Robert Lowry › Tunes

Robert Lowry
Short Name: Robert Lowry
Full Name: Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899
Birth Year: 1826
Death Year: 1899

Robert Lowry was born in Philadelphia, March 12, 1826. His fondness for music was exhibited in his earliest years. As a child he amused himself with the various musical instruments that came into his hands. At the age of seventeen he joined the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, and soon became an active worker in the Sunday-school as teacher and chorister.

At the age of twenty-two he gave himself to the work of the ministry, and entered upon a course of study at the University of Lewisburg, Pa. At the age of twenty-eight he was graduated with the highest honors of his class. In the same year of his graduation, he entered upon the work of the ministry. He served as pastor at West Chester, Pa., 1851-1858; in New York City, 1859-1861; in Brooklyn, 1861-1869; in Lewisburg, Pa., 1869-1875. While pastor at Lewisburg, he was also professor of belles lettres in the University, and received the honorary degree of D. D. in 1875.

He then went to Plainfield, N. J., where he became pastor of Park Avenue Church. In each of these fields his work was crowned with marked success.

Dr. Lowry was a man of rare administrative ability, a most excellent preacher, a thorough Bible student, and whether in the pulpit or upon the platform, always a brilliant and interesting speaker. He was of a genial and pleasing disposition, and a high sense of humor was one of his most striking characteristics. Very few men had greater ability in painting pictures from the imagination. He could thrill an audience with his vivid descriptions, inspiring others with the same thoughts that inspired him.

His melodies are sung in every civilized land, and many of his hymns have been translated into foreign tongues. While preaching the Gospel, in which he found great joy, was his life-work, music and hymnology were favorite studies, but were always a side issue, a recreation.

In the year 1880, he took a rest of four years, visiting Europe. In 1885 he felt that he needed more rest, and resigned his pastorate at Plainfield, and visited in the South and West, also spending some time in Mexico. He returned, much improved in health, and again took up his work in Plainfield.

On the death of Wm. B. Bradbury, Messrs. Biglow & Main, successors to Mr. Bradbury in the publishing business, selected Dr. Lowry for editor of their Sunday-school book, Bright Jewels, which was a great success. Subsequently Dr. W. Doane was associated with him in the issue of the Sunday-school song book, Pure Gold, the sales of which exceeded a million copies. Then came Royal Diadem, Welcome Tidings, Brightest and Best, Glad Refrain, Good as Gold, Joyful Lays, Fountain of Song, Bright Array, Temple Anthems, and numerous other volumes. The good quality of their books did much to stimulate the cause of sacred song in this country.

When he saw that the obligations of musical editorship were laid upon him, he began the study of music in earnest, and sought the best musical text-books and works on the highest forms of musical composition. He possessed one of the finest musical libraries in the country. It abounded in works on the philosophy and science of musical sounds. He also had some musical works in his possession that were over one hundred and fifty years old.

One of his labors of love some years ago was an attempt to reduce music to a mathematical basis. On the established fact that Middle C has two hundred and fifty-six vibrations per second, he prepared a scale and went to work on the rule of three. After infinite calculation and repeated experiments, he carried it far enough to discover that it would not work.

A reporter once asked him what was his method of composition — "Do you write the words to fit the music, or the music to fit the words?" His reply was, "I have no method. Sometimes the music comes and the words follow, fitted insensibly to the melody. I watch my moods, and when anything good strikes me, whether words or music, and no matter where I am, at home or on the street, I jot it down. Often the margin of a newspaper or the back of an envelope serves as a notebook. My brain is a sort of spinning machine, I think, for there is music running through it all the time. I do not pick out my music on the keys of an instrument. The tunes of nearly all the hymns I have written have been completed on paper before I tried them on the organ. Frequently the words of the hymn and the music have been written at the same time."

The Doctor frequently said that he regarded "Weeping Will Not Save Me" as the best and most evangelistic hymn he ever wrote. The following are some of his most popular and sweetest gospel melodies: "Shall We Gather at the River?," "One More Day's Work for Jesus," "Where is My Wandering Boy To-night?," "I Need Thee Every Hour," "The Mistakes of My Life," "How Can I Keep from Singing?," "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me," "Saviour, Thy Dying Love," "We're Marching to Zion," etc. "Shall We Gather at the River?" is perhaps, without question, the most widely popular of all his songs. Of this Mr. Lowry said: "It is brass band music, has a march movement, and for that reason has become popular, though for myself I do not think much of it." Yet he tells us how, on several occasions, he had been deeply moved by the singing of that hymn, "Going from Harrisburg to Lewisburg once I got into a car filled with half-drunken lumbermen. Suddenly one of them struck up, "Shall We Gather at the River?" and they sang it over and over again, repeating the chorus in a wild, boisterous way. I did not think so much of the music then as I listened to those singers, but I did think that perhaps the spirit of the hymn, the words so flippantly uttered, might somehow survive and be carried forward into the lives of those careless men, and ultimately lift them upward to the realization of the hope expressed in my hymn." "A different appreciation of it was evinced during the Robert Raikes' Centennial. I was in London, and had gone to meeting in the Old Bailey to see some of the most famous Sunday-school workers in the world. They were present from Europe, Asia, and America. I sat in a rear seat alone. After there had been a number of addresses delivered in various languages, I was preparing to leave, when the chairman of the meeting announced that the author of "Shall We Gather at the River?" was present, and I was requested by name to come forward. Men applauded and women waved their handkerchiefs as I went to the platform. It was a tribute to the hymn; but I felt, when it was over, that, after all, I had perhaps done some little good in the world, and I felt more than ever content to die when God called." On Children's Day in Brooklyn, in 1865, this song was sung by over forty thousand voices.

While Dr. Lowry said, "I would rather preach a gospel sermon to an appreciative, receptive congregation than write a hymn," yet in spite of his preferences, his hymns have gone on and on, translated into many languages, preaching and comforting thousands upon thousands of souls, furnishing them expression for their deepest feelings of praise and gratitude to God for His goodness to the children of men. What he had thought in his inmost soul has become a part of the emotions of the whole Christian world. We are all his debtors.

Rev. Robert Lowry, D. D., died at his residence in Plainfield, K J., November 25, 1899. Dead, yet he lives and his sermons in gospel song are still heard and are doing good. Dr. Lowry was a great and good man, and his life, well spent, is highly worthy of a place among the world's greatest gospel song and hymn writers.

-- Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers


Lowry, Robert, D.D., son of Crozier Lowry, was born at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1826, and educated at Lewisburg University. Having received ordination as a Baptist Minister, his first charge was at West Chester, Pennsylvania. From thence he passed to New York City, and then to Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1876 he was appointed Professor of Rhetoric in his University. On resigning his Professorship he undertook the charge of the 2nd Baptist Church, New Jersey. Dr. Lowry has been associated with some of the most popular Sunday School hymn-books published in the States, including Happy Voices, 1865; Chapel Melodies, 1868; Bright Jewels, 1869; Pure Gold, 1871; Royal Diadem, 1873; Tidal Wave, 1874; Fountain of Song1877; Welcome Tidings, 1877, &c. Of Dr. Lowry's hymns those which have attained the widest circulation are:—
1. Jerusalem, for ever bright. Heaven. Appeared in the American Tract Society's Happy Voices, 1865, with music by the author.
2. Low in the grave He lay. Resurrection of Christ. Written in 1874 and published in Brightest and Best, 1875.
3. Marching on, marching on. Sunday School Battle Song. Appeared, with music by the author, in Happy Voices, 1865.
4. My home is in heaven, my rest is not here. In Happy Voices, 1865, with music by the author.
5. My life flows on in endless song. Joy in God. In Bright Jewels, 1869; the Royal Diadem, 1873, and others in America and Great Britain, with music by the author.
6. One more day's work for Jesus. Work for Christ. Published, with music by the author, in Bright Jewels, 1869.
7. Shall we gather at the river? Mutual recognition in the Hereafter. The origin of this hymn is thus set forth in E. W. Long's Illustrated History of Hymns and their Authors, Philadelphia, 1876, p. 64:—

”On a very hot summer day, in 1864, a pastor was seated in his parlour in Brooklyn, N. Y. It was a time when an epidemic was sweeping through the city, and draping many persons and dwellings in mourning. All around friends and acquaintances were passing away to the spirit land in large numbers. The question began to arise in the heart, with unusual emphasis, ‘Shall we meet again? We are parting at the river of death, shall we meet at the river of life?' ‘Seating myself at the organ,’ says he, ‘simply to give vent to the pent up emotions of the heart, the words and music of the hymn began to flow out, as if by inspiration:—
‘Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod?’"

In 1865 the hymn and music were given in Happy Voices, No. 220, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines and a chorus. The hymn has since passed into a great number of hymnals in Great Britain and America.
8. Take the wings of the morning; speed quickly thy flight. Exhortation to Repentance. Written for, and published with music by the author in, the Royal Diadem, 1873.
9. Weeping will not save me. Salvation through Faith. Published in the Chapel Melodies, 1868.
10. What can wash away my stain? Precious Blood of Jesus. Given in the Welcome Tidings, 1877, with music by the author.
11. Where is my wandering boy tonight! The absent Child. In the Fountain of Song, 1877, together with music by the author.
Most of these hymns are given in Mr. I. D. Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos, Pts. i., ii.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Wikipedia Biography

Robert Lowry (March 12, 1826 – 25 November 1899) was an American preacher who became a popular writer of gospel music in the mid- to late-19th century. His best-known hymns include "Shall We Gather at the River", "Christ Arose!", "How Can I Keep from Singing?" and "Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus".

