[A joy divine now fills my heart] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51232 34513 34325 |
[A long time I wandered in sorrow and sin] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55176 51333 35517 |
[A song of praise today we raise] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 56665 66647 32352 |
[All nature chants her Maker's praise] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53171 65555 55355 |
[As Christ the Lord ascended] | Howard Smith (Composer) | 4 | 35653 21561 76543 |
[Away, far away past the shadows of night] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 53213 15611 12333 |
[Be not discouraged] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 31576 53132 35354 |
[Be strong and brave, O pilgrim band] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53212 35556 71655 |
[Beautiful homes the Savior maketh] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33455 11113 32234 |
[Beyond our earth-born sorrow] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35653 54456 53655 |
[Birdies sing their songs of praise] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 34456 53323 13445 |
[Bring your sorrows to Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Brother, give heed to the Master's call] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 55553 51232 22231 |
[Burdened soul, for pardon seeking at the feet of Him who died] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55332 13155 61765 |
[Carry them to Jesus who have weary grown] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34543 16716 56716 |
[Children, children] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51621 76765 51623 |
[Children everywhere, everywhere] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35671 67135 71271 |
[Christ is a wonderful Savior] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Christ the Lord is ever nigh] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55111 23113 33455 |
[Christians, carol the name of the Lord today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 31321 32135 44243 |
[Come and see the blessed Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55133 16211 72243 |
[Come, come] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35614 33222 21113 |
[Come into my heart, blessed Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33211 35653 32117 |
[Come to me, ye heavy laden] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32113 46532 11332 |
[Count thy blessings, O my brother] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 31712 17676 56543 |
[Cruel thorns are in my pathway] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 11165 12345 43543 |
[Did anybody tell me when the Lord saved me?] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13333 32115 65133 |
[Do you hear the robin sing merrily?] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 17653 55355 17657 |
[Do you hear the Savior speaking] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 55543 45655 54323 |
[Earth seems full of beauty rich and rare] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55653 16151 23465 |
[Earth with broken cisterns] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 33345 34466 56616 |
[Every step of the way] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33455 55133 |
[Everywhere echo glad bells] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 65365 57764 65516 |
[Fear not though in darkness and danger thou art] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 35653 13565 13565 |
[Fearing not the sea's commotion] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Fearing the storm no more] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 56715 74567 65345 |
[Foes may betide me] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 9 | 35176 24765 35172 |
[Following the King before us] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 56715 67156 71745 |
[Forward march, soldiers of Christ the King] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 17632 35342 17534 |
[Forward now! Pass the word along] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55533 32355 54443 |
[Friend, never forget to pray] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55453 21566 13255 |
[From your dear Redeemer never go astray] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55556 71235 56666 |
[Fully trust the loving Savior] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 5 | 12321 56531 23212 |
[Gather the little ones unto the Savior] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33332 15565 33333 |
[Go, tell the good news, some may not have heard] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12353 11761 65511 |
[Hail, glorious Easter! beautiful time of spring] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 33456 53431 17445 |
[Hallelujah unto Jesus] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 11765 43221 35561 |
[Happy the one who is saved and forgiven] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 56532 11365 57776 |
[Has the word of God reached your heart] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55111 55112 33313 |
[Have you a burden too heavy to bear] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32155 56715 32131 |
[Have you found the Savior, brother?] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12346 55312 31322 |
[He is mine, I am His; let His praise resound] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 32171 57777 74321 |
[Heal the broken hearted by a word of cheer] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55332 21176 65577 |
[Hear the bells, loud and clear] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 16563 42354 32171 |
[Hear the Master's earnest call] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55111 11712 22223 |
[Heavy ladened, sin sick soul] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 34556 65123 34433 |
[How blessed is the throne of grace] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 32151 76234 5653 |
[How pleasant 'tis, when Sabbath comes] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55111 17765 22235 |
[I came to my Redeemer through mercy rich and free] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33212 31122 32155 |
[I find it the best to trust Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55555 13261 76523 |
[I have a friend whose changeless love] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 35431 61535 43171 |
[I have something to impart, Savior dear] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34533 21215 34533 |
[I know my sins are washed away] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55556 71233 33213 |
[I long, dear Lord, while here on earth] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55351 21617 65132 |
[I love to lean upon Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51116 56513 33321 |
[I once was a wanderer, far from God] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 13213 34565 13211 |
[I thought I was too great a sinner] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13321 33111 12176 |
[I will be a sunbeam everywhere I go] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12343 17172 22345 |
[I will live for Jesus day by day] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55317 65175 54321 |
[I will never leave nor forsake thee] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 34565 12316 66711 |
[If you are burdened and weary and lone] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[If you would be happy] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[I'm only a little Christian] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 6 | 55451 57644 34765 |
[I'm pressing on, from day to day] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 56531 21756 54232 |
[I'm weary of bearing so great a load] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53215 12744 54325 |
[In a home far away] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51351 33432 32151 |
[In heaven the skies are always bright] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53212 34565 23532 |
[In our garden we can find] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 56716 53567 16541 |
