Shirley Erena Murray

Short Name: Shirley Erena Murray
Full Name: Murray, Shirley Erena, 1931-
Birth Year: 1931
Death Year: 2020

Shirley Erena Murray (b. Invercargill, New Zealand, 1931) studied music as an undergraduate but received a master’s degree (with honors) in classics and French from Otago University. Her upbringing was Methodist, but she became a Presbyterian when she married the Reverend John Stewart Murray, who was a moderator of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Shirley began her career as a teacher of languages, but she became more active in Amnesty International, and for eight years she served the Labor Party Research Unit of Parliament. Her involvement in these organizations has enriched her writing of hymns, which address human rights, women’s concerns, justice, peace, the integrity of creation, and the unity of the church. Many of her hymns have been performed in CCA and WCC assemblies. In recognition for her service as a writer of hymns, the New Zealand government honored her as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit on the Queen’s birthday on 3 June 2001. Through Hope Publishing House, Murray has published three collections of her hymns: In Every Corner Sing (eighty-four hymns, 1992), Everyday in Your Spirit (forty-one hymns, 1996), and Faith Makes the Song (fifty hymns, 2002). The New Zealand Hymnbook Trust, for which she worked for a long time, has also published many of her texts (cf. back cover, Faith Makes the Song). In 2009, Otaga University conferred on her an honorary doctorate in literature for her contribution to the art of hymn writing.

I-to Loh, Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bamboo”: Asian Hymns in Their Cultural and Liturgical Context, p. 468, ©2011 GIA Publications, Inc., Chicago