Tunes by Robert Lowry (566)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A better day is coming] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)1355112 33335 12333
[A brighter day is breaking] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232111 35356 66153
[A few more prayers, a few more tears]Robert Lowry (Composer)455555 34556 53354
[A little while, and then for me]R. Lowry (Composer)251232 15117 12765
[A loving Friend my Shepherd is]Robert Lowry (Composer)335533 21165 11235
[A song, a song of joy]Robert Lowry (Composer)351132 15224 32511
[Abide with me; the day declines]R. Lowry (Composer)235432 17122 35433
[Across the blue waters the message of grace]Robert Lowry (Composer)251111 76565 71122
[After all the troubles of this weary life]Robert Lowry (Composer)234556 54516 55777
[After the clouds, the sunbeams]Robert Lowry (Composer)311133 21333 55322
[All hail the power of Jesus' name] (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry, (1826- ) (Composer)251112 34543 24321
[All hail to our flag as it streams in its glory]Robert Lowry (Composer)253156 51727 15512
[All my heart I give Thee] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)135533 22343 45155
ALL THE WAY (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)23133332 15113 27123
[Always with us, always with us] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)212313 42134 53212
AMAZING GRACE (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)451231 23135 53123
[Anywhere with Jesus, says the Christian heart] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)733345 36543 42223
[Are you doing your duty the best you can do it]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)234555 65517 66556
[Arise and hail the day]Robert Lowry (Composer)351135 55223 22136
[Arise, O Lord, and shine]Robert Lowry (Composer)451322 12323 12513
[Art Thou He that should come, dear Lord?]Robert Lowry (Composer)233211 16122 12353
[Art thou one of Christ's anointed?]R. Lowry (Composer)211321 22543 11712
[As I sought with weary flitting]Robert Lowry (Composer)211223 45434 22311
[At the cross my woes unveiling]Robert Lowry (Composer)232112 23566 53321
[At the door of mercy sighing] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)256512 31556 53321
AUSTRALIARobert Lowry (Composer)2
[Awake and sing the song] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)363217 12343 21326
[Awake in Jesus, O how blest]Robert Lowry (Composer)356715 61165 45653
[Awake, my soul, and greet the dawn] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)455345 11765 55345
[Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)235144 33255 54324
[Awake, thou, O sleeper!]R. Lowry (Composer)255553 21112 23346
[Awake, ye saints, and lift your eyes]R. Lowry (Composer)251232 17761 22321
[O blessed grief]Robert Lowry (Composer)251232 16556 65712
[Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)255671 23216 55671
[Be still, my doubting soul, no longer fear]Robert Lowry (Composer)233217 65132 175
[Be still, O heart! Why fear and tremble] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)351111 21655 62233
[Be ye glad in the Lord, all ye people]Robert Lowry (Composer)212313 51321 11216
[Bear the cross for Jesus] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)1055565 31122 33555
[Bear the cross; the crown will be the brighter]Robert Lowry (Composer)313556 53132 31216
[Sweet peace on earth, good will to men] Robert Lowry (Composer)251112 33345 55653
[Beautiful resurrection morn]Robert Lowry (Composer)355565 32122 22323
[Behold a host to victory led]Robert Lowry (Composer)251112 23335 65332
[Beyond this vale of sense and sin]R. Lowry (Composer)235332 12323 53321
[Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)632156 16512 35123
[Blessed Jesus, God the Word]Robert Lowry (Composer)354321 23233 43321
[Blessed Jesus, if it be]Robert Lowry (Composer)256533 22454 26553
[Blessed Jesus, kind and mild]R. Lowry (Composer)212351 23234 32121
[Blow the trumpet, beat the drum]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)211153 51333 21234
[O may a strain like gentle rain]Robert Lowry (Composer)253455 61532 34535
[Let our hearts be always cheerful] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)1033355 43422 22345
BREAKING AWAYRev. R. Lowery (Composer)251232 11765 56165
[Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongest] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)212321 35543 66715
[Bright glory beams are shining clear]Robert Lowry (Composer)355112 17717 64655
[Brighter and brighter the way is growing]Robert Lowry (Composer)211112 35532 12254
[Bring forth the royal robe]Robert Lowry (Composer)253153 21111 61552
BURRRobert Lowry (Composer)453344 32111 12165
[By the cross of Christ I linger]Robert Lowry (Composer)331243 12535 65322
[Can you stand for God, though you stand alone] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)134511 17622 21755
[Care for me, O my Savior]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[Cast thy burden on the Lord] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)233212 31561 12165
[Cast your care on Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)411223 23543 24321
[Charge and encourage them, bid them go forward] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)256553 12322 11211
[Cheer, O cheer, ye sons of Zion]Robert Lowry (Composer)213532 34653 11616
[Children of the heavenly king] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)253111 65334 54325
[Christ alone is Savior]Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 (Composer)153215 56432 67772
CHRIST AROSERobert Lowry (Composer)30255665 55466 55566
[Christ in his heavenly garden walks all day]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[Closer, closer, Lord, to Thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)411332 12313 53212
[Clouds and darkness round about thee]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[Come, children, hail the Prince of Peace] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)351112 34553 21232
[Come, Holy Spirit] (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)851232 12171 32343
[Come, Holy Spirit, Light Divine]Robert Lowry (Composer)311231 32171 22327
COME, LET US ANEW (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)212313 56531 23554
[Come, let us join with one accord]Robert Lowry (Composer)354333 54333 43222
[Come, let us sing with the sacred throng]Robert Lowry (Composer)233215 56117 65132
COME NEAR UNTO MER. L. (Composer)212332 21135 53556
[Come, rest awhile, and leave the world behind thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)356535 45655 43432
[Come sin sick-soul, come to thy Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)216511 23234 21713
[Come, talk to me of Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)351131 76122 12351
[Come to Jesus, weary wanderer] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)217123 23432 12171
[Come to the fountain once opened for sin]Robert Lowry (Composer)332117 66535 17122
[Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)254433 21233 33234
[Come unto me and live]Robert Lowry (Composer)213332 31122 21233
["Come unto me," O precious words]Robert Lowry (Composer)312233 52312 32355
["Come unto me!" still through the ages falling] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)513217 61766 51223
[Come, ye children, hearken unto me] (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)353534 56711 65432
CONVERTR. L. (Composer)212321 56532 12234
[Dark is many a day below]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[Dear Lord, I need Thee all the time] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)353432 16556 14332
[Dear Savior, let Thy watchful eye]Robert Lowry (Composer)355555 65112 22321
[Did you hear the loving word? Pass it on]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
[Draw near, O Lord, draw near]Robert Lowry (Composer)313123 11162 16552
[Early will I wake, and heed the call]Robert Lowry (Composer)555551 17211 31625