[In the Christian path of duty] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55653 51567 21765 |
[In the early morn of life] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12333 21234 44321 |
[In the name of our God we will set up our banners] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55555 53323 21517 |
[In the shadow of the Cross] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12333 21712 17651 |
[In the temple, in the temple] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 15 | 34651 14334 32521 |
[In waves of light His glory rolled] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55334 65511 77775 |
[In what is your hope for the future?] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35555 35651 33331 |
[Into my heart today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55653 21352 25556 |
[Is there a beautiful thought in your heart] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 56356 35634 72761 |
[It is hard to keep the narrow path within] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[I've lost all love for pleasures vain] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 56535 65771 12122 |
[I've turned my back upon the world] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 13453 45665 33132 |
[Jesus loves us is the story] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33326 21511 76543 |
[Jesus needs the children, we may help the King] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55672 11777 75572 |
[Jesus once taught by thy beautiful shore] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34571 21235 57125 |
[Jesus saves! Jesus saves!] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51335 11324 47213 |
[Jesus takes care of me, all through the day] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33333 45555 61653 |
[Just a crumb from the Master's table] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34555 67131 16717 |
[Labor in the harvest field] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Learn to scatter sunshine] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12321 65123 21212 |
[Let all the ransomed unite to sing] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 7 | 32134 54774 32456 |
[Let us hasten to the rescue] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34556 35444 76543 |
[O sing his praises, He lives forever] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Light beyond all earthly sunshine floods the heavenly way] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 56712 17677 77745 |
[Little children, praises bring] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35654 77521 13432 |
[Little children, you may be] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53212 31434 52545 |
[Look for the sunbeams] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 11232 15765 56531 |
[Lord, let me be Thy messenger] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Low the foe had laid me] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32317 62127 65171 |
[Many trials I shall meet] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Marching with the Son of God to glory] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Mighty helper is He who hath died on the tree] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55545 33332 31112 |
[More and more the weight of glory] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13555 36633 66657 |
[My heart is, O so satisfied] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51232 34565 33123 |
[My Jesus a rock of salvation will be] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55555 67111 12333 |
[My life will shine with love divine] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 53334 55551 11764 |
[My sins I've laid at Jesus' feet] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51112 33345 55312 |
[My sky no more overcast] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51177 66556 71234 |
[My soul lean on the Savior's arm] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55561 76555 43235 |
[My thirsty soul drank of the life giving stream] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53213 15616 55111 |
[Nearer Thee, my Lord and Master] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12321 66512 32352 |
[None can take our sins away] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 54515 76654 52233 |
[O beautiful Star of Bethlehem] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51234 65335 42655 |
[O come to Christ while He is nigh] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35555 66617 47653 |
[O praise the Lord for lovely summer time!] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35432 17135 61672 |
[O tell it again! I am longing to hear] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55345 55171 33322 |
[O the matchless love of Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 56533 43171 23453 |
[O Thou bleeding Lamb of God] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 11 | 11151 23556 53123 |
[O Thou who hearest when I cry] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33351 22617 65332 |
[O what a Savior is Jesus to me] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 6 | 55511 17777 66667 |
[O, how the Savior loves] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 31341 33267 13223 |
[On, on, on! Ye soldiers of the Lord] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35351 11235 35322 |
[On the rocks where the cruel breakers] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55171 21335 51712 |
[Once I wandered on where the light was dim] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[One who will freely forgive all my sin] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 10 | 55554 33465 66665 |
[Only coming to Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53216 55653 12532 |
[Onward, forward, soldiers of the King] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 17653 46531 76534 |
[Open the door and let Jesus come in] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 53331 76222 11767 |
[Patient neath Thy hand, Lord] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 55653 51712 32232 |
[Praise Him, twinkling stars on high] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35653 17457 65433 |
[Praise the Lord! repentant sinners are returning to the fold] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 11333 33211 55565 |
[Pressing on to battle] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Remember me my Savior] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 12151 17721 22312 |
[Return, return, O wanderer] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32311 71623 47656 |
SAFETY (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 193 | 56535 65567 12767 |
[Save our boys! save our boys! they are marching along] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34556 51233 21566 |
[Seeds for the Master we sow] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34653 17235 42653 |
[Shine, beautiful sun] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 11713 43425 64325 |
[Shining down] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35761 65512 35244 |
[Shining for the Savior] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35136 55135 44624 |
[From the world unspotted hold your onward way] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 33354 44765 53544 |
[Should He come today, should He come today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51765 51765 13234 |
[Since I found Him at the cross] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12345 65533 31321 |
[Since I heard my blessed Savior call me] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32111 15565 12356 |
[Since loving thee, my Friend divine] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13334 51724 44576 |
[Sing when the dark clouds lower] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51117 77522 22351 |
[Sinner, hear the tidings glad] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Soldier, Christian soldier, fighting for your King] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53231 56712 32342 |
