Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.XLVII (1766) Lyrics: 1 Now to the Lord a noble Song!
Awake, my Soul, awake, my Tongue;
Hosanna to th' eternal Name,
And all his boundless Love proclaim.
2 See where it shines in Jesus' Face,
The brightest Image of his Grace;
God, in the Person of his Son,
Has all his mightiest Works out-done.
3 The spacious Earth, and spreading Flood,
Proclaim the wise, the pow'rful God,
And thy rich Glories from afar
Sparkle in ev'ry rolling Star.
4 But in his Looks a Glory stands,
The noblest Labour of thine Hands;
The pleasing Lustre of his Eyes
Out-shines the Wonders of the Skies.
5 Grace! 'tis a sweet, a charming Theme;
My Thoughts rejoice at Jesus' Name:
Ye Angels, dwell upon the Sound,
Ye Heav'ns, reflect it to the Ground,
6 O may I live to reach the Place,
Where he unveils his lovely Face;
Where all his Beauties you behold,
And sing his Name to Harps of Gold! Topics: Glory and Grace in the Person of Christ Languages: English
Now to the Lord a noble Song!