W. D. Jeffcoat › Tunes

Short Name: W. D. Jeffcoat
Full Name: Jeffcoat, W. D.
Birth Year: 1929
Death Year: 2014

William Dawson Jeffcoat born in Arkansas, died in Kentucky

Dianne Shapiro, from Find a Grave website (accessed 6/20/2022)

Tunes by W. D. Jeffcoat (103)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[Are you living afar from the Lord's holy way?]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251334 32121 65312
[As valiant soldiers of Christ our King, we must heed the gospel call]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253332 15653 45616
[As we serve the Lord and King and true homage daily bring]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255111 23321 21655
[As we travel thru this life singing a song, we're happy]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)211131 65112 13355
[At the coming of the Lord time shall cease to be]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)211111 65617 65133
[Be a shining light for Jesus as you travel on life's road]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255111 11234 56543
[Beneath His watchful eye]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)213212 17112 35431
[Blessed Savior firmly guide us, along life's rugged way]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)333554 33223 46543
[Come and accept the Lord's invitation]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)256133 43215 12353
[Come to Christ with your sins and your sorrow]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251334 33216 61776
[Sing, though the way be dreary]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)153453 32423 45353
[Sad soul, dismiss your doubts and fears]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)155332 17612 23124
[Dwell within us blessed Savior]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234513 21616 51712
[Earthly life is but a moment, fleeting days are quickly gone]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232121 11651 13123
[Eternal Father purge our souls and make us pure and true]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253431 12165 13212
[Father, mighty Lord of glory]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255112 13122 31255
[Father of mercy and of light]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251765 67123 17654
[Forward in the work of the Lord and King]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)254565 35165 43457
[Gird your armor 'gainst the foe]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212323 43345 45655
[Give your life to the Lord, my dear brother]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)254333 54354 23444
[Glory to Jesus Christ our King]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232356 54532 16216
[God is our strength in time of need]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212333 21356 53455
[God of compassion we come to Thee]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232151 21774 32765
[Sing, O sing the song again]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)155111 23565 33225
[God, our Father, doth care for His own]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)233323 56532 22123
[Hark! the cry of those in anguish]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232156 16511 23235
[Hear us Father, O hear us when we pray]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)233212 17767 43323
[Hear us, O Lord, when songs we raise]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234533 32161 76512
[Spurn me not, O loving Savior]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)133321 55532 22123
[How sweet the voice that calls you home]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251231 72113 45324
[How wondrous and great are works of our King]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)256513 12165 56132
[I want to draw closer to Jesus my King]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253333 21216 55111
[In that land of perfect love with the happy saints above]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234554 51765 65432
[In that morning bright and fair with the faithful gathered there]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234545 65556 71653
[In Thee O God our trust we place]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253217 61552 21233
[Labor for the Savior on life's way]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255345 11777 74476
[My Savior, hear the earnest prayer]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)155315 61551 23525
[Live in the glow of the Savior's love]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255651 23211 71216
[Lord, bless and keep us with thy tend'rest care]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)332343 22543 55321
[There is a land celestial]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)112332 16651 23345
[Lord, give us noble purpose]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255327 15561 46511
[Lord, help me live from day to day] (Davis, Jeffcoat)W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255123 33212 55712
[Lord, now we lift our hearts to Thee]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253121 16512 21235
[Lord we come to Thee confessing]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234512 17676 56543
[Christ is walking on the waters]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)155651 23133 32132
EVENING PRAYER (Stainer)W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)155543 33212 33543
[Lowly in spirit, earnest and loving]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251233 32155 53653
[Give the world your sunshine, sing along the way]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)132123 56716 53212
[Mighty God, may all adore Thee, high on Thine eternal throne]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255113 21232 31643
[Mighty God oh let Thy light bless our blinded sight]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)235113 21712 66217
[O God Almighty in us dwell]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251122 35431 44332
[O God be with us as we walk]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251233 21712 34543
[O hear the wonderful call today]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)235554 56531 77767
[O Lord we do delight in Thee]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251112 32152 24325
[Oh, God of our salvation, no foe have we to fear]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)335653 21234 56551
[Oh, what wondrous condescension by the Son, the Word of God]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232112 11755 22543
[On fair heaven's blissful shore with its pain and death no more]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)213555 65321 21651
[On that celestial morning when Jesus we shall see]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)231165 11311 32135
[On that wonderful strand in that heavenly land]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212323 13456 53132
[On that wondrous golden day when the Son of God shall come]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)256111 23321 21651
[Our Father in heaven is waiting to welcome His children there]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253231 23436 53171
[Praise and adoration, Lord we sing to Thee]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)353565 31176 52345
[Praise ye the Lord of glory, now praise Him]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251354 65133 51354
[Pressing the battle for the Savior today]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)211165 35112 13333
[Remember me, almighty God]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253451 17712 34322
[Safe in the bosom of our dear Lord]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251233 32345 72423
[Saints of the ages in heavenly care]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255561 11615 33312
[Ask, for Jesus loves to give] (Fillmore)W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)131217 65567 12323
[Some day we'll see the Lord of glory on heaven's shore]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251113 11651 12335
[Some wonderful day, when my name is called]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)413235 33321 11353
[Someday you'll stand with tremling hand, before the throne of God]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)313331 21611 11312
[Soon we'll meet Him we adore]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212323 21443 23213
[Sound forth His praise abroad]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255332 15544 32123
[Each day, dear Lord, I need Thy presence and Thy peace]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)153216 51221 23532
[Tell the sweet story of Jesus] (Davis and Jeffcoat)W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212356 53517 65357
[The church the dear bride of our Savior]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253334 32166 56512
[The Son of God in His glory]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)235565 43556 61765
[There are great mansions in that City above, eternal]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)311165 56116 13323
[There will be a grand reunion over in the glory land]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212333 43213 54565
[There will come a glad time in a bright sunny clime] (Jeffcoat)W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234546 51231 43321
[Thou the God of all creation]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)233431 23113 55312
[To Thee, almighty God, we sing with glad and willing mind]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)251232 16155 11321
[We are filled with adoration, for the gospel's wondrous sound]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255351 31656 65513
[We are walking on the King's highway]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234545 65133 21121
[We do praise Thee Lord in heav'n above]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232132 16152 21233
[We have a true Savior, a marvelous friend]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253333 21216 11132
[We must forward march with our banners lifted as good soldiers of the Lord]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212335 32112 11235
[We read of a wonderful city of gold]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)213333 43322 23444
[We thank Thee, Father, for each truth]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212334 33223 44543
[We will trust in the Lord and rely on His word]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234556 51233 23321
[We're looking above to that beautiful home]W. D. Jeffcoat (Composer)351111 23216 51333
[We're trusting in Jesus to lead us along to realms of celestial day]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)235555 55671 55123
[What a great singing there will be when the blest Savior we shall see]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)232353 21312 32161
[What a singing over the river with saints at home in heaven]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)256131 11651 12133
[When I get to heaven some glorious day]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)212335 31216 13555
[When life for me shall end and family and friends]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)253234 32121 76654
[When the day breaks dark and dreary and I'm pressed with doubts and fears]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234545 65334 56544
[When the Savior we behold in the city of pure gold]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234556 71312 11655
[When the shadows lengthen at the close of day]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)255351 53576 67671
[When we were in sin away from our God]W.D. Jeffcoat (Composer)356561 56715 56613
[With a prayer on your lips and a song in your heart]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)234545 32123 26117
[With blessed assurance in Jesus our King]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)213334 34565 33565
[Wondrous Savior, Thou hast taught us]W. D. Jeffcoat, 1929- (Composer)211312 16513 55312
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