Luther G. Presley › Texts

Luther G. Presley
Short Name: Luther G. Presley
Full Name: Presley, Luther G., 1887-1974
Birth Year: 1887
Death Year: 1974

Luther G. Presley (March 6, 1887 – December 6, 1974) was a songwriter, musician, and composer, who is best-known for writing the lyrics to the gospel song "When the Saints Go Marching In".

Luther G. Presley was born on Beckett Mountain in Faulkner County, Arkansas on March 6, 1887. He studied music beginning at the age of 14, where he excelled. He soon became choir director. He wrote his first song, "Gladly Sing," when he was 17. He furthered his study in singing and music, under renowned teachers.

Luther Presley wrote the lyrics for the gospel spiritual "When the Saints Go Marching In", in 1937, while Virgil O. Stamps composed the music and melody to the famous work.

Luther Presley was inducted into the Southern Gospel Music Association Hall of Fame in 2008.

Texts by Luther G. Presley (501)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A beautiful life, a beautiful song will help to cheer somebody alongL. G. P. (Author)English2
A happy song is ringingLuther G. Presley (Author)2
A happy song the whole day long is mine to singLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
A loving friend today is standing outsideLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A light on my pathway forever to beL. G. P. (Author)English3
A wonderful song is ringingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
All along life's journey out to the city of goldL. G. P. (Author)English2
All blinded by sin and lost in the nightLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
All glory to Jesus who stoodLuther G. Presley (Author)2
All the day long with rapture I'm singingLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
All the world must know the story of the Savior's matchless graceLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Alone in the garden of GethsemaneLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Amazing grace how sweet the sound, there's glory in my soulLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Amid the changing scenes below, Some days are dark and other fairL. G. P. (Author)English2
Any time you go to Jesus, Any time you look aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Are you living for Jesus in His vineyard belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As down life's toilsome road I travelLuther G. Presley (Author)2
As I sail upon the waters of life's stormy GalileeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As I travel along and singLuther G. Presley (Author)2
As I travel along with a smile and a songLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As I travel in this world of sorrowL. G. P. (Author)English2
As I travel on life's rough road each dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
As I travel with Jesus ever trusting His promiseLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
As we daily travel with the blessed KingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As we sail along with a happy songLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
As we travel down here there are many sad changesLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As we travel on the road to gloryLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
As you sail upon life's restless oceanLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
As you travel down here in this valley belowL. G. P. (Author)English2
Baby Jesus went to sleepL. G. P. (Author (Chorus))English1
Back in the days of King Belshazzar, a mighty feast was spreadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Behold a land of joy and blissLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Behold the beauty grand, no matter where you standLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Beyond this mystic vale of tearsLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Blue heaven, the songbirds sing with glee their charming melodyLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
Bright will be that morningLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Brother if you want to live in glory yonder where the sun will not go downL. G. P. (Author)English2
Carry a blessing in your heartLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Close to Jesus clingingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Come let us join in a song of praise, honor the oneLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Come, let us rejoice and sing, let jubilant voices ringLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Come on, O pilgrimLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Dark clouds so often cast their shadows belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Dear Lord, I want to be faithfulL. G. P. (Author)English2
Dear Lord you need a little more loveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Dear Lord, you surely know I am just a strangerLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Dear pilgrim as you travel on life's journeyLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Deep in my heart I have a wonderful joyLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Do you wander in a land of danger?Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
Don't tell me you doubt that God created manLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Down in my heart I have a sweet melodyLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Dreaming of a little cabinL. G. P. (Author)English2
Each day I live I'll trust my SaviorL. G. P. (Author)English3
Ever since I met the Savior, I'm feeling grandLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Ever since the Savior came, pardoned me, yes, bless His nameL. G. P. (Author)English2
Ever since the Savior told me of His wondrous loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Every little flower that is blooming todayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Everybody on the Lord's sideLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Everywhere I go in this world of sorrow I can often hear somebody sayL. G. P. (Author)English2
For many a day I have traveledL. G. P. (Author)English2
Glory, honor be to the Savior, Jesus, our KingLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Glory to God I'm on my way to that eternal land of dayL. G. P. (Author)English2
Glory to God in the highest, they sangLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
God is my wonderful keeperL. G. P. (Author)English2
God made the flowersLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Good Lord, good Lord, When the saints are resurrectedLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Goodbye old world of sin and careLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Greater will be my eternal gloryL. G. P. (Author)English4
Happy day, happy day, and gloryLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Happy in the love eternalLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Happy in the love of my dear LordLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Happy in the love that saved my soul I'm sailing alongLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Happy in the love that took your sins awayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Happy in the Savior's love, Each passing dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Happy in the Savior's love, ready for the home aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Happy on the way to the land of dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Have you ever thought how lonely and dark would be the roadL. G. P. (Author)English2