Texts by Shirley Erena Murray (191)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A single grain of wheatShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
All my being and all that I possessShirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser)English2
Always there's a carolShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
And Jesus said: don't be afraidShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)5
As the wind song through the treesShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)English6
Athi shudha, athi shudha (O most holy, O most holy)Shirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Sinhala2
Because you came and sat beside usShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Because You live, O ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)English8
Bring in the Christmas that lights up the ages!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Bring in your new world, child of the sunShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Bring the bread, bring the wineShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Carol our Christmas, an upside-down ChristmasShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Celebrate each generationShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Child of Christmas storyShirley Murray (Author)English3
Child of joy and peaceShirley Erena Murray (Author)English6
Christ has changed the world's direction!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Christ is alive, and the universe must celebrateShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English4
Christ is our peace, Christ is our healthShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Christ Jesus, in your nameShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Christ, let us come with youShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Christmas comes closeShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Church of the living ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Come and find the quiet centerShirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 (Author)English13
Come, Christian people, sing your praises, shout!Shirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Composer (st. 1-5))3
Come, Christmas Child, come again in your wonderShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Come in, come in, New YearShirley Murray, 1931- (Author)2
Come into the streets with me!Shirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English4
Come now, Lord JesusShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Come, on this wedding dayShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Come, teach us, Spirit of our GodShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Come the day, come the sunShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Come to a weddingShirley Murray (Author)English6
Come to our land, come to our heartsShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Come to this Christmas singingShirley Murray (Author)English4
Community of ChristShirley Erana Murray (Author)English7
Creation sings! And we are in the musicShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Cuando vienen a la vidaShirley Erena Murray (Author)Spanish3
Dream a dream, a hopeful dreamShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Every day, I will offer youShirley Murray (Author)English2
Everything that has voiceShirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 (Author)English5
For everyone born, a place at the tableShirley Erena Murray (Author)English14
For the bread and wine and blessingShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
For the music of creationShirley Murray (Author)English10
Forgive us, forgive us, holy God!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)2
From mothers' arms, we see the worldShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
From the apple in the gardenShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
From the waiting comes the signShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Gentle God, when we are drivenShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Give thanks for life, the measure of our daysShirley Murray (Author)English14
Give us this day our daily bread, The right to work that all be fedShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Go gently, go lightlyShirley Erena Murray (Author)3
God bless our land, in every generationShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
God, bless the ones who watch and waitShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
God, give me time to learn the wordsShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
God in whose memory no one is lostShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
God of all time, all seasons of our livingShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)English5
God of freedom, God of justiceShirley Erena Murray (Author)English13
God of our every dayShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
God of the Bible, God in the GospelShirley Erena Murray (Author)English9
God of the galaxies spinning in spaceShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
God of the workplace, God in our cityShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
God of wonder, God of thunderShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
God was in ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
God weeps at love withheldShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English9
God within our deepest thoughtShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Great God of earth and heaven, Whose Spirit is our breathShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Here in the busy cityShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)3
Here is the place, now is the timeShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English4
Here to the house of God we comeShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Here we bring, small or greatShirley Murray (Author)English3
Hiru sandawa tharu mal bara liya thuru (Sun and moon and stars above, the flowers and the fruits that grow)Shirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Sinhala2
Holy Presence, Holy TeacherShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Honour the dead, our country's fighting brave (Kia ikeike te wāhi mō te māia)Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English, Māori2
How happy you who work for peace!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
How shall we find you Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
How small a spark has lit a living fire!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
I am standing, waiting, waiting at your doorShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
I am your mother: Do not neglect me!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
I was sick, I was sad, and you visited meShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
In a garden, God blessed creationShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
In the name of Christ we gatherShirley Erena Murray (Author)English7
In the quiet of this dayShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
In the singing, in the silenceShirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 (Author)English8
In what strange land will I sing your song, O God, my God?Shirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Into the hands that blessed the childrenShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Ish war ko pri ya putra phrabhu Khrist (Savior in heaven, Christ Jesus, God's Son)Shirley Erena Murray (Translator (English))English, Nepali2
It is time! Let the white poppies bloomShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Jagotho tharono korono Karono (Your throne of glory you gave up to save all peopleShirley Murray (Paraphraser (English))Bengali, English2
Jesus, I come trusting your kindnessShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English4
Jesus, Savior, Spirit, Sun!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Jesus walked on to CalvaryShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Just as a mother sings her baby to sleepShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Leftover people, in leftover placesShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Let my spirit always singShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)English4
Let our earth be peacefulShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Let us go in your peaceShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Let's praise the Creator who gave us each otherShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English7
Life into life, the threads are wovenShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Little one, born to bring us such loveShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)English3
Look at me, O God!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Look in wonder, hold in honourShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Lord Jesus, when my courage failsShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Love is your way, love is your nature Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Loving Spirit, loving SpiritShirley Murray (Author)English24
Make spaces for Spirit! For energy risingShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
May the rainbow always touch your shoulderShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Mera tan man aor dhan tere lie Shirley Murray (Paraphraser (English))Urdu2
More than we know, God works within usShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Nagŭnee yangshik (Food for pilgrim people)Shirley Murray (Paraphraser)English, Korean3
Natha thithee nathi soka biya (This is the story of the sheep who went astray)Shirley Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Sinhala2
New child of God, come to be blessedShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Niño: es astro, mediador de DiosShirley Erena Murray (Author)Spanish3
No obvious angels sing through the night skiesShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Nouv knong duong chiet knhom men preas Yesu (Now my heart is sure that Jesus lives)Shirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Khmer2
Now a mighty tree has fallenShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Now as we go, kind Spirit keep usShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Now thank we all our God for lives beloved and cherishedShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Now the star of ChristmasShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Now to Your table spreadShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
O beauty ever ancientShirley Erena Murray (Author)4
O Christ, who by a cross made peace your signShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
O Christ, you hang upon a crossShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
O God, our God, disabled GodShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
O God, to you I cry in painShirley Erena Murray (Author)3
O God, we bear the imprint of Your faceShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English8
O little Love, who comes againShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Of women, and of women's hopes we singShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
On this good earth, God's generous creationShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Open wide the church's door!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Our life has its seasonsShirley Murray (Author)English2
[Paul's Goodbye]Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
"Peace be with you," says the risen ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Peace Child, in the sleep of the nightShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Peace comes crying through the worldShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Peace that no word or secret can tellShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Set us free for freedomShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Siir Yesu nadhenukku (O Jesus, we would praise you)Shirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Thamilz2
Simply to be, to be in stillnessShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Sing a happy hallelujahShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Sing green for the good sweet earthShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Sing to celebrate the city!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Small things count, so Jesus saidShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Something beautiful for GodShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Son of God, whose heart is peaceShirley Murray (Paraphraser)English2
Spirit of love, you move within creationShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
Spirit who broodsShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Star-Child, earth-ChildShirley Erena Murray, b. 1931 (Author)English15
Startle us, God, by the signs of Your Spirit around us!Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Take my gifts and let me love youShirley Murray (Author)English6
Tama ngakau marie (Son of God, whose heart is peace)Shirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Maori5
Teach us, O loving heart of ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
The blessing of water and light and airShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
The bread is blessed, the wine is pouredShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
The garden of the world, the paradise we shareShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
The grain is ripe: the harvest comes!Shirley E. Murray (Author)English2
The light, the Christmas lightShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
The spring has comeShirley Erena Murray (Author)English5
There is no child so smallShirley Erena Murray (Author)3
This is our faith: trouble may break usShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
This is the day of joy and peaceShirley Erena Murray (Paraphraser (English))English2
This is the mindset of one who has comeShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
This thread I weave, this step I danceShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Through all the world a hungry ChristShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
Through winter cold and drifted snowShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
To Christ, whose hands will blessShirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)2
Tomar akash, tomar batash (Joy in your sky, joy in your wind)Shirley Murray (Paraphraser (English))Bengali, English2
Touch the Earth LightlyShirley Erena Murray (Author)English24
Un le hami lai pre ma gari (For he loved and suffered on Calvary)Shirley Murray (Paraphraser (English))English, Nepali2
Vem, ó tu que fazes novosShirley Erena Murray (Translator (English))French, German, Portuguese, Spanish2
We are the household that gathers round JesusShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
We are the singers who celebrate JesusShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
We wait for youShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
When at this table I receive a blessingShirley Erena Murray (Author)5
When human voices cannot singShirley Erena Murray (b. 1931) (Author)English5
[When I Was a Child] (Murray)Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
When our lives know sudden shadowShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
When we lift our pack and goShirley Erena Murray (Author)English4
Where are the voices for the earth?Shirley Erena Murray (Author)3
Where is the roomShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Where mountains rise to open skiesShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Where the light of Easter DayShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Who is my mother?Shirley Erena Murray, 1931- (Author)English10
Who is the child that is to be bornShirley Murray (Author)English2
Who sweeps the stable when Christmas is overShirley Erena Murray (Author)3
Who will there be to singShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Who would steal a life to satisfy a greed?Shirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Who would walk cheerfullyShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Wind on the water, in the waves of the seaShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Wisdom be our guideShirley Erena Murray (Author)2
Wise men came journeying, once, long agoShirley Erena Murray (Author)English2
Wounded world that cries for healingShirley Erena Murray (Author)English3
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