[Entreat me not to leave thee] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251765 65566 71552
[Escape to the mountain, arise, and away]Robert Lowry (Composer)251113 21176 55222
[Every day for Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)211332 15551 12231
[Fairest Lord Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)232151 32162 43217
[Faithful pilgrim, as we journey over life's uneven way]Robert Lowry (Composer)255131 12422 32171
[Faithful soldiers for the Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)311223 56511 22356
[Father above, Thou God of love]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)233212 21715 16216
[Father, be with us, for the day is closing]Robert Lowry (Composer)232151 17133 24321
[Father of mercies, unto thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)355565 17654 54355
FELLOWSHIP (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)351313 21135 34323
[Fold me, precious Jesus]Dr. Robert Lowry (Composer)333214 32345 35543
[Follow, follow, I would follow Jesus] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)335321 12166 57771
["Follow me!" in life's fair morning]R. Lowry (Composer)254332 32151 23223
[Down in the valley with my Savior I would go] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)9951233 21117 65577
[Fresh from the throne of glory] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)1211111 31535 13231
[From the cross of Calvary's mountain]R. Lowry (Composer)233321 22356 56532
[From the lofty hills of Moab]Robert Lowry (Composer)334534 21512 32234
[From the wilds of sin, from its perils too]R. Lowry (Composer)234565 12343 21232
[Gentle and lowly, Loving and holy]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)251217 52321 56712
[Glad tidings! glad tidings! O wonderful love]Robert Lowry (Composer)1155355 35321 55646
[Glowing in the sunlight, waving in the breeze]Robert Lowry (Composer)355551 17711 27777
[God bless our native land] (Lowry 11232)Robert Lowry (Composer)211232 12234 32334
[God bless our native land] (Lowry 55532)Robert Lowry (Composer)255532 15554 32322
[God holds the future in His hand]Robert Lowry (Composer)253653 32123 55454
[God is good to you and me]Robert Lowry (Composer)512334 53432 32123
[God of eternity, author of time] (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)331232 15433 21234
[God, the all terrible, King who ordainest]Robert Lowry (Composer)355532 16665 43336
[God will take care of you all through the day] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)356534 56121 23273
[Gone to the grave is our loved one]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)333333 34332 22543
GRACE (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)551115 61765 56127
[Great High Priest, we view Thee stooping]Robert Lowry (Composer)232165 17132 32165
GUIDE ME (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)535131 17653 65324
[Hallelujah, song of gladness] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)211151 23122 25235
HALLELUJAH! WHO SHALL PARTR. L. (Composer)312156 71232 17653
HANSON PLACE (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)35333323 45344 45432
[Harvest Home! O hear the chiming]R. Lowry (Composer)356715 36535 43246
[Have you listened to the story] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)311123 33123 22223
[Hear the Master call for reapers]R. Lowry (Composer)253653 12153 65321
[Hear us now, O gracious Father]Robert Lowry (Composer)256655 11752 27123
[Hearken, ye soldiers, the trumpet calls for war]Robert Lowry (Composer)251233 21616 55511
[Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)1712314 33271 21321
[Heavenly Father, bless me now] (Lowry)Robert Lowry, D. D. (Composer)2131432 12345 34323
[Helpless I come to Jesus' blood]Robert Lowry (Composer)1651332 17123 24354
HENDERSON (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)555333 33211 61115
DIM OND JESU (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)3312312 32116 51712
[Here the battle and the conflict]Robert Lowry (Composer)232211 35356 53232
[Hitherto the Lord has helped me]Robert Lowry (Composer)311123 53212 32223
[Ho! my comrades, see the signal] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)311156 71522 27211
[Holiest, holiest]Robert Lowry, D. D. (Composer)256512 15123 23252
[Holy Spirit, comfort me]Robert Lowry (Composer)213321 23235 54343
[Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251313 21234 23123
[Holy Spirit, now descend]Robert Lowry (Composer)213217 61656 14332
[Holy Spirit, Teacher Thou] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)551321 71712 34323
[Holy Trinity! Glory be to God the Father!]R. Lowry (Composer)215321 23456 71562
[Home, Home, brightest and fairest]Robert Lowry (Composer)355345 65442 34355
[Homes for the children our Lord is preparing]Robert Lowry (Composer)451233 12322 11216
HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGINGRobert Lowry, 1826-1889 (Composer)5951231 21651 35332
[How long, O Lord our Savior]R. Lowry (Composer)253212 35632 12333
[How long, thou sinful one]Robert Lowry (Composer)235321 12354 32343
[How many sheep are straying] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)754333 55443 24653
[I am happy in the Lord] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)212333 43213 55651
[I am kneeling at the threshold] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)213332 21122 32133
[I am resting on the promise of the Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 13322 11332
[I am saved by the blood]Robert Lowry (Composer)212312 13453 42234
[I am saved! I am saved!] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)434532 11232 15556
[I am the Lord's, and He is mine] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)356531 32112 34565
[I am thinking of home, of my Father's house] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)334555 53566 65566
[I am trusting in the promise] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)212335 33223 44543
[I am trusting Thee, Lord, Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)234556 53566 16571
[I believe in Jesus and His word]Robert Lowry (Composer)212343 13217 11356
[I cannot seek too early in the morning] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)255555 65671 51212
[I could not do without Thee] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)354333 35432 23435
[I cross the ever surging sea of life]Robert Lowry (Composer)251217 65653 55435
[I dare not idle stand] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)255566 53334 43321
[I have a Savior, He's pleading in glory] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)111353 56533 23161
[I heard the trailing garments of the Night]Robert Lowry (Composer)255555 54321 11111
[I know, I know that in my Father's dwelling]Robert Lowry (Composer)213153 23454 35665
[I know that God is just]Robert Lowry (Composer)253215 62171 23522
[I leave it all with Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)111112 35132 44323
[I lost my burden at the cross]Robert Lowry, D. D. (Composer)555123 34331 22322
[I love my God, but with no love of mine] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)231511 71235 43233
[I love Thee, O Lord, I believe in Thy word]R. Lowry (Composer)213321 23443 23453
[I love to wait at mercy's gate] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)355353 32321 23432
[I need Thee, O I need Thee] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)133143 32213 22111
[I now am so happy in Jesus' love] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)235565 35544 34533
[I rest in the shadow of Jesus, my Rock]Robert Lowry (Composer)551271 27123 43234
[I shall know thee in the morning]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[I walk rejoicing from the cross]Robert Lowry (Composer)251123 12323 43221
[I was glad when they said unto me] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)534532 16153 211
[I will cling to Jesus every day]Robert Lowry (Composer)212335 34217 12224
[I will praise my God when the morning breaks]R. Lowry (Composer)212355 32111 17666
