H. Grattan Guinness › Recommendations

H. Grattan Guinness
Short Name: H. Grattan Guinness
Full Name: Guinness, H. Grattan, 1835-1910
Birth Year: 1835
Death Year: 1910

Guinness, Henry Grattan, .D.D., son of Capt. John Guinness of Dublin, was born at Mountpellier, near Dublin, in 1835. His work as an undenominational Preacher began in 1856, since which time he has visited most parts of the world in prosecuting his evangelistic labours. He has written numerous hymns and printed them privately to enclose in letters and parcels, and for general distribution. Of these the following were included in The Enlarged London Hymn Book 1873:— (1) "How beautiful the Saviour's feet" (Christ, in Glory); (2) "Thou art my joy, Lord Jesus" (The Glory of Jesus); (3) "Yes, Thou art mine, my blessed Lord" (Jesus our All).

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


Son of Cap­tain John Guin­ess, Hen­ry was an Ir­ish Pro­test­ant preach­er and au­thor, and the great evan­gel­ist of the Evan­gel­i­cal Awak­en­ing; He preached dur­ing the Ul­ster Re­viv­al of 1859, draw­ing thou­sands to hear him. He of­fered to join the Chi­na In­land Mis­sion found­ed by James Hud­son Tay­lor in 1865, but took Ta­ylor’s ad­vice and con­tin­ued his work in Lon­don.

In March 1873, Guin­ess and his wife Fan­ny start­ed the East Lon­don Mis­sion­a­ry Train­ing In­sti­tute (al­so called Har­ley College) at Har­ley House in Brom­ley-by-Bow, East End of Lon­don, with just six stu­dents. The school went on to train 1,330 mis­sion­ar­ies for 30 so­ci­e­ties of 30 de­nom­in­a­tions. It was so suc­cess­ful that it need­ed a larg­er home, and in 1883, Eliz­a­beth Hulme of­fered Guin­ness "Cliff House" near Cur­bar, Der­by­shire. Har­ley Col­lege was re­named Hulme Cliff Col­lege; now known as Cliff Col­lege, it con­tin­ues to this day, train­ing and equip­ping Chris­tians for mis­sions and evan­gel­ism.

Guinness found­ed the Liv­ing­stone In­land Mis­sion in 1877, the Con­go-Bao­lo Mis­sion in 1888, and in 1898 be­gan the Re­gions Be­yond Mis­sion­ary Un­ion.


Wikipedia Biography

Henry Grattan Guinness (11 August 1835 – 21 June 1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He was the great evangelist of the Third Evangelical awakening and preached during the Ulster Revival of 1859 which drew thousands to hear him. He was responsible for training and sending hundreds of "faith missionaries" all over the world.

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