How often I dream of a wonderful landL. G. P. (Author)English2
How often in the twilight grayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
How sweet it will be to gather at homeLuther G. Presley (Author)2
How wonderful the story of Jesus and his loveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I am going to a city bright and fair, Where I'll see my blessed Savior and His wondrous glory shareLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I am not ashamed to speakLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I am on the gospel road, Happy in love so freeLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I am on the gospel road that was built by loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I am so glad that God so lovedLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I am so glad to know that JesusLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I am thinking tonight of the far away yearsLuther G. Presley (Author)1
I am thinking tonight of the lands far awayL. G. P. (Author)English3
I am walking in the light, every passing dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I believe the grand old book, every word and lineLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I believe, you believe, God is goodLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I can never forget how the Savior cameLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I cling to the Savior wherever I goL. G. P. (Author)English2
I don't know the secret of God's heavenL. G. P. (Author)English2
I don't know why the way is roughLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I dream of a beautiful city of lightLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I feel the Spirit movingL. G. P. (Author)English2
I had wandered in the nightLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I have a friend in whom I trustLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I have a friend who saves from sin and knows when I am lonelyLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I have a little secret in my heart todayLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
I have a most wonderful peace, Way down in the depths of my heartL. G. P. (Author)English2
I have a new song to sing in praise to Jesus my KingLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
I have a wonderful Friend who isLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I have heard the story of love divineL. G. P. (Author)English3
I have heard the story trueLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I have read how the Savior has goneL. G. P. (Author)English4
I have read of a beautiful cityLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I have read of a place on the mountainLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I have the beautiful sunlight coming down from aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English6
I have the sweetest song that I sing the whole day longLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I have the sweetest song that I'm singing all day longLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
I have the sweetest song todayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I know the precious love of Jesus is with me each dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
I live in a land of sorrow while toiling in this earthly raceLuther G. Presley (Author)English6
I look upon the rugged crossL. G. P. (Author)English2
I love my blessed Savior more and more each dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I now can sing, Amazing Grace, since I met Jesus face to faceLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I once was just a sinner lostLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I once was worn and sad, but now I'm free and glad (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
I rejoice in the love divineLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
I rejoice in the love of the blessed King aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I saw him yonder one day, one dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I seek for gladness hereL. G. P. (Author)English2
I think of that city on a far-away strandLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I think of the circle of the friends I have knownLuther G. Presley (Author)3
I travel with my Savior hand in handLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I want to be ready and waiting when the dark shadows shall fallLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I want to love my Savior as on I goLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I want to make somebody happy, And do the very best I canLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I was tossed by doubt on a raging seaLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I watch the gold of sunsetLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'd rather be a Christian undefiled and pureL. G. P. (Author)English2
If by the blood you've been redeemedLuther G. Presley (Author)2
If I had but one more messageLuther G. Presley (Author)4
If I may lead someone to Jesus as I travel here belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If the love of Jesus abides in my soulL. G. P. (Author)English3
If you are feeling sad and blue and cannot tell just what to doLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If you are happy in redeeming loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
If you are lonely and burdened todayL. G. P. (Author)English2
If you are spreading the gospel storyLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
If you meet a stranger on the Jericho roadLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
If you want to live with Jesus yonder where the faithful goLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If you want to talk about somebodyL. G. P. (Author)English2
If you wish to happy beLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If you would be happy as you journey hereLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If you would be happy in Jesus the KingLuther G. Presley (Author)2
If your cares should seem heavy todayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
If your heart today is filled with sorrowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm a pilgrim on life's weary roadL. G. P. (Author)English3
I'm bound for a land just over the riverLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm counitng on the starsLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I'm following Jesus my wonderful KingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm happy, happy, Glory to His nameLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm happy today as gladly I bringLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm in the glory way, pressing alongL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm just a lonely pilgrim, In a strange and weary landLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm just a pilgrim in this valley belowL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm just a stranger here seeking a homeL. G. P. (Author)English4
I'm just a weary pilgrim Plodding through this world of sinLuther G. Presley (Arranger)English24