[If shadows overcast my morn]R. Lowry (Composer)253217 21165 11325
[If ye abide in me] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)235353 11112 23323
[If your hand's on the plow, hold on, hold on]R. Lowry (Composer)655111 17653 5556
[I'll take Thy name wherever I go]Robert Lowry (Composer)251132 16556 14332
[I'm but a little child, I know]Robert Lowry (Composer)453234 56532 34531
[I'm resting so sweetly in Jesus now]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)551113 21161 551
[In exile here we wander]Robert Lowry (Composer)351216 53512 16552
[In life's joyous morning, while hope still is bright]Robert Lowry (Composer)213321 55616 55122
[In the church of the Lord]R. Lowry (Composer)232112 33213 45565
[In the Rifted Rock I'm resting] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)912312 11616 51232
HIDE THOU ME (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)5055132 15121 23211
[Inspirer and Hearer of prayer] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)353151 76556 71216
[Is there trouble in your life?] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)213216 11221 23235
[It is all for the best, O my Father]Robert Lowry (Composer)212333 54321 16611
["It is finished," Jesus cried] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)451332 12234 43233
[It is not with the multitude]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)353332 16543 53217
[It matters not, the manner of our going]Robert Lowry, D. D. (Composer)356535 45655 44453
[Its coming, coming nearer] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)353215 61171 25353
[I've signed the pledge]Robert Lowry (Composer)235551 33312 23433
[Jerusalem, for ever bright]Robert Lowry (Composer)211112 35651 11232
[Jesus bids you draw nigh]Robert Lowry (Composer)212321 61321 65123
[Jesus, gentle Shepherd, lead us] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251321 56217 67123
[Jesus, hear me when I pray] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)231156 51712 34535
[Jesus, I cling to Thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)251323 26243 43216
[Jesus, I love thee] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)432121 23436 53432
[Jesus, I would abide]Robert Lowry (Composer)256516 56211 71233
[Jesus is born! hail to the morn]Robert Lowry (Composer)353455 34517 65435
[Jesus is mine, forever mine]Robert Lowry (Composer)251235 42751 76112
[Jesus is the way, the only way] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)156535 11653 45651
[Jesus loves a volunteer]Robert Lowry (Composer)315151 32355 43226
["Jesus only" would we see]Robert Lowry (Composer)211312 32354 32311
[Jesus saw me when returning]R. Lowry (Composer)233334 44322 22333
[Jesus says, if any man]R. Lowry (Composer)311651 12334 32121
[Jesus, the help of His people]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)211133 35352 22543
[Jesus weeping, sinner, see]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)212321 23435 65434
[Jesus wept and died for me] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)166615 55666 15556
[Join with us Immanuel's band]Robert Lowry (Composer)213555 63556 34445
[Joyful once again we sing]Robert Lowry (Composer)215556 11712 32155
[Joyful sounds the Sabbath bell]R. Lowry (Composer)211156 71122 26712
[Just a little love, Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)332321 51232 17176
[Just from the fountain, and now we can sing]R. Lowry (Composer)517653 51765 17121
[Just to let thy Father do]R. Lowry (Composer)233331 23212 33331
[I am bound for the mansions of glory on high]Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 (Composer)412333 35534 22222
[Keep looking up, keep looking up] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)455315 31665 31233
[Keep the banner flying]Robert Lowry (Composer)1433333 51122 32222
KIEVRobert Lowry (Composer)2
[Go proclaim the wondrous story]Robert Lowry (Composer)432117 12715 4
[Knocking at the door of thy heart today]Robert Lowry (Composer)211765 12321 76165
[Lead them, my God, to Thee] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)333216 11561 23321
[Lest my steps grow weak, or wander]R. Lowry (Composer)232135 65353 17123
[Let all within me praise the name]Robert Lowry (Composer)253217 65671 32176
[Let Heaven with music ring]Robert Lowry (Composer)211135 17656 5434
[Let me die in the harness]Robert Lowry (Composer)212332 21123 55433
[Let my heart be pure from sin]Robert Lowry (Composer)312312 32356 53321
[Let the nations all rejoice and sing]Robert Lowry (Composer)454345 35154 32342
[Let the shadows round me gather]Robert Lowry (Composer)312356 56116 56443
LIECHTENSTEINRobert Lowry (Composer)355651 23247 13546
[Life in His favor! Forgiven all sin]Robert Lowry (Composer)351233 12165 57122
[Life is full of evil, brother, cling to the right]Robert Lowry (Composer)451123 32122 22722
[Lift the voice in holy song]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)513556 15456 76453
[Light immortal, shine]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 12333 34554
[Light of Light, enlighten me] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)356321 23555 32321
[Light of the wandering]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)556515 56165 17132
[Like gentle dew the blessings fall]Robert Lowry (Composer)213211 17665 1171
[Little children, pressing near]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)212333 45321 12321
[Live to do your duty]Robert Lowry (Composer)454345 13216 54323
[Lo, a fountain full and free]R. Lowry (Composer)1455176 62176 76555
[Lo, a risen Lord we sing]Robert Lowry (Composer)312334 53565 32312
[Long ago my Savior sought me]R. Lowry (Composer)232123 56531 22313
[Look up! behold, the fields are white] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)351353 54321 13513
[Lord, a Savior's love displaying]Robert Lowry (Composer)256531 32161 51355
[Lord, I believe; I've heard Thy gracious call]Robert Lowry (Composer)432144 42543 54533
[Lord, I bow at Thy throne]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)334565 33512 16165
[Lord, I come, my sins confessing]Robert Lowry (Composer)234565 34565 17653
[Lord, let my light so shine] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251432 16534 32346
[Lord, mine must be a spotless dress]R. Lowry (Composer)255613 21112 34332
[Lord, my sorrows now are past]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)231156 15535 33231
[Lord of Life, my hungering heart]Robert Lowry (Composer)332112 34353 53123
[Lord, on this heart of mine]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)332156 51713 22234
[Lord, this lesson brighten]Robert Lowry (Composer)335123 12132 15671
[Lord, where Thou wilt, it matters not to me] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)232312 35653 54323
[Loving hearts we bring]Robert Lowry (Composer)232165 32165 12172
["Make haste and come down," for the Savior is nigh]R. Lowry (Composer)255121 35616 55543
[Many precious souls are groping]Robert Lowry (Composer)255566 55166 62177
[Many trials I've met]Robert Lowry (Composer)212333 32135 55356
[March on, march on to victory] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251212 32343 21234
[Marching on! marching on! glad as birds on the wing] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)313565 35424 31135
MARCHING TO ZION (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)35713156 71231 5432
[Master, speak, Thy servant heareth] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)253122 24713 56532
['Mid Christian hosannas]Robert Lowry (Composer)312343 32121 66553
[More trust in Thee, my Lord]R. Lowry (Composer)232166 11512 32166
[Morn amid the mountains] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)333335 32224 31333
MORNING STAR (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)1
[Mourner, wheresoever thou art]Robert Lowry (Composer)932176 46571 2323
[Mutig auf, ihr jungen Streiter]R. Lowry (Composer)234556 55334 53321
[My days are passing sweetly by]R. Lowry (Composer)232151 17724 27221
[My heart is sad and weary]Robert Lowry (Composer)313432 21112 16655
