Joseph Gelineau › Tunes

Joseph Gelineau
Short Name: Joseph Gelineau
Full Name: Gelineau, Joseph, 1920-2008
Birth Year: 1920
Death Year: 2008

Joseph Gelineau (1920-2008)

Gelineau's translation and musical settings of the psalms have achieved nearly universal usage in the Christian church of the Western world. These psalms faithfully recapture the Hebrew poetic structure and images. To accommodate this structure his psalm tones were designed to express the asymmetrical three-line/four-line design of the psalm texts. He collaborated with R. Tournay and R. Schwab and reworked the Jerusalem Bible Psalter. Their joint effort produced the Psautier de la Bible de Jerusalem and recording Psaumes, which won the Gran Prix de L' Academie Charles Cros in 1953.

The musical settings followed four years later. Shortly after, the Gregorian Institute of America published Twenty-four Psalms and Canticles, which was the premier issue of his psalms in the United States. Certainly, his text and his settings have provided a feasible and beautiful solution to the singing of the psalms that the 1963 reforms envisioned. Parishes, their cantors, and choirs were well-equipped to sing the psalms when they embarked on the Gelineau psalmody.

Gelineau was active in liturgical development from the very time of his ordination in 1951. He taught at the Institut Catholique de Paris and was active in several movements leading toward Vatican II. His influence in the United States as well in Europe (he was one of the founding organizers of Universa Laus, the international church music association) is as far reaching as it is broad. Proof of that is the number of times "My shepherd is the Lord" has been reprinted and reprinted in numerous funeral worship leaflets, collections, and hymnals.

His prolific career includes hundreds of compositions ranging from litanies to responsories. His setting of Psalm 106/107, "The Love of the Lord," for assembly, organ, and orchestra premiéred at the 1989 National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention in Long Beach, California.

Wikipedia Biography

Joseph Gelineau, SJ (31 October 1920 – 8 August 2008) was a French Jesuit priest and composer, mainly of modern Christian liturgical music. He was a member of the translation committee for La Bible de Jérusalem (1959). Gelineau was born in Champ-sur-Layon, Maine-et-Loire. Having entered the Society of Jesus in 1941, he studied Catholic theology in Lyon and music in Paris. He was one of the founders of the international study group on music and liturgy . He died in Sallanches, aged 87.