I'm just a weary stranger in this old world belowL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm living out my days of service here belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I'm only a pilgrim here below, While journeying through the desert sandL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm only a stranger, toiling through dangerL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm rejoicing in the promises of Jesus my KingL. G. P. (Author)English2
I'm rejoicing in the Savior every moment of the dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I'm so glad that Jesus found meL. G. P. (Author)English3
I'm walking in the gospel way with my eternal FriendLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
I'm walking today by faith in the LordLuther G. Presley (Author)2
In God's storehouse there are blessings for each child of grace divineL. G. P. (Author)English2
In my Father's house are mansions that are wonderful to seeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In my heart today the bells of gladness ringLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In that land of joy eternal is a City free from careLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In the Bible we read of a beautiful prayerLuther G. Presley (Author)English15
In the city of BethlehemLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In the mighty army of the blessed LordLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In this fleeting life belowLuther G. Presley (Author)2
In this land of danger I am just a strangerLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In this low ground of sorrow, and shadows drearLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In this weary life of sorrow and of tearsLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
In this world of sorrow and trouble belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
In this world there are many sad changesL. G. P. (Author)2
It was an old fashioned Savior of menLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
It was down at the cross I met Jesus one dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
It was the Savior's boundless loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
I've a Friend, a great CompanionLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I've been numbered with God's childrenL. G. P. (Author)English4
I've heard a sweet story of loveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I've just a little longer on the road to travelLuther G. Presley (Author)3
I've read about a place of loveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I've read about that eternal cityLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I've read how Jesus went away to build a city of loveL. G. P. (Author)English2
I've read of a country on a farway strandLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I've read the story how Jesus blessed the people of oldLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I've started for the glory landLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
I've started on a journey to Canaan's happyLuther G. Presley (Author)2
I've traveled here in a land of sorrowL. G. P. (Author)English2
Jesus calls for workers trueLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Jesus came along and spoke to me, told me of His precious love so freeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus gave His life a ransom on the cross of CalvaryL. G. P. (Author)English2
Jesus is a Friend to me, wonderful and kind is HeLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Jesus is mine, glory divineLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus is the one who keeps me happyLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus is walking with me every dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus left His home on high, Came to earth to bleed and die (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus Savior, Coming down from aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
Jesus taught the people, taught them by the shoreL. G. P. (Author)English2
Jesus wants you for a sunbeamLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Jesus went away to build a beautiful homeLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
John foretold of a place called heaven, wondrous city foursquareLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Joybells are ringing, angels are singingL. G. P. (Author)English2
Just a little while and we'll be singing yonder with the ransomed choir aboveL. G. P. (Author)English3
Just a little while to travel on time's weary roadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Just a pure Rose of love sent from the throne aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Keep a smile in your eyes and a song in your heartL. G. P. (Author)English2
Last night I sailed down memory's riverL. G. P. (Author)English2
Laying up my treasures in that home aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English14
Let every human creatureLuther G. Presley (Author)1
Let every heart rejoice todayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Let not your heart be troubled, the Savior saidL. G. P. (Author)English2
Let the bells ring, gladness to bringLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Life is just a proving ground for the children hereLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Life is like the fleeting shadow of a cloud beneath the sunL. G. P. (Author)English2
Like the flowers that bloom in springLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Like the little flowers that we cherish toLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Listen, dear friend of mineLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Listen to the merry Christmas bellsLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Living in sunlight as I travel belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Living in the sunlight of His wonderful loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Living in the sunshine and the glory of the Savior's boundless loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Living in the sunshine of His matchless graceLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Long I rejected the love of the SaviorLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Looking above earth's trouble and strifeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Looking for the coming of Christ the KingL. G. P. (Author)English2
Lord, I feel just like a strangerLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Lord, I sometimes falter when my load is heavyL. G. P. (Author)3
Lord, I want to be more like TheeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Lord we need the light of love from Thy blessed throne aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Make your life a blessing for the One aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Many are the doubters of God's word divineLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Many years I've traveled on this weary roadL. G. P. (Author)English10
Men strive for the wealth of this wide, wicked worldLuther G. Presley (Author)English32
Merry Christmas, greetings and good cheerL. G. P. (Author)English4
My burdens are so heavy, and crosses hard to bearL. G. P. (Author)English2
My garments were all stained with the lucre of sinLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
My heart is filled with joy aboundingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