[My heart, that was heavy and sad]Robert Lowry (Composer)613333 21221 11321
[My soul is happy all day long]Robert Lowry (Composer)912334 32167 76551
[My soul was long a stranger]Robert Lowry (Composer)251131 76172 16551
[My trust is in Jesus alone] (Lowry 51543)Robert Lowry (Composer)351765 34556 71217
[My trust is in Jesus alone] (Lowry 55312)Robert Lowry (Composer)255312 32111 46176
[My trusting heart looks up to Thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)251712 34312 17123
[Nearer, dear Jesus, draw nearer to me]R. Lowry (Composer)251332 12123 43232
[Nearer, Jesus, to Thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)212321 51232 16234
[Nearer, my God, to Thee] (Lowry 55671)Robert Lowry (Composer)255671 23621 71556
[Nearer, my God, to Thee] (Lowry 11122)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)211122 22123 54367
NEED (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)55213217 11121 655
[Never shone a light so fair] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)656535 65343 12315
[No eyes to see the Fairest of the fair!]R. Lowry (Composer)255355 45653 33244
[No one can tell what the heart may share]R. Lowry (Composer)232132 11651 71212
[No one, save Jesus only]Robert Lowry (Composer)213333 21332 67132
[No room for Jesus in the inn] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)255311 23134 46432
[No work to do? look up and see]Robert Lowry (Composer)255553 51232 3545
[Not my own! not my own!]R. Lowry (Composer)212323 13453 21232
[Not now my child a little more tossing]Robert Lowry (Composer)331235 65313 24565
[Not yet is the summer ended]Robert Lowry (Composer)233331 23322 22227
[Nothing but the love of Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)311313 53123 22332
[Now by faith I draw nigh]Robert Lowry (Composer)312333 23211 17176
[Now crucified with Christ I am]Robert Lowry (Composer)713321 17615 55131
[Now the Sabbath eve declining] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[O blessed crystal river]R. Lowry (Composer)213333 32112 23431
[O child of God, be true]Robert Lowry (Composer)651567 15617 65521
[O Christ, to Thee I live]Robert Lowry (Composer)331234 32271 23211
[O come, O come, Immanuel!]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)251111 76543 56712
[O come to bright Zion]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)313333 21111 17651
O COME TO CHRISTR. L. (Composer)213211 54312 23221
[O, come to the mercy seat]Robert Lowry (Composer)251766 55653 55671
[O come to the Savior today] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)213332 12135 55321
[O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)211722 13324 43554
[O Fatherland! beyond the silent river]Robert Lowry (Composer)251317 76166 51724
[O give thanks unto the Lord for His loving watch beside us]Robert Lowry (Composer)334555 53556 66653
[O glorious God! eternal and wise]Robert Lowry (Composer)255671 11713 12165
[O! golden hereafter, thine every bright rafter]Robert Lowry (Composer)471343 32121 66553
[O happy land, O happy land] (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)251113 21112 34433
[O hear again the gospel trumpet sounding]Robert Lowry (Composer)251233 43211 72322
[O how lonely are we]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)212332 12344 32345
[O I cannot take it in]Robert Lowry (Composer)254313 21123 34322
[O mother dear, Jerusalem] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)253517 76667 17675
[O my Redeemer, while Thy throne addressing]Robert Lowry (Composer)332165 17213 24323
[O my soul, and all within me]Robert Lowry (Composer)213556 54534 32432
[O never look back with your hand on the plow]Robert Lowry (Composer)212333 31355 53224
[O praise the Lord, sing to His name]Robert Lowry (Composer)551217 23233 35432
[O precious grace of God's dear Lamb]Robert Lowry (Composer)254333 55435 32223
[O, precious is the flow]Robert Lowry (Composer)153235 32212 23553
[O Rock of Refuge, Savior, Friend]Robert Lowry (Composer)451132 17132 23354
[O Savior, we ask that Thy Spirit may come]Robert Lowry (Composer)455365 35424 33456
[O suffer me]Robert Lowry (Composer)251655 16567 12532
[O sweet are the moments, so hallowed in feeling]Robert Lowry (Composer)233151 23432 34535
[O taste and see that the Lord is good] (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)331353 56711 17656
[O the joy to behold]Robert Lowry (Composer)334565 32111 65345
[O they need not depart, no, they need not depart]Robert Lowry (Composer)255176 51321 23343
[O Thou from whom all goodness flows] (55111)R. L. (Arranger)255111 23455 43111
[O thou in whose presence my soul takes delight] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[O Thou to whom we pray]R. Lowry (Composer)413216 53432 6276
[O to be over yonder] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)211132 21133 53325
[O to be something, something] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232153 32234 43235
[O, to have no Christ, no Savior]Robert Lowry (Composer)1812356 65313 5231
[O watch, ye people, watch and pray]Robert Lowry (Composer)253215 17671 23432
[O what blessed words are these]Robert Lowry (Composer)233323 35334 32223
[O what will you do with Jesus?] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)213165 13211 11116
WORSHIP THE LORDRobert Lowry (Composer)2155315 55531 32223
[O ye who now would view Him]R. Lowry (Composer)253321 14412 33554
[O Zion, lovely Zion] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251133 53122 55332
[Over all the wasted past]Robert Lowry (Composer)332123 24323 54323
[O where is my boy tonight?] (Chorus)Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)234111 23552 22322
[O how sweet when we mingle with kindred spirits here]Robert Lowry (Composer)312333 55655 32123
[On every sunny mountain] (Lowry)Dr. R. Lowry (Composer)355333 33343 21222
[On the field of work advancing]Robert Lowry (Composer)434555 51534 55423
[On the shore of Galilee]Robert Lowry (Composer)233321 65123 13233
[Once I heard a sound at my heart's dark door]R. Lowry (Composer)1512333 21266 61771
[One hour with Thee, my Savior]R. Lowry (Composer)213213 21327 12335
[One more day's work for Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)9355565 15123 16556
[Onward now, rejoicing]Robert Lowry (Composer)255553 11176 54444
[Onward, press onward, Christian Endeavorer]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)215131 16165 17121
[Our hearts are light, our eyes are bright]Robert Lowry (Composer)235551 66643 54233
[Our Savior's voice, how oft it comes]R. Lowry (Composer)251117 65553 43453
[Ever near my Savior's side]Robert Lowry (Composer)212321 65123 17121
PAXTANGRobert Lowry, 1826-1899 (Composer)1513355 56311 13323
[Peace upon earth! the angels sang]Robert Lowry (Composer)353516 53224 34655
[Standing forth on life's rough way] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)211123 35132 11112
PLAINFIELD (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)29611123 53111 23321
PORT HARCOURTRobert Lowry (Composer)651536 54321 25351
[Praise ye Jehovah, come with songs before Him]Robert Lowry (Composer)456651 71271 35566
[Preach the gospel as you go]Robert Lowry (Composer)411132 22427 22112
PRECIOUS BIBLE (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)255556 71115 66671
[Precious is the hope that in Jesus we cherish]Robert Lowry (Composer)255551 13232 21666
[Pressed and running over]Robert Lowry (Composer)255653 55565 44454
[Pule au, pule au]Robert Lowry, 1826-1899 (Composer)213335 55427 123
REVIVE US AGAINR. L. (Arranger)151111 12333 31355
[Rejoice and hail the King]Robert Lowry (Composer)651132 17621 76713
[Rejoice with me, the lost is found] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)213213 54321 33224
[My fears arise, and clouds obscure the way]Robert Lowry (Composer)311651 71432 11766
[Ring, ring the bells over ocean and shore]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)317653 56535 12231
[Rise, glorious Conqueror, rise] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)231656 51235 43267
[Rise, Sun of righteousness!]R. Lowry (Composer)215432 13335 55333
