Author: Richard Massie, 1800 - 87; Christian Knorr von Rosenroth, 1636 - 89 Hymnal: Service Book and Hymnal of the Lutheran Church in America #212 (1958) Lyrics: 1 Come, thou bright and morning star,
Light of light, without beginning,
Shine upon us from afar,
Like the morn when mists are thinning;
Drive away by thy clear light
Our dark night.
2 Let thy grace, like morning dew
Falling on the barren places,
Comfort, quicken, and renew
All dry souls and dying graces;
Bless thy flock from thy rich store
Evermore. A-men.
3 May thy fervent love destroy
Our cold works, in us awaking
Ardent courage, zeal, and joy,
At the purple morn's first breaking;
Let us truly rise, ere yet
Life has set.
4 Light us to the heavenly spheres,
Sun of grace, in glory shrouded;
Lead us through this vale of tears,
To the land where days unclouded,
Purest joy and perfect peace,
Never cease.
Amen. Topics: The Church Worship - Morning Languages: English Tune Title: MORGENGLANZ DER EWIGKEIT
Come, thou bright and morning star