Tunes by Joseph Gelineau (266)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A contrite heart, O God, you will not spare] (Murray)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Verses))151121 7
[A light will shine on us this day]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))117656 756
[A sacrifice you accept, O God]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))326665 4562
[¡Alabad a Dios en su santuario]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)211355 565
[¡Aleluya! ¡Alabad a Dios en lo alto]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)212161 1216
[All the ends of the earth]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))167176 5
[All the ends of the earth have seen] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))112321 75345
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))241217 16756
[Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia] (Murray)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))1256121
[Twofold Amen] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)217316
[At last, all-powerful Master]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[Be merciful, O Lord] (Craig)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))326656 4
[Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned] (Craig)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))1
[Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble] (Peloquin)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))176567 65
[Blessed are they who delight]JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))153232 21
[Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))154567 655
[Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel] (Hutmacher)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))174456
[Blessed, blessed are they]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))141321 7
[Bring an offering and enter his courts] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau, b. 1920 (Composer)265456 12161 1654
[Bring an offering and enter his courts] (Howell)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))465456 12171
[But the LORD is righteous]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (tone))133332 33366 5553
[By gracious pow'rs so wonderfully shelter'd]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)246755 44675 54616
[Call upon the Lord and he will hear you]JG (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))855667 5
[Christ is born for us] (French)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))166756
[Christ is the light of the nations] (Ainslie)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[Come, let us worship the Lord] (French)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))132166 7671
[Create a clean heart, a clean heart in me, O God]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))166616 564
[Create in me a clean heart] (Schoen)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelenia tone))266616 5
[Cry out with joy and gladness] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))111111 31
[Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth] (French)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))117132 12175
[Arise, come to your God]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Antiphon and tone))1251671 22
[Day and night I cry to you] (Toolan)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))411212 33
[Dieu ne peut que donner son amour]J. Gelineau (Composer)134323 44342 34565
[Do not forget the works of the Lord] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))125672
[Do not hide your face from me] (Currie)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))341716 44
[El Señor es mi Pastor, ¿qué me faltará?]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)455543 21321 6561
[Father, I put my life in your hands]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))111161
[Fill us with your love, O Lord] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))261767 55
[For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))152171 2
[For the sake of your name, O Lord, save my life]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))112345 423
[From the voices of children, Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))5
GELINEAU 114Joseph Gelineau (Composer)253423 45171 5
GELINEAU 99Joseph Gelineau (Composer)3
GELINEAU PSALM 2Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)211311 14215 75564
GELINEAU PSALM 23Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)213566 53233 561
GELINEAU PSALM 24Joseph Gelineau (Composer)355616 2
GELINEAU PSALM 4 Joseph Gelineau, 1920- (Composer (Tone))211142
GELINEAU PSALM 42Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer and Antiphon I)255611 12111
GELINEAU PSALM 43Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)251755 45521 2
GELINEAU PSALM 91Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)211711 16722
GELINEAU PSALM 93Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)211244 44222 21
[Give back to me the joy of your salvation]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))313217 1
[Give him/her eternal rest, O Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Verses))211143 171
[Give peace, O Lord, in our days]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))2
[Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))152123
[Give thanks to the Lord for he is good] (Waddell)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))351716 5612
[Give the Lord glory, glory and honor]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))145616
[Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))113344 5
[God has freed us and redeemed us]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))245612 165
[God mounts his throne to shouts of joy]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))356155 61
[God, my Lord, is my strength]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))153432
[God, you are merciful and kind]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))112343 212
[Great is the Lord, worthy of praise]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Antiphon and tone))821612 161
[Guard us, O Lord, while we sleep]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))417767 73
[Hail, Mary, full of grace] (Schiavone)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))165617 16
[Happy are they who hope] (Thompson)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))111154 3
[Happy are those who do what the Lord commands] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))153215 6
[Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be his own]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))164616 1
[Have mercy, Lord] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))913217 65
[Have mercy, Lord, and hear my prayer]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))413233
[Have mercy Lord, cleanse me from all my sins] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)613217 65
[Have mercy on me, Lord; my strength is gone]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))156717 5
[He who does justice will live]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))162345 676
[He who dwells in the shelter of the most high] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)246656 46645 31171
[Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))165633 2
[His goodness shall follow me] (Murray)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))656532 12
[Holy, holy, holy Lord] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer)211771 11233 4321
[How can I repay the Lord] (Murray)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))244671 231
[How great is your name, O Lord our God]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))851612 12416
[How lovely is your dwelling place] (Murray 43467)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))643467 131
[I am the living bread come down from heaven] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))233321 44432 125
[I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord] (Kelly)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))355756 71
[I hope in the Lord]Joseph Gelineau, Sj (Composer (Gelineau Tone))113271
[I love the Lord for the Lord has heard]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineua tone))2
[I place all my trust in you, my God] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Antiphon I))1351171 23212 34321
[I rejoiced when I heard them say] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155534 555
[I rejoiced when they said to me]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))2
[I shall live in the house of the Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))213555 66665 3
[I thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))253456 71
