Short Name: | Ira David Sankey |
Full Name: | Sankey, Ira David, 1840-1908 |
Birth Year: | 1840 |
Death Year: | 1908 |
Sankey, Ira David, was born in Edinburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1840, of Methodist parents. About 1856 he removed with his parents to New Castle, Pennsylvania, where he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Four years afterwards he became the Superintendent of a large Sunday School in which he commenced his career of singing sacred songs and solos. Mr. Moody met with him and heard him sing at the International Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association, at Indianapolis, and through Mr. Moody's persuasion he joined him in his work at Chicago. After some two or three years' work in Chicago, they sailed for England on June 7, 1872, and held their first meeting at York a short time afterwards, only eight persons being present. Their subsequent work in Great Britain and America is well known.
Mr. Sankey's special duty was the singing of sacred songs and solos at religious gatherings, a practice which was in use in America for some time before he adopted it. His volume of Sacred Songs and Solos is a compilation from various sources, mainly American and mostly in use before. Although known as Sankey and Moody’s Songs, only one song, "Home at last, thy labour done" is by Mr. Sankey, and not one is by Mr. Moody. Mr. Sankey supplied several of the melodies. The English edition of the Sacred Songs & Solos has had an enormous sale; and the work as a whole is very popular for Home Mission services. The Songs have been translated into several languages.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)
Harry S. Lower
Rian A. Dykes
Sankey, I. D., p. 994, i. During the past fifteen years Mr. Sankey's Sacred Songs and Solos have had a very large sale, which has justified him in increasing the number of songs and hymns, including " New Hymns and Solos," to 1200. In 1906 he published My Life and Sacred Songs (London : Morgan & Scott). In addition to the "Story of his Own Life," the work contains an account of the most popular of his solos, with interesting reminiscences of the spiritual awakening of many who were influenced through his singing of them in public. In this respect it corresponds in some measure with G. J. Stevenson's Methodist Hymn Book, &c, 1883 (p. 1094, i.). It is an addition to the Sacred Songs and Solos, which will be held in esteem by many. In addition to his hymn, noted on p. 994, ii., Mr. Sankey gives details of the following:—
1. Out of the shadow-land into the sunshine. [Heaven Anticipated.] Mr. Sankey's account of this hymn is:—
"I wrote this hymn specially for the memorial service held for Mr. Moody in Carnegie Hall, where 1 also sang it as a solo. It is the last sacred song of which I wrote both the words and music. The idea was suggested by Mr. Moody's last words, 'Earth recedes; heaven opens before me . . . God is calling me, and I must go.' On account of its peculiar association with my fellow-labourer in the Gospel for so many years, the words are here given in full."
The hymn follows on p. 185, in 3 stanzas of 4 lines and a chorus.
2. Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming, [Advent.] Mr. Sankey writes concerning this hymn:—
"During one of my trips to Great Britain on the SS. City of Rome a storm raged on the sea. The wind was howling through the rigging, and waves like mountains of foam were breaking over the bow of the vessel. A great fear had fallen upon the passengers. When the storm was at its worst, we all thought we might soon go to the bottom of the sea. The conviction came to me that the Lord would be with us iu the trying hour, and sitting down in the reading room, I composed this hymn. Before reaching England the tune had formed itself in my mind, and on arriving in London I wrote it out, and had it published in Sacred Songs and Solos, where it is No. 524 in the edition. of 1888.
From Mr. Sankey's autobiographical sketch we gather that he was born at Edinburgh, in Western Pennsylvania, Aug. 28, 1840, joined Mr. Moody in 1871, and visited England for the first time in 1873. The original of the Sacred Songs, &c, of 23 pieces only, was offered as a gift to the London publishers of P. Phillips's Hallowed Song, and declined by them. It was subsequently accepted by Mr. K. O. Morgan, of Morgan & Scott, and is now a volume of 1200 hymns.
From a return kindly sent us by Messrs. Morgan & Scott, we find that the various issues of the Sacred Songs and Solos were:—
In 1873, 24 pp.; 1874, 72 pp. ; 1876, 153 hymns; 1877, 271 hymns; 1881, 441 hymns; 1888, 750 hymns; 1903, 1200 hymns.
