RESTORATION (Southern Harmony) | J. B. V. (Arranger) | 1 | 13171 33175 77171 |
[Again has merry Christmas come] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51765 35132 27765 |
[Alone my Savior died for me] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53331 35313 35326 |
[Are you living, now my brother] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 34513 56176 51232 |
[Are you looking for the Savior, are you ready for the call?] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 54323 45543 21234 |
[Are you mounted on the pinions] | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65355 54321 |
[Are you up and doing daily] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55111 13355 65553 |
[As I journey ever onward to my home just over the way] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55112 23311 22171 |
[As Zion's pilgrims in accord] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 1 | 56111 31655 11135 |
[At home or away, in the alley or street] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 33235 11171 33321 |
[Beautiful Zion built above] (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 54531 21655 65461 |
[Beyond the clouds, beyond somewhere] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53141 34533 15313 |
[Beyond the sea where fadeless glories gleam] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 51331 21615 51112 |
[Blessed promise of the Savior] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55655 53155 67755 |
[Bright hopes of the morning] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 2 | 67171 66121 753 |
[Cling to the cross when the storm fearless lowers] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53453 45671 16716 |
[Come, prodigal, child, to your Father] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 55345 67155 66617 |
[Come unto me, the Savior said] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53653 43633 63255 |
[Do you witness for Jesus, my brother] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 56531 21576 56545 |
[Go ye forth and labor] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 51213 12216 15121 |
[Happy with Jesus my glorious King] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 11233 45545 65554 |
[Hear the tidings, loud and clear] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 32171 23556 61653 |
[How wondrous are the changes now since forty years] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53653 32165 61121 |
[I am far from my home, and I'm weary often whiles] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13565 31651 36511 |
[I am praying for you, brother] | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 34511 36571 27123 |
[I am sailing over life's sea] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33135 56531 |
[From the land of toil and duty] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33323 44444 |
[I am waiting at the station] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 54351 23234 41112 |
[I am waiting for Thee, my Redeemer and King] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12356 53211 65123 |
[I lay my sins on Jesus] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55323 11343 21175 |
[I walked through the woodland meadows] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 34555 56553 12335 |
[I will sing you a song of that beautiful land] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 56111 12321 65511 |
[I will sing you a song of this world and its ways] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55511 13565 35321 |
[If you get to glory, you must hasten on] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55556 12116 55555 |
[I'm telling the story to sinners astray] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55365 36536 55566 |
[In my dreams I see a home] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[In the morning of light over yonder] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12332 34453 34532 |
[In this circle all for Jesus, of young women over our land] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 36543 12135 11645 |
[Is father's eyesight growing dim] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 33456 12355 42665 |
OLD TIME RELIGION | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 1 | 55611 16511 12232 |
[I've heard of a country, O where can it be] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 32123 51212 33212 |
[Jerusalem, my happy home] (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13235 56511 17651 |
[Jesus in His mercy came from heaven above] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 33223 52232 15544 |
[Jesus is calling, list to His voice] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 31215 61655 12355 |
[Jesus is my Friend and Guide] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12316 15556 11655 |
[Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall] (Vaughan 55511) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55511 13313 33321 |
[Jesus loves the children] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 32343 12123 21545 |
[Jesus, my all to heaven is gone] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12355 35531 23331 |
[Let floods of trouble roll] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 54655 43524 43354 |
[Let us stand up for Jesus, let us stand in His might] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55111 15123 33313 |
[Listen to the murmur of the waters] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55335 51132 55772 |
[Men of Zion press along] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am thinking today of my friends far away] | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 51332 31121 65135 |
[My blest companion by my side] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51315 13133 33212 |
[My brother, awake and sing the sweet story] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 17 | 53213 12165 11132 |
[My home, blessed mansion where loved ones are waiting] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 35556 53111 21655 |
[My Redeemer has gone to prepare] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 15 | 12342 57213 45651 |
[O, for a closer walk with God] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Of ships that with pride I have launched from my harbor] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13213 21212 35132 |
[Oft in visions by faith I can see over there] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 56112 16511 65123 |
[Often I've heard of heaven, wonderful country somewhere] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 11 | 56534 53565 34544 |
[Often we sit down discouraged] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[O a glorious light is dawning] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51333 12113 55321 |
[O well do I remember how my mother prayed for me] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[O, what shall I do to be saved] (Bradbury) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 1 | 55432 32134 56554 |