[Soldiers of Jehovah, press the fight] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Some day I'll lay my burden down] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 33333 33335 43235 |
[Songs of deep joy fill my heart today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55517 16621 11777 |
[Speed away to the fray] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Spreading all around us comfort, light and cheer] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34555 56531 77122 |
[Still labor on, true sons of God] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Still the Shepherd true is calling] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32117 66512 33312 |
[Sunbeams for Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 31326 57433 13267 |
[Hearken to the words of Jesus] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55565 35423 45765 |
[Sunshine, sunshine, heavenly sunshine] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35316 16511 12352 |
[Swifter than bird in the flight] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35321 21131 76766 |
[The battle is on, the banners are waving] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[The bells in the steeple are chiming today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[The birds in sweet chorus are singing away] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55653 11755 55576 |
[The blood of Christ, for sinners shed] | H. E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[The charms of the world allure me no more] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55333 17666 65112 |
[The cheery robin sings, "Be glad!"] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51765 56551 76553 |
[The clouds no longer 'round me roll] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51115 61532 13125 |
[The Father on His throne above] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 31112 34556 66177 |
[The fields are ripe for harvest] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35554 33445 65345 |
[The Lord is on my side, I will not fear] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51132 11615 51132 |
[The Lord of life has risen] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13344 55171 27176 |
[The Savior left His home above] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51712 35565 31232 |
[The Son of Man is passing by] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51712 32176 71665 |
[The voice of God is calling] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55112 33344 4143 |
[There are lives that we may brighten] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34511 57666 53312 |
[There is a story ever new] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 9 | 13215 61513 3552 |
[There is gladness in my heart each day] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34532 15653 45321 |
[There is peace and there is gladness in my heart today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is rest, there is peace in the promise] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 12322 12235 55655 |
[There's a bright new hope in my heart today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 56544 45433 43255 |
[There's a happy harbor, safe from storm and sea] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32343 12123 65671 |
[There's a promise I would ask of you, brother] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a still small voice now speaking to you] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 54356 55434 21254 |
[There's a time and place where the faithful rest] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12331 17611 23333 |
[There's power, mighty power in the word of the King] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 7 | 55345 55616 55111 |
[This world with all that's bright and gay] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 13332 34513 33132 |
[Though we are but children small] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[Though I my Savior may not see] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12355 56133 22334 |
[Though jostled daily by the throng] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13331 21135 55343 |
['Tis the mighty Rock of Ages that's beneath my feet today] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55333 22115 76666 |
[To one great friend my praise belongs] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 56355 63555 43235 |
[To pay the debt for Adam's race] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 51234 56565 3132 |
[To share another's trouble] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51176 51231 33251 |
[To the Lord's great army] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 53215 15176 75432 |
['Twas a shepherd, a loving shepherd] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53215 45766 57122 |
['Twas when I was comfortless, lonely, and sad] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 53215 12176 76567 |
[Upheld by the power of Jesus I am] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55671 12343 35555 |
[Upon the rugged mountain side, our Savior trudged along] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 5 | 51717 16556 55451 |
[Vile and sinful though I be] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34532 32155 11123 |
[Wandering prodigal, wherever thou art] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 32156 71713 22223 |
[We are a happy band, gladly we sing] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 51235 17656 47124 |
[We are little soldiers] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[We are only children small] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34565 35345 65355 |
[We are under marching orders to go into all the world] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 12333 21171 21765 |
[We come to our Savior in childhood's bright days] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 55555 67176 55111 |
[We come, we come, God's will to do] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 13511 35156 71216 |
[We have been redeemed by love] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 54321 35477 47366 |
[We journey on, not knowing] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 33321 31121 76556 |
[Weary soul, if some sorrow is bending thee low] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 55543 34565 45653 |
[We're a band of little pilgrims] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34653 21333 23453 |
[We're a youthful Christian band] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65511 13454 |
[What happiness! what joy divine] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 13331 61512 22321 |
[When angry waves about me roll] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 8 | 32133 21743 24432 |
[When Jesus came from heaven above] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 51131 66165 11325 |
[When sorrow is pressing my soul] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35554 56551 11712 |
[When the wind of trouble blows] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | |
[When this life is over, and we meet on the shore] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 12331 17611 51233 |
[When your toils below are ended] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 4 | 55116 55112 35312 |
[While for you God's children here are praying] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33333 32344 23425 |
[With Him who ransomed me I press along] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 53331 17615 51331 |
[With Jesus my Lord all the way I am going] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 6 | 13333 34555 65133 |
[Word of the Father, O light from on high] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 13 | 56717 65365 42653 |
[Worn with thy wanderings, tired of thy sin] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 34531 45653 45311 |
[Would you know your sins forgiven] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 3 | 11213 15511 27111 |
[Ye soldiers of the cross, awake] | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 35565 33335 56544 |
[You are writing a record each day that you live] (Smith) | Howard E. Smith (Composer) | 2 | 33555 54366 65113 |