Short Name: | Asa Hull |
Full Name: | Hull, Asa, 1828-1907 |
Birth Year: | 1828 |
Death Year: | 1907 |
Asa Hull USA 1828-1907. Born in Keene, NY, he became a music publisher in New York City. He married Emma F Atherton, and they had a daughter, Harriett. He wrote many tunes and authored temperance rallying songs. He published 33 works, of which 21 were songbooks, between 1863-1895. He died in Philadelphia, PA.
John Perry
Tunes by Asa Hull (415)![]() | As | Instances | Incipit |
[A fisher boy went sailing out] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55545 65453 55443 |
[A gentle breeze from Eden's land] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 56515 65354 32432 |
[A great and noble army] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51113 21543 21557 |
[A happy band of children] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55111 17552 22155 |
[A little talk with Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 34556 55111 11221 |
[A sweet new song is in my soul] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53451 76556 71665 |
[A welcome to our pastor dear] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55113 27172 21335 |
[A youthful pilgrim band] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51111 15222 22511 |
[The sea runs deep, the night is dark] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 56515 65333 22512 |
[Abundant fruit so rich in store] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51133 55123 23455 |
[Afflictions, though they seem severe] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 34555 65533 23544 |
ALL FOR JESUS (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 20 | 33333 34443 23543 |
[All hail! sweet day of flowers] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55323 21534 34655 |
[All hail! the blessed morning] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53334 33252 22321 |
[All hail the power of Jesus' name] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 11324 31132 54655 |
[Along the track of youth we fly] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51112 33333 22443 |
[Amid the hours that rapid fly] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 15653 21134 44653 |
[And can it be that I should gain] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Another day is past] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 56534 32356 71172 |
[Mark the lonely mound] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55156 55552 43551 |
[Anywhere with Jesus, says the Christian heart] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 33333 21356 53333 |
[Are you ready, watching for the Lord to come] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 23451 33323 |
[As we journey down life's pathway] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 15766 55356 53223 |
[It came upon the early morn] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13333 33532 22431 |
[At morning's dawn I love to hear] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53331 11152 22432 |
[Away with the wine-cup, for danger is there] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51111 11212 33444 |
[Bear thy cross cheerfully, Brother, the night] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 17654 31123 17654 |
[Behold the changing autumn leaves] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 55331 62217 77671 |
[Behold the fountain deep and wide] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55133 44333 22321 |
[Behold the Rock, the smitten rock] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13213 55312 12311 |
[Beneath the stars in slumber deep] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53451 76564 65324 |
[Beyond life's raging fever] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53343 32221 32153 |
[Blessed Bible, how I love it] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53135 44342 34654 |
[Blessed, blessed, blessed! O how blessed!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 11221 15431 23444 |
[Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 11111 11113 22322 |
[Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, I have wandered far astray] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32315 45333 23454 |
BOXELDER | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51211 12342 76713 |
[Brightly gleams our banner] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33333 21355 53333 |
[Bring roses rare and lilies fair] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51353 43255 43513 |
[Burdened soul, come seek the Savior] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 33443 23171 25123 |
[By faith the cleansing blood I see] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51115 66665 17123 |
[Cheer up! cheer up! desponding ones] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55335 53355 33432 |
[Children, who was crucified?] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 15653 55432 53115 |
[City of God! majestic, fair!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55651 17132 22176 |
[Come, enter the vineyard and work for the Master] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13345 31176 65564 |
[Come, join our temperance band] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51113 53125 25315 |
[Come, let us be joyful today] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55351 71221 23216 |
[Come out into the sunlight] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33234 31121 23155 |
[Come, poor pilgrim, sad and weary] | A. Hull (Arranger) | 2 | |
[Come, see the place where the Lord lay] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 11111 13171 24311 |
[Come, sinner, to Jesus, O do not refuse] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13211 71232 15543 |
[Come to the fountain of mercy] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
["Come up hither!" come away!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Counting your treasure, God's bounty to measure] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 32143 25436 57672 |
[Crown Him forever King of kings] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13451 25332 77651 |
[Dear Savior, how often my heart has been sad] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 55315 31232 15646 |
