Jean Tisserand › Recommendations

Short Name: Jean Tisserand
Full Name: Tisserand, Jean, d. 1494
Death Year: 1494

Died: 1494, Par­is, France.

A Fran­cis­can monk, Tis­ser­and found­ed an or­der for pen­i­tent wo­men. He is al­so said to have writ­ten a wor­ship ser­vice com­mem­o­rat­ing Fran­cis­cans mar­tyred in Mo­roc­co in 1220.

Lyrics: O FILII ET FILIAE, Rex coe­les­tis, Rex glor­i­ae
O Sons and Daugh­ters, Let Us Sing!
Young Men and Maids, Re­joice and Sing

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