fulfill'd, When Jews and Gentiles join to slay Jesus, thine only Child.] 3 Why did the Gentiles rage, And Jews with one Accord Bend all their Counsels to destroy Th' Anointed of the Lord? 4 Rulers and Kings agree To form a vain Design; Against the Lord their Pow'rs unite, Against his Christ they join. 5 The Lord derides their Rage, And will support his Throne; He that hath rais'd him from the Dead Hath own'd him for his Son. Pause 6 Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the Earth; The Merit of his Blood he pleads, And pleads his heav'nly Birth. 7 He asks, and GOD bestows A large Inheritance; Far as the World's remotest Ends His Kingdom shall advance. 8 The Nations that rebel Must feel his Iron Rod: He'll vindicate those Honors well Which he received from GOD. 9 [Be wise, ye Rulers, now, And worship at his Throne; With trembling Joy, ye People, bow To GOD's exalted Son. 10 If once his Wrath arise, Ye perish on the Place; Then blessed is the Soul that flies For Refuge to his Grace.] Topics: Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Gentiles given to Christ; Resurrection and death of Christ; Submission to Christ Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
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Why did the Nations join to slay

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #5 (1740) Lyrics: 1 Why did the Nations join to slay The Lord's anointed Son? Why did they cast his Laws away, And tread his Gospel down? 2 The Lord that sits above the Skies, Derides their Rage below, He speaks with Vengeance in his Eyes, And strikes their Spirits through. 3 "I call him my Eternal Son, "And raise him from the Dead; "I make my holy Hill his Throne, "And wide his Kingdom spread. 4 "Ask me, my Son, and then enjoy "The utmost Heathen Lands: "Thy Rod of Iron shall destroy "The Rebel that withstands." 5 Be wise, ye Rulers of the Earth, Obey th' Anointed Lord, Adore the King of heav'nly Birth, And tremble at his Word. 6 With humble Love address his Throne; For if he frown, ye die: Those are secure, and those alone, Who on his Grace rely. Topics: Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Gentiles given to Christ; Resurrection and death of Christ; Submission to Christ Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
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Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #6 (1740) First Line: Why did the Jews proclaim their Rage? Lyrics: 1 Why did the Jews proclaim their Rage? The Romans why their Swords employ; Against the Lord their Powers engage, His dear Anointed to destroy? 2 "Come, let us break his Bands, they say, "This Man shall never give us Laws;" And thus they cast his Yoke away, And nail'd the Monarch to the Cross. e But GOD, who high in Glory reigns, Laughs at their Pride, their Rage controuls; He'll vex their Hearts with inward Pains, And speak in Thunder to their Souls. 4 "I will maintain the King I made "On Zion's everlasting Hill, "My Hand shall bring him from the Dead, "And he shall stand your Sovereign still." 5 [His wondrous Rising from the Earth Makes his eternal Godhead known; The Lord declares his heavenly Birth, "This day have I begot my Son. 6 "Ascend, my Son, to my Right-hand, "There thou shalt ask, and I bestow, "The utmost Bounds of Heathen Lands; "To thee the Northern Isles shall bow."] 7 But Nations that resist his Grace Shall fall beneath his Iron Stroke; His Rod shall crush his Foes with Ease, As Potters Earthen Work is broke. Pause. 8 Now ye that sit on earthly Thrones, Be wise, and serve the Lord, the Lamb: Now at his Feet submit your Crowns, Rejoice and tremble at his Name. 9 With humble Love address the Son, Lest he grow angry, and ye die; His Wrath will burn to Worlds unknown, If ye provoke his jealousy. 10 His Storms shall drive you quick to Hell, He is a GOD, and ye but Dust; Happy the Souls that know him well, And make his Grace their only Trust. Topics: Christ his sufferings and kingdom; Exaltation of Christ to the Kingdom; Gentiles given to Christ; Resurrection and death of Christ; Submission to Christ Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
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Doubts and Fears supprest: or GOD our Defence from Sin and Satan