[Dear sinner, why so thoughtless roam?] | A. Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Depth of mercy, can there be?] (Stevenson) | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 15565 51556 51317 |
[Do thy duty, though a cross] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55545 13544 43465 |
[Do you hear the glad refrain] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55111 11552 22225 |
[Down in the garden of Gethsemane] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33333 34323 35436 |
[Down through the hoary aisles of time] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51235 54434 57246 |
[Draw me, Savior, nearer] | Asa Hull (Harmonizer) | 4 | 34323 21534 55432 |
[Drink is raging, fiercely raging] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32153 21513 53132 |
[Educate the children to be brave and pure and true] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34565 65171 23271 |
[Ere ocean waves began to roll] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53335 54432 34665 |
LUNDIE (Perkins) | A. Hull (Composer) | 5 | 56532 12123 55651 |
LAST BEAM | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 33335 54342 43171 |
AUTUMN (Barthélemon) | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 2 | 12321 65312 32352 |
[Fear not: for behold I bring you good tidings] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33553 21176 65511 |
[Fill my days, dear Lord, with light] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33321 65123 14323 |
[Flag of America] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32117 74322 11654 |
[Flee as a bird to your mountain] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55432 34515 33456 |
FLORENCE (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12335 43224 32112 |
[For God, from whom all blessings flow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55434 56531 21231 |
[See, the sun is high in heaven] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55555 53121 23555 |
[For the sunshine and the rain] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33335 43222 34323 |
[For Thy wondrous grace, O God of love] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34545 67171 76565 |
[For unto us a Child is born] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 56711 12332 15432 |
[For years, with our politest bow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53335 44453 51765 |
["Forget me not," we often say] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 56515 65356 52652 |
[Four centuries are on thy brow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13553 11165 65312 |
[Friend of sinners, take, O take me!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51621 76531 35432 |
[From the woods, and fields, and bowers] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55555 53212 22233 |
[Gather and band for the right] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33343 23322 23435 |
[Gather the children into the fold] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55554 56715 54323 |
[Gird on the armor of the skies] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51327 16534 34535 |
[Give as the Lord hath blessed thy store] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53451 16153 45325 |
[Give thanks, all ye people, give thanks to the Lord] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 51321 15616 65551 |
[Glad as the morning, swift as the light] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13215 61651 12334 |
[Glad tidings of great joy we bring] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51232 17165 17125 |
[Glorious things of thee are spoken] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 34455 17653 16531 |
[Glory and honor, praise and power be unto Him] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 11712 33212 51777 |
[Glory be to the Father and to the Son] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 13567 15176 56543 |
[Go forth and sow the seeds] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53456 51765 43326 |
[Go tell the great Redeemer's love] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 12323 45653 12432 |
[Go thou forth, the field is whitening] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53123 45344 43453 |
[Go when the morning shineth] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32135 16555 43453 |
[Go, ye messengers of God] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33321 23112 43215 |
[God is love; His mercy brightens] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 56531 76715 51351 |
[Going up, to the joys everlasting] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 44431 12222 |
[Good tidings, good tidings] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55354 24351 3325 |
[Goodbye, pastor, goodbye] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51523 11777 12227 |
[Hail, blessed morn] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32315 32315 32531 |
[Hail, happy anniversary day] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53515 12311 61655 |
[Hark! I hear the Savior calling] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34516 15651 23343 |
[Hark! the bell to prayer is calling] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55534 23552 53555 |
[Hark! what means the sound of knocking] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 1 | 33333 35432 22222 |
[Hark, the herald angels sing] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 32153 21234 32132 |
[Haste, brother, haste! for the Master is calling] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53453 12123 56465 |
[Have you any room for Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12333 33531 22223 |
[He giveth songs by day] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51767 15121 71223 |
[He is risen! hallelujah!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 17113 23323 21651 |
[He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass] | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 2 | 53455 56543 33544 |
[He standeth knocking at the door] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32165 13532 17123 |
[He that soweth precious seed] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53355 44432 14353 |
