Richard Proulx › Tunes

Short Name: Richard Proulx
Full Name: Proulx, Richard, 1937-2010
Birth Year: 1937
Death Year: 2010

Richard Proulx (b. St. Paul, MN, April 3, 1937; d. Chicago, IL, February 18, 2010). A composer, conductor, and teacher, Proulx was director of music at the Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois (1980-1997); before that he was organist and choirmaster at St. Thomas' Episcopal Church in Seattle, Washington. He contributed his expertise to the Roman Catholic Worship III (1986), The Episcopal Hymnal 1982, The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), and the ecumenical A New Hymnal for Colleges and Schools (1992). He was educated at the University of Minnesota, MacPhail College of Music in Minneapolis, Minnesota, St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, and the Royal School of Church Music in England. He composed more than 250 works.

Bert Polman

Wikipedia Biography

Richard Proulx (AmEng [pɺu]) (born April 3, 1937, St. Paul, Minnesota — died February 18, 2010, Chicago, Illinois) was an American composer and editor of church music, including anthems, service music, hymn concertatos, organ music and music for handbell choir, formerly based in Chicago. The pronunciation of his name is suggested by the section of his catalog entitled "Noulx [new] from Proulx".

Tunes by Richard Proulx (301)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] (Vatican Edition XVIII)Richard Proulx (Acc.)155566 66656 345
[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] (XVIII)Richard Proulx (Arranger)411122 22212 71212
[Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi] (Plainsong)Richard Proulx (Arranger)612123 12111 16656
[Agnus Dei] (Vatican Edition VIII)Richard Proulx (Acc.)2
ALDINE (Proulx)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer)735365 32161 23435
[All the ends of the earth]RP (Composer)367176 5
[All the ends of the earth have seen] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (antiphon))212321 75345
[All who see me scoff at me] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)317676 56545 3
[Alleluia] (Proulx 17151)Richard Proulx (Composer)417151 23215
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (O FILII ET FILIAE)Richard Proulx (Arranger)511217 13215 232
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (Murray)RP (Arranger (Psalm Tone))656121
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)355565 56764 5
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (12312)Richard Proulx (Composer)3512312 32165 12
[Alleluia / Praise to you / I am the light]Richard Proulx (Arranger (Alleluia))3
[Alleluia] (Proulx 16132)Richard Proulx (Composer)616132 11345
[Threefold Amen] (Danish)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Harmonizer)132176 2171
[Threefold amen] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)212134 3
[Threefold amen] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)313565 454
[Threefold Amen] (Sanctus VIII)Richard Proulx (Arranger)212312 11176 5
[Threefold amen] (A Community Mass - Major)Richard Proulx (Adapter)532432 31
[Fourfold Amen] (Festival Eucharist)Richard Proulx (Composer)412321 7521
[Amen] (Corpus Christi Mass)Richard Proulx (Arranger)2
[Fivefold Amen] (Schubert)Richard Proulx (Adapter)933234 32223 1
[Threefold amen] (Land of Rest)Richard Proulx (Adapter)1165345 16513 4321
[Fourfold Amen] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)713546 543
[Anunciamos tu muerte] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)213555 46543
[As far as the east is from the west]Richard Proulx (Composer)232345 3456
[Asperges me, Domine] (56176)Richard Proulx (Adapter)656176 71234 55432
[At last, all-powerful Master]Richard Proulx (Arranger (acc.))2
[Athirst is my soul for God, the living God]Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)257123 12176 57123
ATTENDE DOMINERichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)646111 14312 14157
BEATITUDES (Proulx)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)1
BEAUTIFUL TREASURESRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)212331 21231 75123
[Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel] (Hutmacher)RP (Composer (Psalm tone))174456
[When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)213555 46543 44531
[Call upon the Lord and he will hear you]RP (Composer (Psalm Tone))355667 5
CAMANORichard Proulx (Composer)667127 31432 126
CASTLEWOODRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer)1234532 13234 53676
[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Schubert)Richard Proulx (Adapter)333234 43222 23123