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #7 (1740) First Line: My God, how many are my Fears! Lyrics: 2 My GOD, how many are my Fears! How fast my Foes increase! Conspiring my eternal Death, They break my present Peace. 2 The lying Tempter would persuade There's no Relief in Heav'n; And all my swelling Sins appear Too big to be forgiv'n. 3 But thou, my Glory and my Strength, Shalt on the Tempter tread, Shalt silence all my threat'ning Guilt, And raise my drooping Head. 4 [I cry'd, and from his holy Hill He bowed a list'ning Ear; I call'd my Father, and my GOD, And he subdu'd my Fear. 5 He shed soft Slumbers on mine Eyes; In spight of all my Foes; I woke, and wonder'd at the Grace That guarded my repose.] 6 What though the Hosts of Death and Hell All arm'd against me stood: Terrors no more shall shake my Soul; My Refuge is my GOD. 7 Arise, O Lord, fulfil thy Grace, While I thy Glory sing; My GOD has broke the Serpent's Teeth, And Death has lost his Sting. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs, His Arm alone can save. Blessings attend thy People here, And reach beyond the Grave. Topics: Defense in God; Deliverance from Temptations; Doubts and Fears suppressed; God our Defense and Salvation; Health prayed for; Morning Psalm; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Temptations support under them Scripture: Psalm 3 Languages: English
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A Morning Psalm

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #8a (1740) First Line: O Lord, how many are my Foes Lyrics: 1 O Lord, how many are my Foes, In this weak State of Flesh and Blood! My Peace they daily discompose, But my Defence and Hope is GOD. 2 Tir'd with the Burdens of the Day, To thee I rais'd an Evening Cry: Thou heard'st when I began to pray, And thine Almighty Help was nigh. 3 Supported by thine heav'nly Aid, I laid me down, and slept secure: Not Death should make my Heart afraid, Though I should wake and rise no more. 4 But God sustain'd me all the Night; Salvation doth to GOD belong: He rais'd my Head to see the Light, And make his Praise my Morning Song. Topics: Defense in God; Deliverance from Temptations; Doubts and Fears suppressed; God our Defense and Salvation; Health prayed for; Morning Psalm; Satan subdued; Spiritual Enemies overcome; Temptations overcome; Temptations support under them Scripture: Psalm 3:1-5 Languages: English
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Hearing of Prayer, or GOD our Portion, and Christ our Hope

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #8b (1740) First Line: O God of Grace and Righteousness Lyrics: 1 O GOD of Grace and Righteousness, Hear and attend when I complain: Thou hast enlarg'd me in Distress, Bow down a gracious Ear again. 2 Ye Sons of Men, in vain ye try To turn my Glory into Shame: How long will Scoffers love to lye, And dare reproach my Saviour's Name? 3 Know that the Lord divides his Saints From all the Tribes of Ken beside; He hears the Cry of Penitents, For the dear Sake of Christ that dy'd. 4 When our obedient Hands have done A Thousand Works of Righteousness, We put our Trust in GOD alone, And Glory in his pard'ning Grace. 5 Let the unthinking Many say, "Who will bestow some earthly Good?" But, Lord, thy Light and Love we pray; Our Souls desire this heavenly food. 6 Then shall my chearful Pow'rs rejoice, At Grace and Favour so divine, Nor will I change my happy Choice For all their Corn, and all their Wine. Topics: Christ Our Hope; Comfort Holiness and Pardon; Evening Psalm; God our portion, and Christ our hope; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation Scripture: Psalm 4:1-3 Languages: English
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An Evening Psalm

Hymnal: PDIL1740 #9a (1740) First Line: Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray Lyrics: 1 Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray, I am for ever thine; I fear before thee all the Day, Nor would I dare to sin. 2 And while I rest my weary Head, From Cares and Business free, 'Tis sweet conversing on my Bed With my own Heart and Thee. 3 I pay this Evening Sacrifice; And when my Work is done, Great GOD, my Faith and Hope relies Upon thy Grace alone. 4 Thus with my Thoughts compos'd to Peace, I'll give mine Eyes to Sleep; Thy Hand in Safety keeps my Days, And will my Slumbers keep. Topics: Christ Our Hope; Comfort Holiness and Pardon; Evening Psalm; God our portion, and Christ our hope; Hearing of Prayer and Salvation Scripture: Psalm 4:3-5 Languages: English


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