[Higher, higher would I soar] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 15315 53234 56535 |
[Higher than the mountain top] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 11135 65111 32222 |
[Holy Father, we adore thee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[How gentle falls the dew of night] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53445 16153 43453 |
["How goes the battle?" O watchman, tell!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[How like a dream the hour that's past] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55465 32172 17655 |
[How lovely the flowers that bloom] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55123 43265 23454 |
[How much of joy and comfort] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 12332 21534 55443 |
[No book is like the Bible] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 12 | 33343 32222 13213 |
[I am coming to the Savior] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 12333 45355 43231 |
[I am the Door, If any man] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53127 16511 76715 |
[I am the Life of the world below] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 15131 35671 17621 |
[I am the Truth, eternal] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53456 51117 16552 |
[I am the Way, walk ye therein] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53653 24317 65312 |
[I came to Jesus, lost, undone] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53451 16565 65332 |
[I fear not the gloom of midnight] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 12333 44311 22212 |
[I had rather be found in the highway of God] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55111 11121 23555 |
[I hear thee speak of the better land] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53333 34433 33221 |
[I heard the voice of Jesus say] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 51534 53123 16713 |
[I know her walls are jasper] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[I know that my Redeemer lives] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53217 16512 123 |
[I love to steal awhile away] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34511 55775 51312 |
[I love to think of the music grand] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51117 65655 55434 |
[I think of a home that is wondrously bright] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12333 31233 33345 |
[I was burdened with sin, and with doubtings and fears] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34556 53511 76655 |
[If birdies sing their praise to God] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51324 31152 43513 |
[If we can not plant our cottage] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 51333 23555 52343 |
[If you would help the Savior's cause] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51112 33355 22435 |
[I'll sing of the goodness of God to me] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51712 12355 55653 |
[I'm but a stranger here] (Hull) | A. Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53456 51765 53456 |
[I'm nearing home! Life's wintry blast] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 32135 11646 53321 |
[I'm standing on the mountain] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34551 56555 42343 |
[In God I have found a retreat] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 22 | 13333 23532 22212 |
[In the battle here with sin] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12321 23432 17125 |
[In the battle of life there is work to do] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 32144 44322 |
[In the silence of the night] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 54531 17164 45653 |
[In the silent midnight watches] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 10 | 13555 53122 22313 |
[In these days when truth and error] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53176 42176 54365 |
[In Thine own good time, dear Lord, we trust] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53445 17671 17123 |
[In well doing be not weary] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53123 45335 43466 |
[It may be far, it may be near] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51235 43252 22432 |
[It takes two feet to bear us up] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 54345 65131 76616 |
[I've been thinking of my home, my heavenly home] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51333 21766 55577 |
[I've been up the Mount with my Lord today] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12334 53212 16512 |
[Jerusalem, the golden] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13517 65321 43213 |
[Jesus, Arzt für alles Übel] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 54345 13121 76532 |
[Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32135 67165 32135 |
[Jesus calls for toilers now] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 54345 11655 65433 |
[Jesus, I hear Thee knocking] | A. H. (Composer) | 3 | 13334 56535 54231 |
[Jesus, Lord of all compassion] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus, our Lord and Savior] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32151 32132 15433 |
[Jesus, refuge of my soul] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51133 21335 54355 |
[Jesus, Savior, pilot me] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | |
[Jesus sought and saved me] | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 55655 44352 35565 |
[Jesus, the fairest of the fair] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51234 56532 14325 |
[Jesus, when He left the sky] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33333 35111 11132 |
[The Christmas times have come at last] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55451 33235 32346 |
[Joy and gladness! joy and gladness] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32345 45176 56246 |
[Joy! Joy! Joy! is the song the angels sing!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13567 15671 24771 |
[Just over on the other side] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 33212 34332 12654 |
[Keep me, Father, safely keep me] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 34332 15655 43145 |