In addition, The Christian Choir, which is generally associated with the Sacred Songs and Solos, was issued in 1884 with 75 hymns, and in 1896 with 281. The New Hymns & Solos, by the same firm, were published in 1888.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)
Tunes by Ira David Sankey (356)![]() | As | Instances | Incipit |
[O for the peace that floweth as a river] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 18 | 53533 21616 55724 |
[A long time I wandered in darkness and sin] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 53211 76671 55572 |
[A song, a song for water bright] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55321 17777 46765 |
[Abiding, gracious Lord, in Thee] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53334 33215 44332 |
[Come, O come, with thy broken heart] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 53321 16177 1243 |
[Afflictions, though they seem severe] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 8 | 51117 67111 5 |
[After the darkest hour] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 33344 44524 33363 |
[After the shower, the tranquil sun] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | |
[Again the Sabbath God has blest] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 53226 71365 55671 |
[Am I a soldier of the cross] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 37 | 13343 46535 17654 |
ANANIAS | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33322 16655 51117 |
[Army of Endeavor, hear the trumpet call] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 34565 32116 17771 |
[As helpless as a child who clings] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53354 44333 22617 |
[At the feast of Belshazzar and a thousand of his lords] (Shaw) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 3 | 34555 55123 23455 |
[Awake and watch! the light is dawning] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51356 54531 34312 |
[Beyond the valley lying low] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55545 67112 17216 |
[Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of His might] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 55127 15544 4355 |
[Beautiful sea, O beautiful sea] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 53453 23155 67117 |
[Before the cross with all my sins] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 11231 34536 54321 |
[Behold a fountain deep and wide] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 55556 71117 122 |
[Behold, a stranger at the door] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55563 54444 45243 |
[Behold, behold the wondrous love] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 3 | 51134 65356 65117 |
[Behold him standing at the door] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55313 56535 54323 |
[Behold the Master now is calling] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 13343 21671 6551 |
[Beneath the cross of Jesus] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 43 | 55545 15355 42355 |
[God will take care of you, be not afraid] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 21 | 33456 53465 52343 |
[Beyond the sea, life's boundless sea] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56344 52333 61676 |
[Blessed Redeemer, full of compassion] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 3 | 54535 17653 43424 |
[Blessed Savior, hear Thou me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33212 31651 51332 |
[Brightest and best of the sons of the morning] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54515 35424 32334 |
[Bring in the children, O bring them today] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 11113 45671 22223 |
BRISBANE | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53533 21653 53174 |
[Just a single look at Jesus] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 12333 22113 53312 |
CALEB | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 32343 21231 17651 |
[Calm me, my God, and keep me calm] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 35431 43223 54655 |
[Cast thy bread upon the waters] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 32123 23556 53321 |
[Onward, upward, Christian solder] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 51323 45534 55453 |
[Children of the heavenly King] (O'Kane) | I. D. S. (Arranger) | 1 | 55121 72712 565 |
[Children of the heavenly King] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 12332 11771 24323 |
[Choose I must, and soon must choose] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 53453 21716 71533 |
[Christian soldiers all, hear our Leader's call] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53315 64427 75554 |
[Climbing up the steeps of glory] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54653 35311 22354 |
[Come home, come home, my child, O where art thou?] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55435 61765 17651 |
[Come, let us tell of the Savior who died] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33332 15565 32123 |
[Come, O come, and let us worship] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 34372 11765 11171 |
[Come to the Savior, hear His loving voice] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 33215 61765 11111 |
[I've found a joy in sorrow] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 7 | 13545 65313 43212 |
DANIEL (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 54515 43216 54523 |
DENPASAR | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 31535 67132 42751 |
[Descend, O Flame of sacred fire] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 32317 61517 12212 |
[Do not forget the Golden Rule] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54565 53112 21235 |
[Do something for Jesus today] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 34551 71217 66667 |
[O wondrous Name, by prophets heard] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 55431 17665 65325 |
[Down into my loneliness, sorrow and night] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55671 23216 55111 |
[Drawing near with full assurance] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51232 13653 32123 |
ESROM | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 4 | 55432 12355 54323 |