[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Te Deum Tone)Richard Proulx, b. 1936 (Adapter)257111 71232 1
[Christ has died] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)1017131 71
[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Mass of the Redeemer)Richard Proulx (Composer)212431 71
[Christ has died, Christ is risen] (Christus Vincit)Richard Proulx (Adapter)217112 1711
[Christ has died; Christ is risen] (Corpus Christi Mass)Richard Proulx (Arranger)313555 565
[Christ Has Died] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)3
[Christ suffered for you, and left you an example]Richard Proulx (Composer)417156 55754 3
CHRISTE, LUX MUNDI (Plainsong)Ricahrd Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)1
VICTIMAE PASCHALI LAUDESRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)421245 43254 35432
[Come, Lord Jesus] (Proulx)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)271321 17132 11713
[Credo in unum deum] (Cantus Missae)Richard Proulx (Acc.)753143 32113 43531
CRUCIFER (Nicholson)Richard Proulx (Composer (desc.))1151545 34562 23516
[Arise, come to your God]Richard Proulx (Arranger (Psalm tone))451671 22
[Deliverance belongs to the Lord] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)212321 32171
DEO GRACIAS (English)Richard Proulx (Arranger)611717 76511 75454
DIADEM (Primitive Baptist)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Harmonizer)351112 35651 33321
DIADEM (Ellor)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)251234 51217 17655
DIADEMATA (Elvey)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer (desc.))211133 66514 32235
DIVINUM MYSTERIUMRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)912343 23213 45653
[Do not forget the works of the Lord] (Batastini)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))125672
DOMHNACH TRIONOIDERichard Proulx (b. 1937) (Harmonizer)512332 71112 33445
DUNLAP'S CREEK (McFarland)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer)813532 16115 1765
[Dying you destroyed our death] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx (Adapter)333333 22161 51355
[Dying you destroyed our death] (Mass for the City)Richard Proulx (Composer)212345 65776 54565
ENGELBERGRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer (desc.))151325 67165 55432
FOUNDATION (American)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)1156161 51131 35561
[Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting] (Carroll)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))152123
[Give thanks to the Lord for he is good] (Waddell)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))151716 5612
[Give thanks to the Lord for steadfast love]Richard Proulx (Composer)215234 12357
[Give the Lord glory, glory and honor]RP (Composer)445616
[Give your praise to God, O my soul]Richard Proulx (Composer)255615
[Gloria in excelsis Deo] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Arranger)2
[Glória in excélsis Deo] (55321)Richard Proulx (Arranger)655321 23215 53212
GLORIA, LAUS ET HONOR (17671Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)217671 1716
[Glory, glory to God in the highest] (Schubert)Richard Proulx (Adapter)115311 43232 32212
[Glory to God in the highest] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)611157 65456 54321
[Glory to God in the highest] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)244431 71111 44433
[Glory to God in the highest] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)313555 56453 45555
[Glory to God in the highest] (Peoples Mass)Richard Proulx, 1837-2010 (Adapter)155553 56551 76532
[Glory to God in the highest] (Mass for Christian Unity)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Adapter)211175 71144 11177
[Glory to you, O Word of God] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)1033217 656
[God has freed us and redeemed us]RP (Composer (Antiphon))345612 165
[God, in your goodness]Richard Proulx (Composer (verses))1
[God mounts his throne to shouts of joy]RP (Composer)556155 61
[Guard us, O Lord, while we sleep]RP (Arranger (Psalm tone))217767 73
[Happy are they who follow the law of the Lord] (Proulx)RP (Composer)234261 761
[Happy the poor in spirit] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)235365 3235
[He who does justice will live]RP (Composer (Antiphon))462345 676
[Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will] (Proulx)RP (Composer)565633 2
[His goodness shall follow me] (Murray)RP (Composer (Psalm tone))256532 12
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Gelineau)Richard Proulx (Adapter)211771 11233 4321