[Keep your lamp burning brightly while you sojourn below] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Late! late, so late! and dark the night and chill] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 34431 21231 56653 |
[Launch the ship of Prohibition] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51321 65113 56535 |
[Let us go to Bethlehem, to Bethlehem] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33123 33344 44433 |
[Let us rally round the standard] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Life seems but a sparkling river] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12323 23512 33543 |
[Lift high the notes of sweetest song] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55434 56511 76716 |
[Little pilgrims, whither going] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 34323 54334 |
[Live not as to thyself alone] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33234 43231 21254 |
[Lo! the ripened grain is waving] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 32123 65332 12332 |
[Lo! Yon bright, countless throng] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 31233 34234 44453 |
[Look abroad, the world grows wider] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 15321 65125 24323 |
[Look not upon the foaming beer] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53121 65651 17122 |
[Many are longing Thy message to hear] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 32165 17121 12343 |
[Many are the sorrows, many are the tears] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 31531 55654 32654 |
[Meet again! when life is over] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55366 53322 11766 |
[Time is earnest, passing by] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 35651 23432 17123 |
[Merry Christmas! loudly ringing] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55176 65355 42453 |
[More Thou art than friend or brother] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 54321 51166 53254 |
[Murmur on, murmur on, O thou harp of the blest] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55545 57111 15671 |
[My foot is on the threshold] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 55332 16165 13125 |
[My friend, do you know that the tempter of souls] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51712 12343 25543 |
[My God I am Thine, what a comfort divine] (51132) | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 51132 55114 31355 |
[My soul with rapture waits for Thee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 13333 53311 12123 |
[Nearer, my God, to Thee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12232 15243 66655 |
[Nearer, O my blessed Savior] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33216 16511 22332 |
[No matter if storm clouds are heavy and dark] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55356 46535 16523 |
[No night shall be in heaven] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55333 33443 33222 |
[Now to the Lord a noble song] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13456 71233 25221 |
[O, ask me not to sip the wine] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53332 16512 12325 |
[Chant] (Hull 56117) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 56117 16657 1 |
[O come unto the Savior, for why will you delay] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55535 15122 12334 |
[O, come ye, O, come ye, in youth's sunny time] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[O holy morn! O happy day!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33231 34342 55117 |
[O joyous time! O golden days!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34451 76517 12212 |
[O kings from eastern shore] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13234 53434 53165 |
[O, let me cling to Thee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 34332 13221 23321 |
[O see! O see! the Christmas tree!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53535 13511 71223 |
[O sing the sweet song of the angels] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55556 54515 65617 |
[O soldier brave, in strength arise] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 51113 45554 32234 |
[O the love of Christ is boundless] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 53511 12322 23431 |
[O wonderful story of ages] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 1 | 55653 21166 51332 |
[Over the hills the sun is setting] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 9 | 33321 23566 53132 |
[O blessed feet of Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13344 53543 21551 |
[O bright is the wine, the ruby wine] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53333 34444 33332 |
[O have you not heard of a beautiful stream] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 55451 33234 35523 |
[O, there are those who've wandered long] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51112 33332 34325 |
[O who is this Warrior that cometh from Edom] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51765 35542 46553 |
[O wondrous theme of Christmas tide] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51535 12334 44433 |
BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 55554 35123 33211 |
[On stormy seas I sail my bark] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55653 11216 55653 |
[On the stormy Galilee] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33312 31555 43326 |
[Once more the world looks back along] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53445 17655 54346 |
[Once o'er the hills of Judah] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53451 17276 54345 |
[One by one are autumn leaves] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 54531 43212 65435 |
[One more day's work for Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55321 17656 45356 |
[Only one moment at once goes by] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 11133 34433 22212 |
[Only waiting till the shadows] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 12312 16511 35332 |
[Onward, right onward!] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 56553 21232 15655 |
[Our fathers who loved Jesus] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32123 45332 12345 |