[Eternal life God’s Word proclaims] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53215 66217 56715 |
REMEMBERED | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 20 | 54515 35424 36771 |
[Encamped along the hills of light] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 175 | 55112 17744 25435 |
[Far away beyond the shadows] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56533 43111 11766 |
[Firm as a rock, that in the mighty ocean] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55654 35121 74432 |
[Nothing, either great or small] (Sankey 55551) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 9 | 55551 23447 71555 |
[For Christ our Prince and Savior] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55436 53332 54332 |
[For the tempted, Lord, we pray] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51433 21426 55451 |
[For you I am praying] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 35565 33334 32117 |
[Forward, Christian soldiers] (I. D. Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33445 53351 72233 |
[Gentle Jesus, meek and mild] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 33532 23565 33123 |
[Simply trusting every day] (Sweney) | Ira D. Sankey, geb. 1848 (Composer) | 1 | 34556 11217 2165 |
[Glory be to God the Father, and to Christ the Son] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | |
[Go tell the joyful tidings] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55456 54351 71653 |
[God is love! His word proclaims it] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 34555 67112 17652 |
[God of love, and God of might] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 15671 11222 31765 |
[Grace! 'tis a charming sound] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 21 | 55435 31234 53555 |
[O ye redeemed of the Lord, rejoice] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 13 | 55653 51232 22173 |
[From the riven Rock there floweth] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 56513 21571 2322 |
[Help us to worship Thee, Savior divine] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 33331 54443 67112 |
[Hark! hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling] (Converse) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 16 | 33212 35615 33321 |
[Hark, the voice of Jesus crying] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55112 23566 53312 |
[Hast thou no room within thy heart] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53333 54333 22617 |
[Have you sought for the sheep that have wandered] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 11 | 51333 33334 55552 |
[He is coming, the Man of Sorrows] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 13531 61511 23432 |
[He is seeking for the lost] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34555 65345 55653 |
[He, who safely keepeth] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 51111 75444 46661 |
[Hear the everlasting song] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 2 | 15125 53132 15123 |
[Hear the voice of Jesus pleading] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 56561 21656 51234 |
HELP ME | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 56711 11766 56771 |
[Under His wings I am safely abiding] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 118 | 34455 55635 42346 |
[Holy Spirit, lead us now] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 13533 21436 55451 |
[Home at last, thy labor done] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 32112 16632 2132 |
[Glory ever be to Jesus] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 51121 76715 5 |
[How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood] (Kaillmark) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 4 | 53213 21212 31117 |
[How oft our souls are lifted up] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55321 76567 11433 |
[How precious the promise I read in the word] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51111 71216 55111 |
BLESSED NAME (Hudson) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 8 | 55131 21165 55123 |
[I am coming, O my Savior] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51231 13653 34534 |
[I am redeemed, O praise the Lord] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 9 | 53512 17767 65655 |
[I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51332 11435 31251 |
[I came a wanderer, and alone] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 13331 61512 21231 |
[I come, O blessed Lord, to Thee] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53323 15615 32234 |
[I come, O gracious Lord] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55545 35667 65544 |
[I come to Thee, O Christ] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33332 13525 65332 |
[I have heard of a land far away] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 13555 65117 66661 |
[I know thy hand upholdeth me] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51712 32112 21715 |
[I love to hear the story] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 51324 36513 34325 |
[I must walk through the valley and the shadow] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55111 17123 43345 |
[I will bless the Lord and praise Him evermore] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 12314 32176 51231 |
[I will praise the Lord with heart and voice] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34555 56711 23321 |
[I will trust Thee, O my Savior] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54655 24365 71433 |
[If I were a voice, a persuasive voice] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51671 11234 11444 |
[If in the valley where the bright waters flow] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 33221 13565 33365 |
[I'll praise my Redeemer for all He has done] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53215 31177 75432 |
[In His name O God our Father] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34555 51534 55423 |
[With the glorious morning] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55565 53512 17444 |
[In the grand old ship of Zion] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55111 11112 33212 |
[In the land where the bright ones are gathered] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65453 34545 |
[In the secret of his presence He will hide me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 12333 43213 53556 |