My heart was burdened with sorrow and with careLuther G. Presley (Author)2
My Lord, my blessed Lord, you knowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
My Savior knows the road I travelLuther G. Presley (Author)2
My soul is filled with joy today, While walking in the living wayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
My soul is glad and so I sing A happy song todayLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
My soul with joy is overflowing as I travel alongLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
No wonder that I am happy todayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
No wonder this world is growing dark with troubles on every handLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
O blessed Lamb of CalvaryLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
O give us flowers so sweet and gayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
O how wonderful the precious loveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
O Rock of Ages cleft for meL. G. P. (Author)English6
O what a day that day will be, What a wonderful sight we there shall seeL. G. P. (Author)English3
Of the great love that saved my soul, ever I'm singingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Oft times I sit in silent dreamingLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Often I sit in the twilightL. G. P. (Author)English2
Often we ponder this earthly lifeLuther G. Presley (Author)2
O have you heard the story, The great redemption planL. G. P. (Author)English2
On life's ocean wide, restless tideLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
On some morning when I stand in God's wonderful cityLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
On some tomorrow with trials pastLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
On the plains of heaven's glory we shall sing redemption's storyL. G. P. (Author)English2
On the resurrection morning when all the dead in Christ shall riseLuther G. Freesley (Author)English13
Once a stranger I wandered in darkness of sinLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Once I was a sinner far from GodLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Once I was burdened, my cross so heavyLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
Once the clouds were hanging lowLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Once the path was dark and drearLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
One day the Savior spoke to meLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Out in the desert of sin a wandering long I had beenLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Out on the ocean with JesusLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Outside your door a friend is standingLuther G. Presley (Author)3
Over the world a light is shining with a radiance so brightLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Perfect joy is mine today, In my heart a songL. G. P. (Author)English2
Perfect joy is mine today since I found the living wayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Praise the Lord for the joy of living in the light of His wonderful loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Press on O pilgrim in the way of loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English8
Pressing on with the Savior to that city fairLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Rest, rest rest. Some tomorrowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Rock of ages, I am clingingLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
Sailing along upon the ocean of loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
Scatter the beautiful rays of sunshineLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since by clouds of witnesses we're compassed aboutLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since I got acquainted with Heaven's DoveLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Since I have found the heavenly highway leading up to the city of goldLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since I met the Savior and told Him my loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since Jesus came along and set the sun to shining, lighting up the way to heaven's goalL. G. P. (Author)English2
Since Jesus came and found me and placed hisLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Since Jesus came and found me, placing His arms around meLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since Jesus came and lifted meL. G. P. (Author)English2
Since Jesus came and lifted my load of sinLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Since Jesus came and set me free I'm just as glad as I can beL. G. P. (Author)English3
Since Jesus came from heaven aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since Jesus gave my heart a song that keeps me singing all the dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since that blessed day Jesus came my wayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since the Savior came, lifted me from shameLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since the Savior gave the peace that made you happy and wholeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since the Savior has been such a blessing to youLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Since the Savior has turned your sadness to a beautiful life of gladnessL. G. P. (Author)English2
Since the Savior put this song of glory in my soulL. G. P. (Author)English4
Since the Savior took control, put this glory in my soulL. G. P. (Author)English4
Since you have trusted in the SaviorLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Sitting by the fire at eveningLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
So many burdens we must bearLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Some days we feel so weak and work, our weary hearts by grief are tornLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Some glad morning, after whileLuther G. Presley (Author)4
Some happy morning the Savior is comingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Some of these days when I reach heaven where the redeemed of God abideLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
Some of these days when toil is ended and the redeemed go marching homeL. G. P. (Author)English4
Some people may often wonder why Christians shout and singLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Some people often wonder why we sing, whey we trust the love of heaven's KingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Some people reject the Savior and spurn His matchless loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English10
Some sweet day when my work here is endedL. G. P. (Author)English2
Some wonderful day it cannot be longLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Some wonderful time, some beautiful day we're going up home forever to stayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Somebody knows when you are sadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Someone in sin has gone astrayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Sometimes I feel just like a strangerLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Sometimes I grow weary, As I travel life's roadL. G. P. (Author)English2
Sometimes your heart is sadLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Somewhere beyond the dark shadows of timeL. G. P. (Author)English3