[Over and over again] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13555 43212 33345 |
[Over death's dark river they are passing, one by one] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12333 32153 12355 |
[Over the mountain the sunlight breaks] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 11111 13312 22222 |
[Over the mountains, the mountains of sin] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13211 76123 12333 |
PEARLY GATE | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51231 23134 32176 |
[Pilgrim, whither journey you] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 15125 32513 21512 |
[Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 11133 31451 35654 |
[Praise to God, immortal praise] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32154 32123 43213 |
[Praise waiteth for Thee, O God, in Zion] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55451 53456 51765 |
[Put on the armor of the Lord] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13213 56517 65343 |
[Redeemed! redeemed! O precious thought] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 51233 43333 22212 |
ALL TO CHRIST (Grape) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 13565 31122 12313 |
[Alas! and did my Savior bleed] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 100 | 33224 43355 31323 |
[Rest, weary heart] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 34433 21432 15555 |
REUBEN (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53451 76564 53455 |
[Ring out, O bells, right merrily] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51355 65534 44535 |
[Ring with joy and gladness] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55653 53244 66555 |
[Ring, ye bells, from steeples high] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51317 21315 43513 |
[Say, do we gather grapes of thorns] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55455 66555 44535 |
[See the heathen, far away] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12321 23217 12313 |
[Sent by God's eternal love] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51342 31135 64531 |
[Shade of the everlasting Rock] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 11111 22117 65171 |
[Shadows may darken our pathway] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32154 33223 43213 |
[Shall we meet beyond the river] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34532 31566 51232 |
[Should sorrow o’er thy brow] | Asa Hull (Composer (attributed to)) | 2 | |
[Silent night! hallowed night] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 31157 65133 55231 |
[Silently as the twilight shadows] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 55517 66512 34321 |
[Sing a glorious song of the harvest home] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55665 34543 33234 |
[Sing on, my soul, thy mission prove] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 9 | 55432 34515 66531 |
CONSTANCY (Anonymous) | Asa Hull, 19th Century (Composer) | 17 | 33332 35322 55423 |
[Sitting at the feet of Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32123 45343 21712 |
[Snowdrops, lift your timid heads] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55457 65432 53111 |
[So, my boy, you are leaving the old fireside] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55333 32344 33332 |
[Softly down the lapse of ages] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 32176 71665 12336 |
[Softly, on the breath of evening] | A. Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 32115 65671 22213 |
[Soldiers on life's battlefield] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 33333 23456 54324 |
[Some day the world beneath my feet] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53455 66555 44435 |
[Sometime we'll reach the summer land] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33333 44333 22234 |
[Stand fast for God, though all alone] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55333 43255 22223 |
[Stand firmly, Christian Soldier] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53323 15355 45356 |
[Stand up for Jesus, Christian, stand] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 40 | 33333 51322 34712 |
[Star of the East, O beautiful star] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 53515 65453 12355 |
[Step by step, we're marching onward] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13556 54531 72466 |
[Summer time has come again] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13243 21334 45664 |
[Sunshine clear and sunshine bright] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33321 44444 43255 |
[Sweet is the song of heaven] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53323 21513 53321 |
[Sweet Mary was sitting in sorrow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55345 12315 66617 |
[Sweet the moments, rich in blessing] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 54345 11616 53453 |
[Sweet 'tis to sing of Thee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32161 53215 55321 |
[Tarry with me, O my Savior] (Hull) | A. Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55532 16571 25312 |
[Tell me the story of Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33212 34533 32171 |
[Thanks be to God for the victory over sin] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 13456 71111 76665 |
[The Ark of salvation floats over life's sea] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51113 21546 53212 |
[The battle cry is sounding] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55535 11117 16555 |
THE BEAUTIFUL RIVER | Asa Hull (Composer) | 14 | 51111 71217 11321 |
[The blessed gates of gospel grace] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53651 76565 31332 |
[The children for temperance are gathering] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51113 13531 11132 |
[The dawn is surely breaking] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51513 55656 53551 |
[The dear Redeemer came to win] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53121 65354 24313 |
[The gospel bells are ringing clear] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55651 17752 25335 |
[The Master of the vineyard is coming in His glory] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53456 51111 76655 |