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx (Arranger)711121 1765
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (A Festival Eucharist)Richard Proulx (Composer)411757 11112 32
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer)1832432 31
ADORO TE DEVOTE (Plainsong)Richard Proulx (Arranger)1013555 65432 11135
[Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts] (Mass for Christian Unity)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Adapter)311356 65323 53212
[Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)313556 45345 432
[Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts] (Mass for the City)Richard Proulx (Composer)412345 657
LAND OF REST (American)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)4151123 51165 51123
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)713554 3243
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)111221 16561 21235
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Adapter)2233234 43222 31233
[Hosanna to the Son of David] (Mode VII)Richard Proulx (Arranger)255222 17123 27712
[I am the living bread come down from heaven] (Krisman)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))133321 44432 125
[I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord] (Kelly)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer (Antiphon))355756 71
[I love the Lord for the Lord has heard]Richard Proulx (Composer (Psalm tone and Antiphon))2
[I love you, I love you, Lord, my strength]RP (Composer)345645 1
[I shall live in the house of the Lord]Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))113555 66665 3
[I trust in your merciful love]RP (Composer (Antiphon))254617 1
[I will take the cup of salvation] (Murray)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))166561 7677
[I will walk in the presence of the Lord] (Proulx)RP (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))1117646 77671 1767
ICH GLAUB AN GOTTRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)2051234 54323 31432
[If today you hear his voice] (Proulx)RP (Composer)645616 56
[Into your hands, O Lord]Richard Proulx (Adapter)811112 33212 32
[In the morning I will sing] (Isele)RP (Composer (Psalm Tone))456112 343
[In you, Lord, in you, Lord]Richard Proulx, 1937- (Composer (Psalm tone))256757 656
[In you, O Lord, I take refuge] (Currie)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))251432 123
IRBYRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger (flute))157111 71221 13533
[Ite, missa est] (Vatican Edition VIII)Richard Proulx (Acc.)6
JERUSALEM (Parry)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer)713561 65456 54532
JESU DULCIS MEMORIA (Mode I)Richard Proulx (Arranger)1722225 76522 31243
[Jesus has given his life for us] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)111211 656
[Jesus, Lamb of God] (Corpus Christi Mass)Richard Proulx (Arranger)513555 65432 12
[Jesus, Lamb of God] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)615672 11123
[Jesus, wisdom and mighty Lord] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)3
[Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope]RP (Composer)556716
KING OF GLORY (Israeli)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)833215 12332 11332
KINGSFOLDRichard Proulx (Composer (descant))132111 73343 45543
KONTAKIONRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Adapter)412311 234
KONTAKION (Slavonic)Richard Proulx (Adapter)312312 34322 1
[Kyrie eleison] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)355556 45555 56455
[Kyrie eleison] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)316666 56
[Kyrie, eleison] (Mass, Vatican Edition VIII)Richard Proulx (Arranger)713455 65451 65456
LACQUIPARLERichard Proulx (Harmonizer)1011156 55434 42121
[Lamb of God] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)612176 76512 7661
[Lamb of God] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)1154564 32345 32
[Lamb of God, Lamb of God] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)213546 54345 31342
[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] (Missa Oecumenica)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)232543 23254 32344
[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)233335 55122 33542
[Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)313555 55565 45
LAMBILLOTTERichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)1155512 22332 35433
[Let all praise the name of the Lord] (Batastini)Richard Proulx (Arranger)425431
[Let the Lord enter] (Proulx)RP (Composer)555652
[Let us bow down before the Lord]RP (Arranger (Psalm Tone))113431 716
[Let us pray at this holy season of Lent]Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)217112 32117 12117