[In the shadow of the Rock] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34532 31176 71512 |
[In the silent midnight watches] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33513 22116 52333 |
[I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 290 | 55131 33267 155 |
IRA (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 15 | 13332 21135 55435 |
[Is it for me, dear Savior] (34555) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 2 | 34555 17671 21765 |
[Is thy cruse of comfort failing] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 34517 66555 44525 |
[It came to me one precious day] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55134 32217 12432 |
[It is just a step to Jesus] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53321 61765 17121 |
[It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 23 | 51176 65453 55234 |
SALVATIONIST (HAYS) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 14 | 13556 55312 11651 |
[Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 34321 51713 2712 |
[Jesus knows thy sorrow] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55551 12277 15555 |
[Jesus, my Lord, Thou art my life] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33343 52356 65143 |
[Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 41 | 13334 32135 55652 |
[Jesus, Redeemer, I come unto Thee] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55553 45654 44442 |
[Jesus, Savior, we would see Thee] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51232 13653 32123 |
[Joyfully, joyfully gather and sing] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33332 15565 67153 |
["Just as I am," O Savior King] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 11353 32114 65331 |
[Just beyond the silent river] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34512 17153 35432 |
[Kennst, o Mensch, du schon die Fülle] | Ira D. Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 2 | |
[Come, Holy Spirit, Like a dove descending] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 32315 61766 56711 |
TEMPERANCE HYMN | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 51333 34444 52343 |
[Lead to the shadow of the Rock of Refuge] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 33215 12651 32123 |
[Leave not for tomorrow the work of today] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55111 21171 25522 |
[Lend a helping hand, my brother] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 55111 11712 33321 |
[Let the blessed Savior in] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 15 | 34545 17234 34655 |
[Let us join to sing His Praise] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65177 66643 |
[Let us rejoice together] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34453 26176 54653 |
[Let us sing again the praise of the Savior] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 54351 23432 62177 |
[Let us stand up for Jesus] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 34556 53123 42313 |
[Let us work and pray together] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 34575 11723 43466 |
[Light after darkness] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 33 | 53454 56354 42343 |
[Like a river glorious] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53321 56116 55221 |
[Little steps from day to day] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 35517 66671 33223 |
[Lonely hearts to comfort] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 54655 35542 35465 |
[Long from Thee my footsteps straying] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55534 44234 56323 |
[Look away to the cross of the Crucified One] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55111 32167 15551 |
[Look not behind thee] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 31235 56123 54532 |
[Look to Jesus, look and live] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34553 51767 13432 |
[Look unto me, and be ye saved] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53332 16512 21235 |
[Lord, we gather in thy name] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53217 66643 21777 |
[Only waiting till the shadows] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 54511 21235 565 |
MARLEY | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 3 | 33143 32444 77155 |
[May thy life be pure and holy] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56451 17722 13271 |
MIRJANA | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55111 23334 55312 |
MISSION HYMN | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 11 | 51175 72443 61533 |
MOUNTAIN | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53326 71513 53634 |
[My heart is resting, O my God] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 55653 45611 65132 |
[My joyful heart is filled with praise divine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53343 32165 11111 |
[My life flows on in endless song] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 53451 76555 23443 |
[My ship is coming in at last] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55343 32217 25435 |
[Never be sad or desponding] | Ira Allan Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 55565 45317 12165 |
NEWCASTLE (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 13531 61511 23432 |
[There were ninety and nine that safely lay] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 169 | 55111 11771 1133 |
[Not Far Not Far From the Kingdom] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 11 | 53335 43152 22543 |
[Not far to the gate of that beautiful city] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55653 45666 67177 |
[Not now, my child, a little more rough tossing] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 11 | 11111 17133 22212 |
[Nothing, either great or small] (Sankey 56513) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56513 21465 32556 |
[O beautiful rays of sunshine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 55456 55351 71216 |
[O blessed be the Lord] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53556 51321 65554 |
[O blessed home where those who meet] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55135 53123 34325 |
[O blessed Savior, Friend divine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55431 76533 33213 |