[The morning light is breaking] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51324 31522 32351 |
[The night is dark, the storm is loud] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[The parting hour must surely come] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51234 56532 34466 |
[The prohibition host have come] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53234 51233 23425 |
["The race is on," the Master from the skies] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55655 64165 51115 |
[The road is straight and graded well] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55155 61665 57655 |
[The Shepherd looked out on the mountain cold] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13234 34553 32345 |
[The waves are rising high] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51176 53222 45511 |
[The world is full of beauty] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51354 65313 21223 |
[The world is so great, and so little am I] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53445 35176 55544 |
[The world's a field of battle] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51327 15171 23443 |
[There are joys we fondly cherish] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 12345 65115 56531 |
[There are lonely hearts to cherish] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 51334 33257 22231 |
[There is a city over there] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33332 34433 32223 |
[There is a radiant, sunny clime] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51232 34431 21243 |
[There is a spot to me more dear] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 13332 15651 23332 |
[There is a Star, a Beacon Light] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33123 55432 22343 |
[There is a straight and narrow path] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53217 67123 45123 |
[There is a stream] | A. H. (Arranger) | 1 | 12713 42353 45434 |
[There is a stream, whose gentle flow] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 56551 55655 33326 |
[There is work for every one] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 11335 53235 43113 |
[There's a beautiful light shining over the sea] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55565 17656 53554 |
[There's a call for the reapers to come] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55321 61651 77123 |
[There's a land of fadeless beauty in the sky] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33512 32344 |
[There's a sound of marching feet] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32111 11712 22221 |
[There's a storm on the sea] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33344 44443 |
[There's a tree that's ever growing, growing] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 54345 65351 32122 |
[There's a warfare sin is waging bold and strong] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12333 33512 33455 |
[There's a wideness in God's mercy] (Vail) | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 56531 21656 53132 |
[There's an open fountain in Zion] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 12333 55432 11712 |
[They have reached the sunny shore] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Thirsting 'neath the noonday sun] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 33334 43322 44333 |
[Though fierce the howling winds may blow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55553 46533 33213 |
[Though the mist hang over the river] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 34516 15334 51712 |
[Though the winds may blow and the tears may flow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 34545 45176 56562 |
[Though on the sea of life my little bark is tossed] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 1 | 55112 17622 32176 |
[Through heaven's clear arch the echoes rang] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53155 31576 51531 |
['Tis but the social, friendly glass] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55453 33231 32126 |
['Tis Jesus calls, "Come unto me"] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55123 23111 76712 |
[Today the Savior calls] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 13323 11271 13543 |
[Today we sing thy matchless fame] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53156 55121 23531 |
[Tossed with rough winds and faint with fear] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51234 51535 32321 |
['Twas Jesus, my Savior, who died on the tree] (Hull) | A. Hull (Composer) | 9 | 55345 15646 65554 |
['Twas only a cup of cold water] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 13334 34533 45432 |
[Under cold December skies] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55545 13554 34665 |
[Unshaken by the flight of time] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 51232 14332 12316 |
[Unto the God of the seasons] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 15131 35312 34212 |
[Up and away, like the dew of the morning] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 8 | 56535 51223 21616 |
[Upon the Savior's brow doth rest] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13234 54534 34653 |
[Wake the song of jubilee] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 55551 23555 53215 |
[Walking through the crowded city] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 56532 17656 53212 |
[Watch, for the time is short] (Hull) | A. Hull (Composer) | 3 | 33334 51111 23555 |
[Watching through the night and waiting for the dawn] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 55565 35312 16566 |
[I am dwelling on the mountain] (Dadmun) | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 3 | 51312 11616 55611 |
[We are earnest toilers on life's fruitful field] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 55345 11767 13321 |
[We are going home to the land of light] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33443 33322 |
[We are happy pilgrims] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 54545 11716 55454 |
[We are heralds of a great and free salvation] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32151 23456 53132 |