[Risen with Jesus, how blessed are we]Robert Lowry (Composer)256515 56513 21651
[Rolling downward through the midnight]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)1056711 13511 51235
[Room for the penitent, burdened with sin]Robert Lowry (Composer)253665 56166 55671
[Royal Lord Jesus, Savior and Brother]Robert Lowry (Composer)232165 17132 32167
[Salvation at the Savior's cross]Robert Lowry (Composer)353217 65112 52435
[Kindly and graciously, prompted by love]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
[Savior Thy dying love] (Gabriel)Robert Lowry (Composer)153423 11666 54234
[Savior, again to Thy dear name we raise] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)232143 26217 23431
[Savior divine, descend]Robert Lowry (Composer)355166 27721 13216
[Savior, grant us now Thy blessing]Robert Lowry (Composer)411271 12713 43622
[Savior mine, I am Thine]Robert Lowry (Composer)234523 41234 32321
[Savior, pass not by]Robert Lowry (Composer)217165 17165 67123
[Savior, while my heart is tender] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)235523 55236 53212
[See the Conqueror mounts in triumph] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)233323 55543 22234
[Seek Jesus, seek Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)355355 35176 54345
SHERWOOD (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)555351 16556 51123
[Sing it out with a shout]R. Lowry (Composer)334555 55515 54335
[Sing, my soul, the sweetest song]Robert Lowry (Composer)351765 35423 45654
[Sing, O sing of the Bright Forever]Robert Lowry (Composer)351333 43231 13511
[Sinner, come to Jesus] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)333321 52232 12234
[Sinner, why in darkness lying]R. Lowry (Composer)232151 77623 42173
[So near to the kingdom! yet what dost thou lack?]Robert Lowry (Composer)1755345 53212 35667
[Soft and low there comes a whisper]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)234545 43516 53532
[Soldiers of Christ, arise] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)212333 35432 11113
[Soldiers of Zion, on we go]Robert Lowry (Composer)855551 76677 77221
SOMETHING FOR JESUS (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)30334326 21767 15343
[Something from Thee, Lord]R. Lowry (Composer)232126 21711 22232
[Songs of glory fill the sky]Robert Lowry (Composer)232112 34535 43212
[Sound the trumpet through the land]Robert Lowry (Composer)332151 12354 25421
[Speed the tidings over the ocean]Robert Lowry (Composer)312333 43223 44351
[Spread, O spread, thou mighty word]Robert Lowry (Composer)332543 12354 32123
[Star of the morning, beam on our way]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
STEVENSON (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)431431 23234 32224
[Still undecided? Look to thy heart] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251233 23213 34655
[O list to the notes of the song as it floats]Robert Lowry (Composer)253215 12321 55111
[Strike your golden lyres]Robert Lowry (Composer)234321 56543 23257
SURRENDER (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry (1826— ) (Composer)413332 34531 22123
[Sweet Sabbath day, all hail to thee]R. Lowry (Composer)711112 35651 11232
[Take the promise as you go]Robert Lowry (Composer)432157 65712 71323
[Take the wings of the morning; speed quickly thy flight] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)611112 34531 76711
[Take up thy cross and follow Me] (Lowry)Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)353432 12151 23543
TARRY WITH ME (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)312312 32112 35552
[Something to feast the soul, O Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)733343 32111 21651
[Tenting by the shore of the great, deep sea]Robert Lowry (Composer)455551 11661 55551
[Thanks to God we give for the blessed word]Robert Lowry (Composer)234555 17766 76534
[Thanks to Thee, Thou bounteous Giver] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)351233 51233 12323
[The angels are singing to me]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[The Children All for Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)113332 15712 12333
[The children long ago]Robert Lowry (Composer)413134 53342 54311
[The day is past and over] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)256531 21236 17671
THE DEWS OF HERMONRev. R. Lowry (Composer)653212 15561 12112
[The fields are all white] (Lowry)Robert Lowry, D. D. (Composer)251115 55666 51711
[The glory land where Jesus reigns] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)235533 55112 22235
[The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)255556 66555 12777
[The highway of the Lord prepare]Robert Lowry (Composer)551132 12355 32254
[The House of Never is built, they say]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
[The Lord be with us as we bend] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251111 27176 71222
[The Lord of the house has made a feast]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
THE LORD WILL PROVIDE (Lowry)R. L. (Composer)213165 11112 11223
[The mistakes of my life have been many] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)2212343 32117 71222
[The Savior is calling you sinner]R. Lowry (Composer)3655556 53213 21543
[The Savior is waiting and calling]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 21761 77721
[The shadows are falling, swift closeth the day]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)312333 54323 43123
[The storm in all its fury]Robert Lowry (Composer)351111 31122 23224
[The sun will pale before Him] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251116 53511 16552
[The well is a flow from a life-giving spring]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[The whole wide world for Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)456553 21323 45356
[The world for Jesus, earnestly]Robert Lowry (Composer)235353 53123 45177
[There have been full many trials]Robert Lowry (Composer)316556 55112 33212
[There is a home where all is bright]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[There is a land of pure delight] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)651715 66671 55
[There is a Name of sweeter sound]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)251112 33312 22344
[There is a path our feet inviting]R. Lowry (Composer)255555 56715 53525
[There is a realm where Jesus reigns] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)3
[There is a star illumes my night]R. Lowry (Composer)351132 12161 13554
[There is but one true way]Robert Lowry (Composer)455432 13223 43554
[There is just one way for us all to come]Robert Lowry (Composer)312351 13231 12353
[There is no dew on the mountains of Zion]Robert Lowry (Composer)256717 12166 55671
[There is rest for the weary, how cheering the thought]R. L. (Composer)434556 53133 21566
[There is work to do for Jesus] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)833543 45176 56532
[There'll be no more sorrow]R. Lowry (Composer)231432 12123 31432
[There's a demon in the glass]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)355111 11765 55666
[There's a Savior on high]Robert Lowry (Composer)212312 12342 32345
[There's a song in heaven for you]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 32112 22243
[There’s a sweet land of rest]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 13312 16555
[They build upon the rolling sand]Robert Lowry (Composer)234555 32111 35661
[They have triumphed at last] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)255534 55564 56661
[Thine, most gracious Lord] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)731171 11616 5522
[Though all men forsake Him, yet we must not fear]Robert Lowry (Composer)255333 23425 43517
[Though surrounded by foes]Robert Lowry (Composer)255113 17122 42123
[Though the night be dark and dreary] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)1155556 55333 33433
[Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232123 21615 11222