[In the morning I will sing] (Isele)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))856112 343
[I trust in your merciful love]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))154617 1
[I will go to the altar of God] (Gelineau)JG (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))233555 4447
[I will praise my God all the days of my life] (Chepponis)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155176 54
[I will praise my God all the days of my life] (Schiavone)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))155654 5
[I will praise your name for ever] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156123
[I will praise your name for ever] (Chepponis)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))151233 2353
[I will rise and go to my father] (Chepponis)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))355123
[I will sing and make music]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))333656 33
[I will sing, I will sing, I will sing]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))154517 1545
[I will sing of your salvation] (Englert)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))155132
[I will sing to the Lord all the days of my life]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))257171 2
[I will take the cup of salvation] (Murray)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))166561 7677
[I will walk in the presence of the Lord] (Proulx)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))317646 77671 1767
[If you, O Lord, should mark our sins]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))351133 21751 4321
[In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge] (Englert)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))251171 2123
[In ev'ry age, O Lord, you have been our refuge] (Peloquin)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))155771
[In the sight of the angels, I will sing your praises, Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156713 27
[In you, Lord, in you, Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156757 656
[In you, my God, my body will rest] (Englert)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))252122 1716
[In you, my God, my body will rest in hope]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))117654 534
[Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156716
LE CÉNACLEJoseph Gelineau, b. 1920 (Composer)413422 11342 2
[Le monde ancien s'en est allé]Joseph Gélineau (Composer)213455 11757 54322
[Le Seigneur fit pour moi des merveiles] (Gélineau)Joseph Gélineau (Composer)355133 23543 2
[Let all creation praise the Lord]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))111271 6
[Let all praise the name of the Lord] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))125431
[Let all the earth cry out to God with joy] (Hutmacher)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (verses))123561 2
[Let everything that breathes give praise]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))214564 77
[Let ev'rything that lives give praise to the Lord]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))141216 1
[Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))111345 56
[Let my tongue be silenced] (Schoen)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156717 65
[Let the clouds rain down the just one]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))117653 233
[Let the Lord enter] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))255652
[Let us bow down before the Lord]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))213431 716
[Like a deer that longs for running streams] (Bauman)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[Like the deer that longs for running streams] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))156434 5617
[Lord, come to my aid] (Batatstini and Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))136717 6
[Lord, ev'ry nation on earth will adore you] (Haugen)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))151765 45671 2
[Lord, give success to the work of your hands]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156717 121
[Lord, go up to the place of your rest] (Schiavone)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))145645 6717
[Lord God, be my refuge and my strength]JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))315456 5
[Lord, heal my soul] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))165235 61
[Lord, if you will]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))343211 7
[Lord, in your great love, answer me] (Peloquin)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))124323
[Lord, it is good to give thanks to you] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))15615
[Lord, let us see your kindness] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))127123 42
[Lord, let your face shine on us]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[Lord, Lord, be my rock of safety]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))165176 3
[Lord, on the day I called for help] (Verdi)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))177717 121
[Lord, send out your Spirit] (Proulx 15612)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Verses))315612 1
[Lord, you are good and forgiving] (Waddell)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))166645
[Lord, you are great and do marvelous deeds]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))114311 23217
[Lord, you are my shepherd]Joseph Gelineau, SJ, 1920-2008 (Composer (verses))417765 45135 43231
[Lord, you have the words of everlasting life] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))217571
[Lord, you will show us the path of life] (Joncas)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))176712 5
[Lord, your love is eternal]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155424 65
MAGNIFICAT (FERIAL TONE)Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)233411 3171
MAGNIFICAT (FESTAL TONE)Joseph Gelineau 1920- (Composer)271313 11713 131
[May God bless us in his mercy]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))145655 45655
[May the Lord bless and protect us all the days of our life] (Murray)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))113565 453
[May the Lord watch over this house]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))255661 712
[My eyes have seen your salvation]Joseph Gelineau 1920-2008 (Composer (chant))171765 61777 21
[My God, my God, come quickly to help me] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))151732 1
[My God, my God, why have you abandoned me] (Schoen)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))355457 65
[My prayers rise like incense] (Batastini)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))225432 2
[My refuge, my stronghold]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))413113 11431 71
[My soul give thanks to the Lord] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))556121 23
[My soul gives thanks to the Lord] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)3
[My soul rejoices, my soul rejoices]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))513321
[My soul is thirsting for the Lord] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (refrain))736517 656
[My soul is thirsting for the Lord]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Antiphon 1))351732 171
[My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))851623 21
[Night holds no terrors for me] (Hallock)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))411117 13
[No one who waits for you, O Lord] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))111132 3275
[O bless the Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))142123 4
[O bless the Lord, bless the Lord] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))157642 175
[O come, let us worship the Lord]JG (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))463441
[O give thanks to the Lord for he is good] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau, SJ, b. 1920 (Composer)256116 12323 12127
[O God, O God, let all the nations praise you]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))151616 1
[O happy are those who fear the Lord]JG (Composer)515556 53231
[O Lord, come and save us]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156176 5
[O Lord, hear my prayer, hear my prayer, O Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))117675 4
[O Lord, hear my prayer, Let my cry come to you]JG (Composer (GelineauTone))2
[O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))116715 216
[O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))316711 43176
[O praise the Lord, Jerusalem] (Savoy)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))255665 522
[Our blessing cup is a communion] (Peloquin)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))116754 6714