[Like a deer that longs for running streams] (Proulx0=)RP (Composer)357434 5617
[Like the deer that longs for running streams] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (Antiphon))256434 5617
LIVING GODRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)1231561 23365 31235
LONESOME VALLEYRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)461132 16111 13356
[Lord, by your cross and resurrection] (Mass for the City)Richard Proulx (Composer)233543 12333 56432
[Lord, by your cross] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx (Adapter)255435 1117
[Lord, come to my aid] (Batatstini and Proulx)RP (Composer)236717 6
[Lord, every nation on earth shall adore you] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)317654 3
[Lord, give success to the work of your hands]Richard Proulx (Composer (antiphon))256717 121
[Lord, go up to the place of your rest] (Schiavone)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))145645 6717
[Lord, have mercy] (Missa Oecumenica)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)232543 23254 32344
Chant (16656)Richard Proulx (Adapter)2
[Kyrie, eleison] (12331)Richard Proulx (Adapter)212331 23312 33123
[Lord have mercy] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx, 1937- (Arranger)635323 21432 33532
[Lord, have mercy] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)131231 31231 54345
[Lord, have mercy] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)8
[Lord, have mercy] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)213454 321
[Lord, have mercy] (Plainsong)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer)1216656 16656 17167
[Lord, it is good to give thanks to you] (Proulx)RP (Composer)55615
[Lord, let us see your kindness] (Carroll)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))127123 42
[Lord, let your mercy be upon us] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (refrain))716123 123
[Lord, send out your Spirit] (Proulx 13134)Richard Proulx (Composer)313134 4
[Lord, send out your Spirit] (Proulx 15612)Richard Proulx (Composer)915612 1
[My shepherd is the Lord] (Gelineau)Richard Proulx (Composer (Psalm tone))555432 1
[Lord, you have the words of everlasting life] (Proulx)RP (Composer)617571
[Lord, your love is eternal]RP (Composer)355424 65
MA YEDIDUTRichard Proulx (Arranger)513555 43453 12333
MANDATUM (Proulx)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer)234536 53453 212
MANNIONRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer)2
[In paradisum deducant te angeli] (13455)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger (acc.))1013455 56543 45524
[May God have pity on us and bless us] (Proulx)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)251325 6713
[May the Lord bless and protect us all the days of our life] (Murray)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))113565 453
MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION (Schubert)Richard Proulx (Adapter)333234 43622 31
MORNING SONG (Dare)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer)751234 32175 51234
[Mortem tuam annuntiámus Donime] (13344)Richard Proulx (Arranger)413344 44444 34564
[My God, my God, why have you abandoned me] (Schoen)Richard Proulx (Arranger (psalm tone))155457 65
[My hope is lost]Richard Proulx (Composer)31761
[My refuge, my stronghold]RP (Composer (Psalm Tone))313113 11431 71
[My soul give thanks to the Lord] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)656121 23
[My soul gives thanks to the Lord] (Gelineau)Richard Proulx (Composer)4
[My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)1851623 21
[Mysterium fidei] (Cantus Missae B)Richard Proulx (Arranger)512332 43211 23333
[Mysterium fidei] (Cantus Missae A)Richard Proulx (Arranger)457112 11
[Mystérium fídei] (Vatican Edition)Richard Proulx (Acc.)135666
[Night holds no terrors for me] (Hallock)RP (Composer (Psalm Tone))311117 13
[O come, let us worship the Lord]RP (Arranger (Psalm Tone))163441
O FILII ET FILIAERichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)1313453 43211 13453
[O happy are those who fear the Lord]Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))115556 53231
[O Lord, hear my prayer, hear my prayer, O Lord]Richard Proulx (Composer (Antiphon))317675 4
[O Lord, hear my prayer, Let my cry come to you]RP (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))2
[O praise the Lord, Jerusalem] (Savoy)RP (Composer (Psalm tone))155665 522
[Our blessing cup is a communion] (Peloquin)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))116754 6714