Somewhere beyond the vaults of heavenLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Spread a little brightness as on you goLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Storm clouds 'round us blowL. G. P. (Author)English2
Tears of sorrow, tribulationLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
That will be a happy meeting In the by and byLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
The angels asked why they stood gazing toward heavenLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
The blessed sunlight of God's love is shining over meLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
The cares of this life may leave us weepingL. G. P. (Author)English9
The Lamb of God was crucifiedL. G. P. (Author)English2
The love of God is not a dreamL. G. P. (Author)English2
The love of God is sweeter, For me to have and holdLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
The precious sunlight from heaven is flooding my soulL. G. P. (Author)English2
The Savior has gone to prepare a home of many mansions fairLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
The Savior left His sweet home above, came to redeem by loveLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
The Savior now walks with me and daily He talks with meLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
The Savior's walking by my side as we go marching homeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
The songbirds sing with glee their charming melodyLuther G. Presley (Author)2
The world may often wonder why I sing and testifyL. G. P. (Author)English2
The world today is forgetting the storyL. G. P. (Author)English2
There are many dark days in this life to ponderLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is a beautiful city waiting yonder aboveL. G. P. (Author)English2
There is a city of love somewhereLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is a city up yonder we're toldLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is a Friend on whom you can dependLuther G. Presley (Author)2
There is a happy land of sunshine, I knowLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
There is a home in the land of tomorrowL. G. P. (Author)English2
There is a land of fadeless beauty waiting aheadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is a light, beautiful light brightly shiningL. G. P. (Author)English2
There is coming a day of gladness for the faithful by and byLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is gladness in my soul since the Savior made me whole (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is gladness in my soul today, I am happy on the wayL. G. P. (Author)English2
There is glory in the story of love divineL. G. P. (Author)English3
There is joy for all of God's childrenLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
There is something in my soul today keeping the shadows all awayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There is something that keeps me gladLuther G. Presley (Author)English6
There is something you should rememberL. G. P. (Author)English2
There was gladness in my ransomed soulLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There'll be singing, joy bells ringingL. G. P. (Author)English2
There's a day of sorrow on the sad tomorrowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There's a home of wondrous beauty just beyond the shades of nightL. G. P. (Author)English2
There's a little short visit I make each dayL. G. P. (Author)English2
There's a song of gladness in my soul today (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)2
There's a song of jubilationLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There's a story I love to ponderLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
There's a wonderful story that thrills my soulL. G. P. (Author)English3
There's melody of gladness ever ringingLuther G. Presley (Author)2
There's something in my soul today, That keeps me glad along the wayLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
These are days of trouble and sorrowLuther G. Presley (Author)2
These are the days of tribulation in this weary troubled landLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
They built a house of beauty rareL. G. P. (Author)English2
They tell me of a beautiful city just across the wayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
They tell me of a happy placeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
They tell me of a home so fairL. G. P. (Author)English4
This life is filled with sorrow and troubles here belowL. G. P. (Author)English5
This life is filled with trouble and woeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
This life is like the fleeting shadows of timeL. G. P. (Author)English2
This war our sky has overcast, but peace will surely come at lastLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
This world is filled with dangers, fashions so newLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Though I am poor and weak and blindLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Though oft your prayers may seem in vainLuther G. Presley (Author)2
'Tis sweet to remember the love of my LordLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
Torn by conflict and commotion that now fills the hearts of menL. G. P. (Author)English3
Tossed upon life's stormy ocean where the angry billows rollLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Travel on with the LordLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
Travelers upon your journey through this desert landLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
Traveling on the sunlit highway with Christ the LordLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Traveling on the way, rejoicing every dayLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Traveling on with Christ to glory, giving service here belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Troubles of this weary life are ended and we shall lay these burdens downLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Trusting in the promise of hisLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Trusting the Savior, sharing His favorLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Walking in the light divineLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Walking with the Lord who loves me soLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Walking with the Savior, whatsoever betideLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We are happy today in a wonderful wayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
We are on a little journey to a wonderful placeL. G. P. (Author)English3
We are sailing with Jesus on the ocean of timeLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
We are told that God's singers will gather by the riverLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We are traveling in a land of sorrowL. G. P. (Author)English2
We keep our songs of love and gloryLuther G. Presley (Author)2
We look upon the beauty of this old world belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We love our Savior who came down from God's sweet heavenL. G. P. (Author)English2
We love the sweet rose sent down from aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We press along and sing a songLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We read of a place where the Savior has goneLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We travel in a weary landLuther G. Presley (Author)2