[Our eyes are fixed on the Lord] (Chepponis)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155576 75
[Our help is from the Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))133217 6
[Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord] (Currie)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))317151 3
[Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord] (Gelineau 55577)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)255577 7571
[Praise the Lord, Jerusalem] (Waddell)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155234
[Praise the Lord, my soul] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155615
[Proclaim God's marvelous deeds to all the nations] (Currie)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))161343 131
[With the Lord there is mercy] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, 1920- (Composer (Tone))312321 25
[The Lord is king, the most high over all the earth] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, 1920- (Composer (Tone))217571
[Put your hope in the Lord]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))235665 6
[Rest in God alone; rest in God alone] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))151111
[Return, O Lord, and rescue]JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))255655 7
SALMO 100 (GELINEAU)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)351671 21641 32121
SALMO 43 (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)355435 54323 2171
[Send forth your light and your truth]JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))135676 5
[Sing a new song to the God of salvation]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))261321 23
[Sing a new song to the Lord] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))122665 64
[Sing praise to our king, sing praise]JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))371513 14
[Sing to the Lord a new song] (Carroll)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))132165 45
[Sing to the Lord and bless his name]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))111155 45432
[Sing with joy to God] (Currie)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156132
[Taste and see the goodness of the Lord] (Proulx 21273)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))221273
[Taste and see the goodness of the Lord] (Proulx 54654)JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))154654 34531
[Teach me to do your will, my God] (Dobbs-Mickus)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))146546 1
[The angel of the Lord will rescue those who fear him]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))172176 5
[The earth has yielded its fruits]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))151621 65
[The earth is full of the goodness]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))161323 431
[The earth is full of your riches]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))152217 12
[The hand of the Lord feeds us]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))152132
[The just man is a light] (Proulx)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))112311 23
[The just will live in the presence of the Lord] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))251511 23
[The just will rejoice in the Lord]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))255557 571
[The Lord gave them bread] (Currie)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))177671 7
[The Lord has revealed to the nations]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))161716 7671
[The Lord has set his throne in heaven]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))1
[The Lord is compassionate toward all his works]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))125672 17
[The Lord is kind and merciful] (Haas)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))327125
[The Lord is kind and merciful] (Duncan)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))151244 322
[The Lord is king] (Alonso)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))155456 54
[The Lord is king for evermore]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))751625
[The Lord is my light and my salvation] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))436653
[The Lord is my shepherd] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))555113 161
[The Lord is my shepherd] (Gelineau)Jospeh Gelineau, SJ (Composer)2
[My shepherd is the Lord] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)3255432 1
[The Lord is my shepherd, nothing I shall want] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))153453 65617 1
[The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want] (Murray)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))313123 65
[The Lord is my shepherd] (Murray)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))7
[The Lord is near] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))1
[The Lord is risen] (French)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))136371 17221
[The Lord of hosts is with us] (Murray)JG (Composer (Gelineau tone))251232 15
[The Lord said to my lord] (Chepponis)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))157217 6
[The Lord speaks of peace]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156153 21
[The Lord will bless his people with peace] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))163142 7671
[The Lord will bless those who fear him]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))245621 6716
[The Lord will guide me and guard me]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))113365 323
[The Lord's kindness is everlasting] (Hughes)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))122123 27176 7
[The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart] (Currie)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))256567 1
[The Son of David will live for ever] (Currie)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))157232
[The whole world is filled with the Spirit of the Lord] (Ainslie)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156716 212
[Their message goes out through all the earth]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))251556 1
[This is the day the Lord has made] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)456121 656
[Those who sow in tears and sorrow]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)2
[Though I walk in the valley of darkness] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))112333 43455
[To you glory and praise for evermore]JG (Composer)252143 2
[To you, I lift up my soul] (Thompson)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))151175 12
[To you, I lift up my soul] (Murray)JG ((Composer (Gelineau tone))157717 13
[To you, O Lord, I lift my soul] (Thompson)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))151175
[Today if you hear the voice of the Lord] (French)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))167764 34534
[Today is born our Savior] (Hughes)Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))155432 3431
[Turn to me, Lord, and have mercy] (Krisman)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))117543
[Turn to the Lord in your need]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))124561 76
[Ubi caritas et amor] (Gelineau)Joseph Gelineau (Composer)233444 34553 3444
[Une soif emplit notre âme]J. Gelineau (Composer)155661 12233 33442
[Viens bientôt, Sauveur du monde]Joseph Gélineau (Composer)214453 21514 45345
[We lift our eyes to the Lord]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))153343 23
[We praise your glorious name]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[We shall go up with joy] (Murray)JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))335676 56
[When the Holy Spirit comes to you]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau Tone))155617 1
[The Lord has done great things for us] (Proulx)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))451717 543
[You are a priest for ever in the line of Melchizedek]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))175671 23
[You are a priest for ever] (Batastini)Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))2
[You are blest, Lord God of our fathers]Joseph Gelineau (Composer)655177 66712 1
[You are my inheritance, you, O Lord]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))156767 566
[You have given your people bread from heaven]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau Tone))3
[You have redeemed us, Lord, God of truth]Joseph Gelineau (Composer (Gelineau tone))122341
[Your hand is ever upon me]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))157717 122
[Your kingdom is everlasting]JG (Composer (Gelineau Tone))227656 732
[Your words, Lord, are spirit and life]Joseph Gelineau, SJ (Composer (Gelineau tone))111612

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