[O brother, life's journey beginning] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 5 | 55345 67155 67121 |
[O child of God, wait patiently] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 55432 15543 26715 |
NONE BUT CHRIST | I. D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 51333 13555 5322 |
[O Christian, speed thee on thy way] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 13451 76666 23465 |
[O come to the merciful Savior Who calls you] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55433 21121 76511 |
[O give thy heart to Jesus] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55321 17443 46535 |
[O hear the joyful message] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 55456 53217 12334 |
[O help me, dear Lord, Thy love to praise] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55345 32161 65451 |
[O Jesus Savior, hear my call] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55131 56517 12212 |
[O land of the blessed, thy shadowless skies] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 53212 16536 53671 |
[O let us be endeavorers to do the Master's will] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55327 15517 12334 |
[O list to the voice of the prophet of old] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 55345 67176 55543 |
[O love that passeth knowledge] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55563 54444 52321 |
[O my Redeemer! how can I be silent] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56535 13432 16565 |
[O praise the Lord, ye nations all] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34556 35442 34452 |
[O precious words that Jesus said] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 34511 21771 2125 |
[O serve the Lord with gladness] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55551 23135 55235 |
[O songs of the beautiful, songs of the blest] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53215 65267 13333 |
[O soul in the far away country] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 9 | 51112 17151 33332 |
[O souls in darkness groping] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 13347 21114 12335 |
[O tell me the story that never grows old] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 55456 53216 55111 |
[O the beautiful Hills of the By-and-By!] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 34555 56355 51723 |
[O the clanging bells of time] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55111 23135 55553 |
[O the mansions of light, blissful mansions of light] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51333 34321 16555 |
[O the precious gospel story] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 19 | 34326 76512 35255 |
[O to be nothing, nothing] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54565 35656 17655 |
[O troubled heart, be thou not afraid] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 34655 12177 23444 |
[O troubled heart, there is a balm] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 32156 17712 67513 |
[O wanderer, come to the Father's home] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55456 53321 11461 |
[O wanderer, dost thou hear] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55143 23346 53223 |
[O wandering souls, why will you roam] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 53235 13211 45653 |
[O watchman on the mountain height] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53332 11112 17655 |
[O welcome, hour of prayer] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53154 55432 53337 |
[O when shall we meet at the river] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55671 71311 12344 |
[O wondrous word of truth divine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55567 15353 11171 |
[O world of joy untold] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56132 11441 23332 |
[O Zion! lovely Zion! thou city of the faithful] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 53343 32522 32215 |
[O do not let the Word depart] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 20 | 53453 32114 34653 |
[O how great His loving kindness] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54655 24337 21123 |
[O the bitter shame and sorrow] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 4 | 34455 67121 76 |
[O the weary night is waning] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 12333 24321 17165 |
[O the wondrous love of Jesus] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65345 65676 |
[O what can little hands do] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 13333 53132 17112 |
[On a dark and stormy ocean] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51334 72133 52343 |
[On, like the true and brave] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53456 55617 65114 |
[On, march on, O Army of Endeavorers] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33372 17665 44471 |
[On that bright and golden morning, when the Son of Man shall come] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 12 | 34555 55321 66671 |
[Once more at rest my peaceful thoughts] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55133 31433 22234 |
[Once more, O Lord, we pray] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55117 11117 65566 |
[One offer of salvation; to all the world 'tis free] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55563 51233 43244 |
[Only to know that the path I tread] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 14 | 32311 11765 55611 |
ONWARD (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 32134 31221 23321 |
[Onward, O Junior Endeavorers] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 13517 65332 34543 |
[Onward! onward! ever pressing onward] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55532 11655 67112 |
ONWARD, SOLDIERS | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33333 43222 22232 |
[Onward, upward, homeward] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 12 | 11335 55535 11111 |
[Our Junior Band is marching on] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51134 56621 76766 |
[Our life is like a stormy sea] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 51234 32111 35653 |
[Out of the shadowland, into the sunshine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 54565 32123 11465 |