[We are here with songs of gladness] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53423 12511 22332 |
[We are Jesus' little pilgrims] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33333 44444 |
[We are marching, onward marching] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13545 65313 24721 |
[I am waiting by the river] (Hastings) | A. Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34516 15334 51712 |
[We are Zion's cadets, 'tis our joy and pride] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12332 31355 45332 |
[We come with happy greetings] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55565 45351 17655 |
[We may spread our couch with roses] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 34556 55312 23213 |
[We shall know each other better on that happy, golden shore] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 34555 56535 11765 |
[We speak of the realms of the blest] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13234 34565 31171 |
[We through the wilderness must go] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 53456 56515 34343 |
[Welcome, sweet dawning of the morn] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51321 65351 71223 |
[We'll not give up the Bible] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32135 17642 13532 |
[We'll take the world for Jesus] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51513 21343 45354 |
[We're going to enter the pearly gates] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53445 45176 62175 |
[We're marching on an army strong] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 55351 16165 31531 |
[What do the bells in the steeple say?] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 53213 45655 24355 |
[What of the night, O watchman] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 31234 31321 74354 |
[What shall I do with Jesus] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 12325 53323 45433 |
[What though the fig tree blossoms not] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 13555 51355 55554 |
[When little children do the wrong] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53455 65555 44265 |
[When marshaled on the nightly plain] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 13451 32111 11171 |
[When 'mid the music of the spheres] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53455 65517 12715 |
[When mountains of doubt hem me in on each side] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 9 | 34555 55566 65551 |
[When night her solemn anthem sings] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 55321 76517 71133 |
[When Power Infinite awoke] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 31355 66555 54535 |
[When sailing over time's restless sea] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 34565 45121 76543 |
[When shall I see the day] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51117 62171 51117 |
[When sunshine floods thine earthly way] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 55333 32222 34721 |
[When tempted to do that you know is not right] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51113 33444 33222 |
[When the harps of gold are ringing] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 55456 71561 76532 |
[When the mists have rolled in splendor] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 12333 33213 55543 |
[When the tempest rages high] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 5 | 53123 65532 14325 |
[When the turbulent waves in their fury dash high] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12323 43454 36665 |
[When these days of toil and strife are over] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 32123 45651 65321 |
[When to save a sinful race] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 54353 21232 17657 |
[When we are tempted or when we do wrong] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 56711 13215 43252 |
[When we hear the music ringing] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 51111 76716 51432 |
[When your feet are placed in the narrow way] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 12331 23465 31321 |
[When your wearied footsteps falter] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 32177 66556 51232 |
[Where hast thou gleaned today, Christian] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 31234 32152 43212 |
[While fields are deck'd with beauty] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53121 65132 12531 |
[While sailing over life's stormy seas] (Hull) | Asa Hull (Composer) | 4 | 31235 12332 12542 |
[While shepherds on the eastern plain] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 1 | 13453 46543 16712 |
[While we with joyful hearts unite] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 6 | 17127 13532 14321 |
[Willing little voices raise] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 35653 51221 23323 |
[With cloudless sky we started] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 7 | 55565 45351 17655 |
[With our praise we'll crown the Savior] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53123 45335 43453 |
[With sorrowful hearts we meet today] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 13334 43554 32343 |
[With steady steps we're treading] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53456 65554 3453 |
[With their robes made white as snow] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 56515 65543 46654 |
[Within Thy house, O Lord, this day] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 11355 67151 53212 |
WONDERFUL STAR | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 13476 56711 55433 |
[Wondrous cross! thy glory beaming] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | |
[Would you hear salvation's story?] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 53321 66517 12533 |
[Would you live for evermore] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 11123 55535 65321 |
[Ye soldiers of the cross in the army of the Lord] | Asa Hull (Arranger) | 1 | 55653 51233 32166 |
[You have had an invitation to the Gospel-feast] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 12333 43213 56555 |
[You see I'm a thorough temperance man] | Asa Hull (Composer) | 2 | 51111 71221 13333 |
ZORINSKY | Asa Hull (Composer) | 3 | 53212 65344 33253 |