[On the surging billows 'mid the raging wave] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 53215 35656 55321 |
[On the way to glory] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Once I wandered lone and weary] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53534 56555 54323 |
[One night on the street mid lamplight's dim] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53321 17671 55511 |
[Over the ocean, in the dark lands] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Over the river, the river of time] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55551 23215 51112 |
[Peace be with thee, my friend] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 32156 31232 13215 |
[Poor sinner away from the Savior] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53231 23155 32312 |
RETURN AGAIN | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 1 | 11331 12161 13511 |
[See the banner proudly waving] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 54565 13231 61216 |
[Sing a song unto the Lord, praise and magnify His name] | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 55111 71754 32171 |
[Sinner, have you any room for Jesus] | J. B. Vaughn (Composer) | 6 | 33333 32152 22225 |
[Soon we'll lay our burdens down] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 55171 23321 21655 |
[Soul, why be contented] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 31423 11616 53142 |
[Tell me, brother, worn and weary] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Tell the gospel story of salvation] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 55561 11231 11112 |
[The days and nights, the weeks and months] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[The harvest is over, the summer is ended] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 51113 21446 53133 |
EASTER ANTHEM (Billings) | J. B. V. (Harmonizer) | 1 | 15675 17123 25434 |
[The night at last is ended, the dawn before us breaking] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[The ransomed die and go to heaven] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51116 55513 32123 |
[The time is drawing near] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53334 32121 61355 |
[The windows of heaven are open today] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13555 31446 55653 |
[The wonderful day of judgment is coming] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 6 | 53232 13212 31517 |
[There are angels in glory repeating the story] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12333 32122 32135 |
[There are complaining people who say we are too bold] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 56553 21144 23114 |
[There is a land of pure delight] (Vaughan 13555) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13555 65543 66535 |
[There is a land of pure delight] (Vaughan 51113) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51113 56532 11355 |
[There'll be room enough in Heaven] | John B. Vaughan, 1862-1918 (Composer) | 2 | 34556 53512 32165 |
[There's a beautiful home far up in the sky] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 8 | 54351 35252 15653 |
[There's a blessed time that's coming, coming soon] | John B. Vaughan, 1862-1918 (Composer (attributed to)) | 18 | 11335 53322 11335 |
[There's a bright eternal day] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 33345 11122 23433 |
[There's a day that is coming and it won't be very long] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 56112 16561 11655 |
[There's a glorious time soon coming] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 54345 13361 76554 |
[There's a home just over yonder, there's a land that's bright and fair] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 32113 51132 11345 |
[There's a land of joy, there's a land of light] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 11331 11611 55122 |
[There's a land of light beyond the swelling tide] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 11116 61166 13133 |
[There's a land of peace and glory] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 31431 23123 54323 |
[There's a song that I hope I shall hear some day] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a train that's bound for glory] (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 12323 23212 32321 |
[There's light in the valley of shadows] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 55555 44311 77771 |
[This life is like a game of cards] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[This world of forms and changes] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 4 | 13333 21121 23135 |
[Though dark and gloomy be the night] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 13332 11134 41233 |
[To the erring, gently whisper] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Two little children, a boy and a girl] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 2 | 55534 56535 56534 |
WAKEFIELD (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 53351 16165 53525 |
[We are going home to glory] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 2 | 32151 65743 21223 |
[We are going up to Bethel, we will meet our Savior there] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[We are marching home to Zion] (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 34532 16132 46713 |
[We are pilgrims, we are soldiers] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 35111 11534 54565 |
[We must shed the parting tear] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 55543 45556 17655 |
[We see our friends are weeping, with the badges on their door] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 5 | 51112 33121 16113 |
[We shall walk the streets of glory] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[Who will labor for the Master] (Vaughan) | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 5 | 33323 45323 46543 |
[When arrainged before the courts above] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I'm lonely, God is near] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[When Jesus the people had led] | J. B. Vaughan (Arranger) | 2 | 35671 36543 23465 |
[When our pilgrimage is over] (Vaughan) | John B. Vaughan (Composer) | 6 | 34555 65543 21715 |
[When our songs are hushed, our voices hear no more] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the bugle's great call soundeth, and its clear notes pierce the air] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 34532 13123 54123 |
[When your way seems sad and gloomy] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 32343 23154 31321 |
[Whisper softly, mother's dying] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 35654 67656 71262 |
[Will you come and be free from the bondage of sin?] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | 34534 55551 76555 |
[Will you today accept the Lord?] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 3 | |
[Won't you speak a word for Jesus, as you pass along the way?] | J. B. Vaughan (Composer) | 2 | 51323 54321 24615 |