[Our eyes are fixed on the Lord] (Proulx)RP (Composer)236531
[Our Father, who art in heaven] (A Festival Eucharist)Richard Proulx (Composer)471754 56416 5457
[Our Father, who art in heaven] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx (Adapter)211232 16545
[Our soul waits for the Lord]Richard Proulx (Composer)236535 65
PECAN STREETRichard Proulx (Composer)2
PERSONENT HODIERichard Proulx, b. 1936 (Harmonizer)411544 55516 75457
PICARDYRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)2712345 54555 567
PLEADING SAVIORRichard Proulx (Harmonizer)2232161 23532 32161
[Por tu cruz y resurrección] (Missa Emmanuel)Richard Proulx (Composer)213554 6543
[Praise and glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)215432 1
[Praise the Lord, Jerusalem] (Waddell)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))155234
[Praise the Lord, my soul] (Proulx)RP (Composer)655615
[Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)313556 545
[Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake] (71333)Richard Proulx (Adapter)871333 21217 234
PUER NATUS IN BETHLEHEM (13323)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)413323 43213 21134
REMEMBER THE POORRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Adapter)257112 32317 675
RESIGNATION (Southern Harmony)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)813532 35165 31351
[Return, O Lord, and rescue]RP (Composer (Antiphon))355655 7
ROYAL OAKRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Composer (desc.))153432 17653 46767
RUSSWINRichard Proulx (Composer)416123 14325 31243
[Saints of God come to his/her aid] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)512343 171
SALVE FESTA DIES (Vaughan Williams)Richard Proulx (Composer (descant))115432 13217 12765
[Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus] (Cantus Missa A)Richard Proulx (Acc.)712312 11176 51235
[Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth] (33233)Richard Proulx (Acc.)633233 21233 33332
[We proclaim your Death, O Lord] (Schubert)Richard Proulx (Adapter)133234 43332 22312
[Save us, Savior of the world] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)331233 21767 1225
[Save us, Savior of the world] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)355556 45555 55432
[Save us, Savior of the world] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)232343 21223 455
[Save us, Savior of the world] (Deutsche Messe)Richard Proulx (Adapter)354351 11721 76555
SERDECZNA MATKORichard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)255433 33235 44432
[Sing a new song to the God of salvation]RP (Composer (Psalm tone))161321 23
[Sing with joy to God] (Currie)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))156132
SIOBAN NI LAOGHAIRERichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)117171 75454 31711
SOMEBODY'S KNOCKIN'Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)1811321 61155 16535
SPLENDOR PATERNAE GLORIAERichard Proulx, 1937- (Accompanist)111234 32332 55234
[Springs of water, bless the Lord] (Proulx)RP (Composer)256175 654
ST. AGNES (Dykes)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)833323 47155 53225
ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR (Elvey)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)433531 23335 31233
STABAT MATER (Mainz)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Harmonizer)912323 54332 17676
CHRIST IST ERSTANDENRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)354571 55453 23114
[Taste and see the goodness of the Lord] (Proulx 21273)RP (Composer)1121273
[Taste and see the goodness of the Lord] (Proulx 54654)RP (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))254654 34531
[Teach me your ways, o Lord] (Proulx)RP (Composer)265653 2
[The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him]Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))172176 5
[The earth has yielded its fruits]Richard Proulx (Composer (antiphon))251621 65
[The glory of the Lord shall be revealed] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)211243 42116 15
[The Good Shepherd comes]Richard Proulx (Composer)313532 16123 536
[The just man is a light] (Proulx)RP (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))312311 23
[The Lord be with you] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)211766
[The Lord gave them bread] (Currie)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))177671 7
[The Lord has set his throne in heaven]Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))1
[The Lord is kind and merciful] (Haas)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))127125
[The Lord is king for evermore]Richard Proulx (Composer (acc. psalm tone))351625
