William Edwin Evans › Recommendations

Short Name: William Edwin Evans
Full Name: Evans, William Edwin, 1851-1915
Birth Year: 1851
Death Year: 1915

Evans, William Edwin, born at Baltimore, July 11, 1851. He is a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, has held several pastorates, and has been Chaplain at Randolph-Macon College. Of his verses contributed to various periodicals, "Come, O Thou God of grace" [Dedication of a Place of Worship] is given in the American Methodist Hymnal, 1905. [Rev. L. F. Benson, D.D.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


Evans, William Edwin, D.D. (July 11, 1851--May 22, 1915). Entering Randolph-Macon College, Virginia, in 1869, he was licensed to preach the following year and joined the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in 1873, transferring at once to the Virginia Conference. In 1892, after filling various appointments in Virginia, he affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal Church and became rector of the Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Alabama. He died in Richmond, Virginia.

--Robert G. McCutchan, DNAH Archives

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