[Thou, Lord, art God alone]Robert Lowry (Composer)251766 66217 77176
[Thou, whose almighty word] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)353154 34265 43654
THOU, WHOSE AWAKENING WORD Robert Lowry (Composer)215171 72721 21262
[Through the gates of the city they are passing, one by one]Robert Lowry (Composer)253112 35532 23213
[Through the love of God our Savior] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)211355 65354 32334
[Thy mercy, Lord, is like the sea]Robert Lowry (Composer)251235 32121 34332
[Thy will, O God, be done]R. Lowry (Composer)234332 11765 67165
['Tis for mercy, Lord, I plead]R. Lowry (Composer)212314 53342 23112
['Tis I; be not afraid]Robert Lowry (Composer)332154 32232 32154
['Tis not alone to feel Thy love]R. Lowry (Composer)255132 17617 65132
[To Christ, our Lord and faithful Friend]Robert Lowry (Composer)313513 26217 24711
[To God on high be thanks and praise] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)351716 45356 15332
[To work for Jesus and His cause] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)313345 34655 34512
[True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)212343 12354 3231
[Trust in God, my brother]Robert Lowry (Composer)453321 21223 56716
TUNISIARobert Lowry (Composer)335321 21111 76532
[Unanswered yet? the prayer your lips have pleaded] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)213333 33335 43222
VARENRobert Lowry (Composer)2
[Five were foolish and five were wise]Robert Lowry (Composer)411111 77133 33322
[Wake every tuneful string]Robert Lowry (Composer)431343 22723 21166
[Walk with the God of Light]Robert Lowry (Composer)211122 35343 22332
[Watch, brethren, watch] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)453353 23211 66123
[Watch, for the time is short] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)833332 34565 32123
[We are coming home to Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)312334 33271 22321
[We are hoping on]Robert Lowry (Composer)212333 43216 13222
[We are little travelers, marching, marching]Robert Lowry (Composer)1033335 32531 33335
[We are made perfect through suffering]R. Lowry (Composer)233312 34322 24323
[We are on our march through a desert land]Robert Lowry (Composer)254335 43224 32345
[We are pilgrims of a day]Robert Lowry (Composer)1055555 12322 23335
[We are soldiers in the army] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)434555 56535 12176
[We are toiling through the darkness, but our eyes behold the light]Robert Lowry (Composer)355345 56555 17123
[We gather again in the name of our Lord]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)335565 31232 13256
[We have found the long expected]Robert Lowry (Composer)212334 33223 44323
["We have found the Messiah," said Andrew of old]R. Lowry (Composer)255111 15355 55344
[We hear a sad wail that comes over the wave]Robert Lowry (Composer)351712 12343 22432
[We journey through a wilderness]R. Lowry (Composer)255434 51165 55434
[We leave the world of care]Robert Lowry (Composer)435552 31566 67153
[We love to sing together] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)253323 21551 11712
[We shall meet on the shore in a few days more]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[We shall reach the sunny shore]Robert Lowry (Composer)332116 15132 53211
[We shall see Him in the better land]Robert Lowry (Composer)312333 42317 12224
[We should think how we all feel the power of sin]Robert Lowry (Composer)255111 32176 17655
[We speak of the realms of the blest] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)255354 32123 17654
[We stand on holy ground]Robert Lowry (Composer)451123 21176 55222
[We wandered from Thy fold]Robert Lowry (Composer)353216 55617 65
[We will live to serve the Master]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)232111 11765 61712
[Weak and weary, poor and sinful]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)632176 16514 32321
[Weary one, oppressed with care]Robert Lowry (Composer)417653 65657 13221
[Weeping will not save me] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2956532 12221 35522
[We're endeavoring to walk as we have pledged ourselves to do]Robert Lowry (Composer)234555 51555 66661
[We're marching in the army with shield and banner bright]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
[We've made up our mind]Rev. Robert Lowry (Composer)233221 72213 33322
[What can I give my Savior] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)251113 21233 43234
[What is all the world to me]Robert Lowry (Composer)311132 16151 13321
[What of the night, O watchman] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)251231 21216 51321
[What shall I wish thee?] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232122 43235 43231
[What though the tempests rage around thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)233354 32136 21111
[What wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan]Robert Lowry (Composer)433354 32322 14444
[What wilt Thou have me to do?] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232123 21222 33543
[What words of cheer are those we hear]Robert Lowry (Composer)251113 21151 11353
[What words of holy comfort]Robert Lowry (Composer)255117 61776 72112
[When faint and weary toiling] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)713334 55561 16553
[When I can read my title clear] (Lowry)R. L. (Arranger)255345 61543 21
[Soon will come the setting sun]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)912333 33343 21233
[When, on earth’s dark and stormy shore]Robert Lowry (Composer)213455 65533 32444
[When shall I come to Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)332121 65112 23323
[When the Bridegroom cometh] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)333322 11116 61122
LOOR (32111)Robert Lowry (Composer)732111 43222 54312
[When this passing world is done] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)255321 76544 21765
[When we hear the music ringing] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)1953321 23122 32123
[When wilt Thou save the people?]Robert Lowry (Composer)2
[Where do all the daises go?] (Lowry)Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)211165 43523 11117
[Where is my wandering boy tonight] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)6533343 32111 11144
[Where the youthful son of Jesse]Robert Lowry (Composer)255456 55477 65671
[Whether the journey be short or long]Robert Lowry (Composer)411111 12222 22222
[While the silent stars are keeping]Robert Lowry (Composer)211111 13566 51432
[While we look within thy word]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)211223 32354 32121
[While we wave the palm of glory]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)2
[Who is there like Thee]R. Lowry (Composer)231432 21321 12165
[Who may be this wondrous stranger passing by]Robert Lowry (Composer)255665 35312 33344
[Who'll be the next to follow Jesus] (Lowry)Robert Lowry (Composer)3155555 13215 66717
[Who'll be the next, who'll be the next] (Chorus)Robert Lowry (Composer)115551 66677 12321
[Why labor for treasures that rust and decay]Robert Lowry (Composer)355655 35616 55543
WHY WEEPEST THOU?R. L. (Composer)213213 54356 65332
[Will you walk alone with Jesus]Robert Lowry (Composer)254565 11722 32165
[With joy Thine earthly courts we tread]Robert Lowry (Composer)251112 33335 17122
[With joyful hearts we hail the day]Robert Lowry (Composer)256515 61765 45651
[With steadfast faith I cling to Thee]Robert Lowry (Composer)251231 23234 54234
[Wouldst thou share the Savior's blessing]Robert Lowry (Composer)251132 16172 27675
[Ye saints of His, sing to the Lord]Robert Lowry (Composer)215113 51132 32434
[Yes! a brighter morn is breaking]Rev. R. Lowry (Composer)333321 65171 23432
[Yes, I'm coming home to Jesus, for His loving call I've heard]Robert Lowry (Composer)254333 32112 35565
[Yes, we part, but not forever] (Lowry)R. Lowry (Composer)232112 32134 53112
[Yield, O yield! O yield yourself to Jesus!]R. Lowry (Composer)213211 76176 65253

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