[The Lord is king, the most high over all the earth] (Proulx)RP (Composer)717571
[The Lord is my light and my salvation] (Proulx)RP (Composer)936653
[The Lord is my shepherd] (Murray)Richard Proulx (Composer (Psalm tone))5
[The Lord is my shepherd] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (Antiphon))2155113 161
[The Lord is my shepherd, nothing I shall want] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (Antiphon))253453 65617 1
[The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want] (Murray)RP (Composer (Psalm tone))213123 65
[The Lord is near to broken hearts]RP (Composer)212341
[The Lord of hosts is with us] (Murray)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))351232 15
[The Lord speaks of peace]Richard Proulx (Composer (antiphon))356153 21
[The Lord will bless his people with peace] (Proulx)RP (Composer)212345 3
[The Lord will bless those who fear him]RP (Composer (Antiphon))345621 6716
[The Lord's kindness is everlasting] (Hughes)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))122123 27176 7
[The Lord's revelation to my Master] (Proulx)RP (Composer)271243 22121 75
[The stone rejected by the builders]RP (Composer)217165 3455
[This is the day the Lord has made] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)856121 656
[Though we are many]Richard Proulx (Composer)2
[Threefold Amen] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)1117131 71
[Threefold amen] (Corpus Christi Mass)Richard Proulx (Arranger)313556 54
[Threefold amen] (Mass for the City)Richard Proulx (Composer)415671 23
TIBI CHRISTE SPLENDOR PATRISRichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)1
[Today is born our Savior] (Proulx)RP (Composer)211555 6544
YISRAEL V'ORAITARichard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)271765 55555 71765
[Tremble O earth, at the presence of the Lord] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)211751 71
DISTLERRichard Proulx (Harmonizer)621234 44543 23321
[Twentyfold Amen] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer)211216 56121 235
UBI CARITAS (Plainsong)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)944566 56765 65444
UT QUEANT LAXIS (12423)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)112423 22212 33345
VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS (Plainsong)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)1056545 65122 11561
VENI EMMANUEL (Chant)Richard Proulx (Arranger)1313555 46543 4531
VEXILLA REGIS PRODEUNT (34665)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Arranger)134665 43443 43214
[Walk in the light of God's counsel]Richard Proulx (Composer)216561 276
[We lift our eyes to the Lord]RP (Composer (Psalm tone))153343 23
[We praise you, we bless you] (Ambrosian)Richard Proulx, b. 1937 (Adapter)245656 66656 54
[We praise your glorious name]Richard Proulx (Composer (antiphon))4
[We proclaim your Death, O Lord] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)456117 16556 11161
[We proclaim your Death, O Lord] (Missa Simplex)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Composer)513556 54534 5
[We proclaim your Death, O Lord] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)517154 321
[We shall tell among the peoples]Richard Proulx (Composer)316161 253
[The Lord has done great things for us] (Proulx)Richard Proulx (Composer (Antiphon))951717 543
[When we eat this bread] (A Community Mass)Richard Proulx (Composer)932432 31
[When we eat this bread and drink this cup] (A Festival Eucharist)Richard Proulx (Composer)412321 75212 34321
[When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] (Mass for Christian Unity)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Adapter)312333 3423
[When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] (People's Mass)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Arranger)312333 2117
[When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup] (Mass for the City)Richard Proulx (Composer)312345 65
[With God always before me]Richard Proulx (Composer)213532 16
[With the Lord there is mercy] (Carroll)Richard Proulx (Harmonizer (antiphon))112321 25
WONDROUS LOVE (Southern Harmony)Richard Proulx, 1937-2010 (Harmonizer)511724 54211 72576
[You are a priest for ever] (Batastini)Richard Proulx (Composer (psalm tone))2
[You are the light of the world]Richard Proulx (Composer)2
[You have searched me, and you know me, Lord]RP (Composer)245712 17
[You will draw water joyfully] (Proulx)RP (Composer)313217 571
[Your word is a lamp for my feet]Richard Proulx (Arranger)255567 71176 7

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