[Out on the billow, lured by the tempter] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55555 66666 77776 |
[Over the river my loved ones have passed] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51233 23212 32155 |
[Praise the Lord and worship Him] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55456 53554 44434 |
[Precious blessings we receive] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 12343 23111 21717 |
PRECIOUS WORDS | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 32433 22213 22116 |
[Press forward, O soldiers, with banner and shield] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55565 12312 11456 |
[Press on, press on, O pilgrim] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 13342 11135 56533 |
[Press onward, press onward, and trusting the Lord] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 55365 31767 15646 |
[Redeemed from death, redeemed from sin] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55345 56465 55434 |
[Rejoice, rejoice, O child of light] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53513 72165 12512 |
[Rejoice! Rejoice! our King is coming] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 55321 76617 6551 |
[Rest in the Lord, O weary, heavy laden] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53451 32676 54234 |
[On the resurrection morning] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 23 | 33335 43211 71222 |
[Ride on, ride on in majesty] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 53512 32117 14332 |
[Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 40 | 13555 51332 17 |
ROOM IN MY HEART | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sad and weary, lone and dreary] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 24 | 51233 34455 563 |
SAN MARCOS | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 32132 16656 71332 |
HIDING IN THEE (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 185 | 55433 21176 71143 |
[Savior, where Thou leadest] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 33335 13127 13333 |
[Say, is you lamp burning, my brother] (Excell) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 2 | 55345 65311 15354 |
[I can hear my Savior calling] (Norris) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908, refrain (Composer (Refrain)) | 3 | 51334 33257 21322 |
[Send the light, O send it quickly] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 18 | 51143 32234 25435 |
SEWARD (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 34517 65335 44332 |
[Shall we all meet at home in the morning] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 34556 51234 31122 |
SHELTER (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 122 | 51112 34533 33343 |
[Shine on, O Star of beauty] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 55567 11535 65235 |
[Call them in, the poor, the wretched] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 17 | 34534 65333 43213 |
SHOWERS OF BLESSING (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 23 | 54565 54443 45243 |
SIMEON (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55111 17651 23345 |
[Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 38 | 53311 11765 51512 |
[Some day we say, and turn our eyes] | I. D. S. (Arranger) | 1 | 32355 61554 51126 |
[Sometimes a vision comes to me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 53243 32112 17124 |
[Sometimes I hear strange music] | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 15 | 55671 31114 12335 |
[Songs of gladness, never sadness] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 54543 51174 3425 |
[Speak gently, speak gently] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33345 55654 55543 |
[Spread the sails and speed the vessel] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 34554 65355 52543 |
COME THOU WEARY (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 55532 16153 22233 |
[Star of the Morning, so radiant and bright] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | |
[Stealing from the world away] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 34455 56711 76535 |
["Home at last" on heavenly mountains] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 56543 21512 34531 |
[Still, still with Thee] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 11 | 32317 61466 5 |
[Strong in Thy strength, O Jesus] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 33234 56533 35323 |
SUBSTITUTION (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 13 | 13555 33215 65423 |
[Suffering Savior, with thorn crown] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 31432 31314 32343 |
[Take courage, temperance workers] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 53332 21355 54356 |
[Take the wings of the morning, speed quickly thy flight] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 54332 13517 65565 |
[Take Thou my hand, and lead me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 34321 76531 23432 |
[Tell it out among the heathen that the Lord is King] (Havergal) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 16 | 55171 23234 53134 |
[Tell it out with loud hosannas that Jehovah reigns] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55111 11512 32113 |
[Tell out the joyful tidings] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 51176 53133 57132 |
[Tell the glad story of Jesus who came] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 51232 17666 23443 |
[Ten thousand times ten thousand] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 8 | 51131 54356 7121 |
[The Lord is ever gracious] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55321 76151 13255 |
[The sands of time are sinking] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 13356 53133 43213 |
[The Shepherd is tenderly guiding] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55123 43325 57246 |
[The weary hours like shadows come and go] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 54561 76535 55256 |
[There are lonely hearts to cherish] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 48 | 34556 55112 31221 |
[There is a home where we may dwell] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55112 33311 71212 |
[There is a land of pure delight] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51712 34312 2171 |