We travel on the highwayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Weary, trudging, Down this lonesome roadL. G. P. (Author)English4
Well, I love somebody, And I know just whoLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
Well I want to testifyLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Well I'm so glad no wonder I singL. G. P. (Author)English2
We're a band of happy singers on the way to heavenLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
We're pilgrims in a strange and a weary landLuther G. Presley (Author)2
What a glad song of happy praiseLuther G. Presley (Author)2
What a great singing it surely will beLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
What a happy morning light will be adorningLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
What a happy time on that glad morning, waiting when the sheaves are garnered inL. G. P. (Author)English3
What a happy time some glad tomorrow when we lay these heavy burdens downL. G. P. (Author)English20
What a morning grand on the golden strand, For the saints of God it will beLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
What a song of delight in that city so brightLuther G. Presley (Author)English18
What a time of great rejoicing for the redeemed ones by and byLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
What a time of great rejoicing on the hallelujah shoreLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
What a time of great rejoicing, when we move awayLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
What a wonderful feeling within this heart of mineLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
What a wonderful time some bright tomorrow, yonder on the golden shoreL. G. P. (Author)English2
What a wonderful time 'twill beL. G. P. (Author)English2
What have you done today for your dear SaviorLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
What light is this shining so brightly for meL. G. P. (Author)English9
What shall I do when the pathway is dark?Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
What wonderful joy is mine todayLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When a storm was raging on dark GalileeLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When burdens are heavy on the road that you must treadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When burdens of life are bendingLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When Christ my Lord shall call for me to cross the deep and mystic seaL. G. P. (Author)English3
When God tunes me in on heaven's radioL. G. P. (Author)English2
When I am called to that beautiful landL. G. P. (Author)English2
When I am tired and feeling lowLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When I cross to the land of glory there to carol the grand old storyLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When I get to heaven, that fair land of songL. G. P. (Author)English2
When I see Jesus coming down from aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When I was burdened, so lonely and sadLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
When I was deep in sorrow, all burdened down with sinL. G. P. (Author)English2
When I was in the valley of deathLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When I was in the valley of sorrow and despairLuther G. Presley (Author)English4
When I was lost in darkness of nightLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When I was lost in sin's dark night, My heart all torn with sin's discordLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When Isr'l came from bondageLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When Jesus left his children standing here belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When Moses climbed Mount Sinai from the trouble vales belowLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When my fleeting days of life shall endLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When my latest sun shall setL. G. P. (Author)English3
When my trials are ended, and my race has been runLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
When tempests beat upon my soulLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When the clouds hang low and heavy, as they float above your headLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When the day is ended with its trialsLuther G.Presley (Author)English5
When the dear Savior came down from aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When the evening shadows are falling and the west is turning goldLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
When the evening shadows gather (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)2
When the silent shadows Mark the close of dayL. G. P. (Author)English3
When the sun goes down and the day is doneLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When the way is dark and the cross seems heavyLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
When the world was condemned by its awful transgressionL. G. P. (Author)English2
When this world was lost in shame, for our redemption Jesus cameL. G. P. (Author)English2
When we reach that city of the New JerusalemL. G. P. (Author)English2
When we reach that city so lovely and so grandLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When we shall reach that happy placeL. G. P. (Author)English2
When we think how Jesus left those mansions bright aboveLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
When you are sad and feeling blue, Trudging down a pathway dimL. G. P. (Author)English2
When you are tired and your burdens heavy, every moment fraught with careL. G. P. (Author)English2
When you arrive in heaven, beyond the smiling blueL. G. P. (Author)English2
When you get to heaven some morning fairLuther G. Presley (Author)English5
When you get to yonderLuther G. Presley (Author)2
When you steal away to JesusL.G.P. (Author)English7
Where can rest be found for the wearyLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
While passing down time's weary road, I'll murmur not though great the loadLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
While passing through this world of care, I'll stay with my Lord (Presley)Luther G. Presley (Author)English3
While sailing on life's oceanL. G. P. (Author)English3
Will your Dreams come True?Luther G. Presley (Author)English2
With joy and song we press alongLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Wonderful gladness in Jesus I've foundLuther G. Presley (Author)3
Wonderful glory is flooding my soulLuther G. Presley (Author)2
Wonderful joy comes over me stealingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Wonderful the thought it is to know, through the dreary shadows here belowL. G. P. (Author)English2
Wonderful words of life I findL. G. P. (Author)English2
Won't that be a happy, happy meetingLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Working for Jesus as you travel the road to gloryLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
Yes, indeed, my Lord is ableL. G. P. (Author)English2
You ask me how I know whereLuther G. Presley (Author)2
You ask me why I borrow gladness instead of sorrowLuther G. Presley (Author)English3
You ask me why I'm happy and singing as I goLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
You ask me why some days are sadLuther G. Presley (Author)5
You may talk about silver you may talk about goldLuther G. Presley (Author)English2
You may wonder why I shout and singLuther G. Presley (Author)2
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