Eugene Wright

Short Name: Eugene Wright
Full Name: Wright, Eugene does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Eugene Wright (108)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
As I go through this life sharing its joy and strifeE. W. (Author)English2
As I travel along on the road of lifeEugene Wright (Author)English2
As I travel down the road of lifeEugene Wright (Author)English2
As I travel on my journey in this world of careEugene Wright (Author)2
As pilgrims we're traveling through a land of sorrow and tearsEugene Wright (Author)English5
As we travel on the road together, children of the heavenly KingEugene Wright (Author)English2
For the ones who trust the SaviorE. W. (Author)English2
How I love to steal away, just as twilight dims the dayE. W. (Author)English2
I am a happy pilgrim, traveling homeEugene Wright (Author)English2
I am a pilgrim and a stranger in this weary, troubled landEugene Wright (Author)English2
I am a pilgrim and stranger in this earthlandEugene Wright (Author)2
I am bound for heaven, that bright city so fairEugene Wright (Author)English3
I am going onward with Christ todayEugene Wright (Author)2
I am heading for the land of glory and I know I'll soon be thereE. W. (Author)English2
I am just a weary, careworn pilgrimEugene Wright (Author)2
I am just a weary pilgrim, Toiling down this lonesome roadE. W. (Author)4
I am just apassing through this old world of careEugene Wright (Author)English3
I am often weary with a burden of careEugene Wright (Author)English2
I am only on a journey, In this weary troubled landE. W. (Author)English1
I am only on a visit in this troubled landEugene Wright (Author)English2
I am treading the pathway that leads aboveEugene Wright (Author)English3
I have a mansion in a beautiful landE. W. (Author)English2
I never can forget that day, He's the shelter in the time of stormE. W. (Arranger)English1
I read about a happy placeE. W. (Author)English2
If you are spending your days in follyEugene Wright (Author)2
I'm a weary pilgrim, traveling through this world of careE. W. (Author)English2
I'm a-gonna walk dem streets of goldEugene Wright (Author)English2
I'm happy to know as onward I goE. W. (Author)English2
I'm only a pilgrim here belowEugene Wright (Author)2
I'm only on a little visitEugene Wright (Author)2
I'm only on a visit in this vain world of careEugene Wright (Author)English2
I'm so glad that God is able to relieve us of our careEugene Wright (Author (Chorus))English2
In my heart is ringing a song (Wright)Eugene Wright (Author)2
In my heart there is a melody, precious song of God's loveE. W. (Author)English2
In my heart there rings a melody of loveEugene Wright (Author)English2
I've left the byways of sorrow that I traveledEugene Wright (Author)2
I've read of a land of fadeless beautyEugene Wright (Author)English2
I've started in the race for heavenEugene Wright (Author)2
Jesus came one happy dayEugene Wright (Author)2
Jesus has lifted me from bondage of sinE. W. (Author)English3
Jesus, is reigning in power supremeEugene Wright (Author)2
Just a few more miles to travelE. W. (Author)English2
Life's follies and pleasures can charm me no moreEugene Wright (Author)2
Like faithful Noah in the grand old arkEugene Wright (Author)English2
Living words of Jesus and His gloryEugene Wright (Author)English2
Lord, we thank Thee for the blessings, that Thou sendeth us each dayEugene Wright (Author)English3
Marching along the good old way finding new joy each passing dayEugene Wright (Author)English2
No matter how dark and dreary the dayEugene Wright (Author)English2
No matter how heavy the loadEugene Wright (Author)English2
Oft we blend our voices in songs of loveE. W. (Author)English3
Often we struggle with a burden to bearEugene Wright (Author)English3
On that great morning when I hear the trumpet soundEugene Wright (Author)English3
On that happy morning when the Savior comes back againE. W. (Author)English3
On this lonesome road my feet are daily faringEugene Wright (Author)English2
Onward I journey with my RedeemerEugene Wright (Author)1
Our spirits have been redeemed from sin, now white as snowEugene Wright (Author)English3
Out on the desert I wandered aloneEugene Wright (Author)2
Shadows of sorrow often fall on our wayEugene Wright (Author)English2
Since I've left the valley with its lonely shades of nightEugene Wright (Author)English4
Since I've trusted in the Savior, found His matchless grace and favorE. W. (Author)English2
Since Jesus came into my heart and bade my load of sin departE. W. (Author)English2
Since Jesus has placed in my heart a new songEugene Wright (Author)English2
Since you have started for that homeland aboveE. W. (Author)English2
Sinful Egypt is far behind me and its pleasures in vain allureEugene Wright (Author)English2
Sorrows surround us while treading life's roadE. W. (Author ("suggested by"))English1
Sweet is the song I'm singingEugene Wright (Author)English2
Tell the world about the Savior, show His love and wondrous favorE. W. (Author)English2
That will be a time of gladness, for the souls redeemed and freeEugene Wright (Author)English2
The human race was steeped in disgraceEugene Wright (Author)English2
There is a land of fadeless beauty (Wright)Eugene Wright (Author)2
There's a city of joy and rapture, supernalEugene Wright (Author)English3
There's a happy land where comes no sorrowEugene Wright (Author)2
There's a land of glory just beyond the seaEugene Wright (Author)English2
Though thorns are overspreading the path we are treadingEugene Wright (Author)English2
Though the shadows of gray drive the sunshine awayEugene Wright (Author)2
We are a happy band traveling through this landE. W. (Author)English2
We have left the land of EgyptEugene Wright (Author)English5
We read about a country where sinEugene Wright (Author)2
We shall soon be leaving this old world of pain and careEugene Wright (Author)English3
We've come out to the lonely churchyardE. W. (Author)English3
What a glad, happy day at the end of the wayE. W. (Author)English2
What a happy day, cares will pass awayEugene Wright (Author)2
What plans have you madeEugene Wright (Author)2
When clouds of doubt arise, spreading across the skiesEugene Wright (Author)English2
When Gabriel sounds his silver trumpet and the saints of earth ariseE. W. (Author)English2
When I am done with trouble and careEugene Wright (Author)English2
When I am singing in that home of the soulE. W. (Author)English2
When I see Jesus coming on that glad dayE. W. (Author)English4
When I see the mighty King descending in His royal majestyEugene Wright (Author)English2
When my heart is heavy with the caresEugene Wright (Author)2
When my little visit here is ended and I hear the home-bells chimeE. W. (Author)English2
When our traveling days are ended and we gather on heaven's shoreEugene Wright (Author)English2
When the clouds of sorrow fall over your wayEugene Wright (Author)1
When the cross is too heavy to bearE. W. (Author)English3
When the mighty trump of God is soundingE. W. (Author)English2
When the ransomed millions leave this old world of careE. W. (Author)English4
When the roll is called in heaven, On that morning bright and fairE. W. (Author)English2
When the storms are rolling o'er the pathEugene Wright (Author)2
When the trumpet is sounding, and the dead shall ariseE. W. (Author)English2
When things go wrong just press right alongE. W. (Author)English2
When toiling is ended and my burdens are laid downEugene Wright (Author)English6
When your heart is weary (Wright)Eugene Wright (Author)2
While going onward through lifeEugene Wright (Author)3
While I tread this sinful path belowEugene Wright (Author)English2
While I'm treading this path of sorrow I am waiting for His glad callEugene Wright (Author)English2
Why should our hearts be lonely and sadEugene Wright (Author)English2
With Jesus, my Savior, I'm walking each dayEugene Wright (Author)English3
With this divine commission, Jesus endowed His ownEugene Wright (Author)English2
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