[There is a Light, a blessed Light] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51324 36513 34325 |
[There is a paradise of rest] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 13546 54535 61765 |
[There is joy in the service of Jesus our Lord] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51333 34332 22572 |
[There may be stormy days] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 55133 21117 12165 |
[There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes] | Ira D. Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 71 | 12355 55611 12356 |
[There's a mighty warfare waging] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34554 56535 11765 |
[They have reached the sunny shore] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 12342 31721 12342 |
[They that are wise shall brightly shine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 33332 12356 53123 |
[Thou art my great “Physician”] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55363 54444 52433 |
[Thou art, O Lord, my Hiding Place] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 55136 54317 14325 |
[Thou whose hand thus far hath led me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 51432 67651 23143 |
[Thy life was given for me] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55117 13271 76555 |
[Thy voice, O Lord, I've heard once more] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55351 76533 35332 |
TIRANA | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51232 12123 51232 |
[To arms! To arms! ye soldiers] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51112 33133 31251 |
[To Him whose care prolongs our days] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55334 32217 12443 |
[To the cross of Christ I cling] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 12343 21712 51231 |
TOPEKA (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 34532 16176 51712 |
[Traveling to the better land] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 11123 55653 12321 |
STOCKTON (Stockton) | Ira Sankey ( Composer (refrain)) | 6 | 55651 33215 53123 |
[Simply trusting every day] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 128 | 32433 21161 65132 |
[Turn thee, O lost one, care worn and weary] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 51231 21665 51231 |
[Uplift the banner! let it float] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 13455 65671 61765 |
[Walking in the sunshine, beautiful and bright] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 7 | 54565 53512 36567 |
[We are but little children weak] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 55671 76533 35143 |
[We are happy children] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55565 33515 66667 |
[We are marching through the world with our colors now unfurled] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 12355 65671 11211 |
[We are marching to a city] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34532 11771 24323 |
HONAUNAU BAY | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 32432 11721 74323 |
[We come today from near and far] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55321 17777 44443 |
[We have a firm foundation] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55112 33331 43255 |
[We know in whom we have believed] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55432 16551 13212 |
[We praise Thee, O Lord, for the bountiful harvest] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 35555 63555 53172 |
POLAND (Koschat) | Ira D. Sankey (Arranger) | 3 | 53333 11333 45444 |
[We thank Thee, O Lord, for a Sabbath of rest] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 6 | 53165 35316 55432 |
[In the land of strangers] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey, 1840-1908 (Composer) | 40 | 33335 51111 3617 |
[Welcome hour that finds us here] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 35456 34453 43123 |
[Well, wife, I've found the model church] (53217) | Ira David Sankey (Arranger) | 4 | 53217 61556 17215 |
[We're a little Junior Band] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 35556 55522 43335 |
[What a blessed hope is mine] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 55651 23565 33255 |
[What will you do with Jesus?] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 54567 15355 42356 |
[When I survey the wondrous cross] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 5 | 53453 21617 65171 |
[When my feet shall come to the golden gate] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 12343 34565 35117 |
[When the mists have rolled in splendor] (Sankey) | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 69 | 34555 55176 55555 |
[When the morning light shall break] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 34555 55176 23444 |
[When we meet safe at home in the morning] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 34567 13215 55671 |
[When winds are raging over the upper ocean] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 56713 76524 32567 |
[Wherever my Father's hand may guide me] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 13321 54313 21213 |
[Who is on the Lord's side] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 18 | 55565 31351 32176 |
[Who will man the Life Boat] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33333 12217 13333 |
[Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 4 | 12343 32114 65345 |
[Why waitest thou, O burdened soul] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 55334 32217 46765 |
[Will you take Jesus to be your Guide?] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 1 | 53334 32621 77712 |
[Wilt thou not come, O soul oppressed] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 51111 11171 22222 |
[With cheerful songs and hymns of praise] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 51235 46535 34432 |
[With joy I draw from out God's well] | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 2 | 33353 32116 55453 |
[O wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord] | Ira David Sankey (Composer) | 10 | 55433 45432 24321 |
[Wondrous words how rich in blessing] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 3 | 35172 13111 12167 |
[Yet there is room] (Sankey) | Ira D. Sankey (Composer) | 28 | 54531 33212 45243 |