B. B. Edmiaston › Texts

B. B. Edmiaston
Short Name: B. B. Edmiaston
Full Name: Edmiaston, B. B.
Birth Year (est.): 1881
Death Year (est.): 1955

Benard Bates Edmiaston Born: Ju­ly 16, 1881, Ben­netts, Bax­ter Coun­ty, Ar­kan­sas. Died: De­cem­ber 2, 1964, Bronte, Tex­as. Buried: Fair­view Ce­me­te­ry, Bronte, Tex­as. Bernard was the son of Da­vid W. Ed­mi­as­ton and Geor­gia Ann Flu­ty, and hus­band of El­la Al­len. He stu­died mu­sic un­der Ru­fus Tur­ner, Frank­lin Ei­land, W. H. Law­son, Ber­ry Mc­Gee, Em­mett Dean, G. W. Fields, John Her­bert, and ma­ny oth­ers, and taught sing­ing schools for at least 38 years. He wrote and pub­lished songs through the Trio Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, Wa­co, Tex­as, and was di­rec­tor of the South­ern De­vel­op­ment Nor­mal School of Mu­sic in W­aco.

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Texts by B. B. Edmiaston (987)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A beautiful mansion of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
A light in the valleyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
A melody sweet hope's echoesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
A message of love from heaven aboveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
A slave to sin, condemned to die, I wandered in the nightBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
A song comes winging its wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
A wonderful theme is thrilling my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
After labor here, cometh restB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
After the shadows here are goneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
All along life's lonely pathwayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
All hail the love of God's great SonB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
All hail the power of Jesus' name, The name I love so much to hearB. B. E. (Author)English2
All that I am and whatever I may becomeB. B. E. (Author)English2
All the earth is full of the Savior's greatB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
All through the journey here we meet shadowsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Almighty Father, holy Thy nameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Almighty is the Lord of hostsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Along the journey here, through gloomy shadows drearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Angels came down from heavens high glory, bringing to us salvation's sweet storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Angels from heaven brought us a songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are you burdened with a careB. B. E. (Author)English2
Are you burdened with a load of careB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are you friendless, weak or weary?B. B. E. (Author)English2
Are you living still in sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are you sad and wearyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are you spreading the gospel wherever you goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are you trusting in the Savior (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are your burdens hard to bear (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Are your sins all forgivenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As blooms the flowers in the springtimeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I go along, mingling with the throngB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
As I journey along my wayRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
As I journey along the upward wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I journey day by dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As I journey day by day on life's steep and rugged wayRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I journey earth's lone mile, Savior, guide me all the whileB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I journey through earth's shadowsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I journey through life's lonesome valley, I've a friend that's always by my sideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I journey through the gloom in the shadow of the tombBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I travel here along the pilgrim wayB. B. E. (Author)English2
As I travel on the trailB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
As I travel onward through this sinful worldB. B. E. (Author)English2
As I try to do my best, meeting honestly each testBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
As I walk beside life's fountainB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As morning's bright sun drives darkness awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As seasons passing byB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As the scenes of long agoB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
As the silent shades of twilightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As the smiling sunbeams usher in the dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As the storm clouds gatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
As the twilight gently falls and the night voice softly callsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As we journey along life's wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As we journey oft we hear glad hallelujahs ringB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As we journey on our way belowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As we journey on our way, seeking love's goalB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As we labor here amid the disappointing scenes of lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As we mortals rush aboutB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As we travel on the winding pathway of this changing lifeBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
As you go your rounds each dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English9
As you journey day by dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
As you journey on life's way, burdened with a heavy loadRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
As you journey through this world are you doing deeds of loveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
As you travel on your journey here belowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
At midnight in Gethsemane, the loving Savior prayed for meB. B. E. (Author)English2
At the dawn of the day, shades of night passedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
At the morning's rosy dawnB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
At twilight dreaming, the love light gleamingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Awake, arise from idleness and easeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Awake, awake and sing a joyous song of praiseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Awake, awake, rejoice and singB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Away, away, Away to the fields we goB. B. E. (Author)English2
Be a beam of sunshineB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Bearing your crossB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Beautiful grain is ripe and in the breezes bending lowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Beautiful land of light, beautiful city brightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Beautiful land of light, beautiful home so brightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
Beautiful morning, dawn of new dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Beautiful music stealing over my soul todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Beauty is found in the valleysB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Bells of God's mercy are ringing today, calling us from sin's destruction awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Beyond the sunset when day is goneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, the name of the Lord (Edmiaston)B. B. E. (Author)English2
Blinded by my sin, away from GodB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Blindly I wandered, my talents I squanderedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Boast not thyself of tomorrow: for thou knowest not whatB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Boundless as the depths of the seaB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Bow down Thine ear, Blessed Lord, and hear Thou meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
By the rivers evil mocked themB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
By the world's deceitfulness, and sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Called to work with my Savior, commissionedBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Christ in mercy came to earth from glory landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Christ is calling, for you callingBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Christ is calling, gently callingB. B. E. (Author)English2
Christ, the Lord, has made me freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Christ, the Lord is knocking at your door todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Christ the Lord to us is callingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Christ the Savior bids you journey with HimB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Christian soldiers as you onward goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Christians, gird your armor for the fightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Cling to the cross, my brother dearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Clinging to Jesus, I am happy todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Come before the Lord with singingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Come, let us sing with hearts rejoicingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Comes, over and over, the promiseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Crosses here I bear and the way seems longB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Daily, Lord, my faith renewBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Daily we grow fonder of the friends up yonderB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Darkness cast its shadows over all the worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Day by day you travel on your journeyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
De Lord sent Jonah to Ninevah landB. B. E. (Arranger)English2
Dear comrade, you're facing the right andB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
Dear comrade, you're facing the right and theB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Dear friend, are you trusting the Savior todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Dear memory comes from my childhood homeB. B. E. (Author)English2
Dear ones we love, lost for awhileB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Deep consternations covering the whole world todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Do clouds appear upon your wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Do life's burdens heavy press you hard and strongBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Do you walk with the Lord in the light of His wordElla Allen Edmiaston (Author)English1
Don't ring dem chimin' bells, Till I get thereB. B. E. (Arranger)English1
Don't you hear the blessed Master's callB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Down deep in the heart of trusting manB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Down, down, down into my heartB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Down from the heavenly portalsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Down from the land of lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Down here we may only earth's poverty shareB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Down in the valley with JesusBernard B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Down the lonesome valleyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Down the radiant pathway to gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Down the swiftly flowing stream of time we now driftB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Down through the darkness of fallen man's shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Draw me to a closer walk with theeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Dreamers all, from your sleep now awakeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Dreaming, dreaming silentlyB. B. E. (Author)English38
Dreaming, silently dreamingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
Drifting and dreaming, down the river of memoryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Dying sinner, hear the call from CalvaryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Dying soul, far out in sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Each day I'm happy in my Savior since I believedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Each moment the Father has given to youB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Every day, all the way, From despair there's release, releaseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Every tree beareth fruit in the world here belowRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Evil has bound me, darkness around me blinded me to the lightBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Evil was placing its chains around me, but from its shackles the Lord unbound meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Evil would lead us awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Every day as I travel onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Every thought of golden deed that will help another's needB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Everybody can work for JesusB. B. E. (Author)English2
Far away from the fold of the LordRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Far out beyond earthly star wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Father, teach me how to pray (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Firmly march along, happy Christian throngB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Following Jesus day after dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
For many years I've jogged along the trails of this range landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
For me (the Lord prayed)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English11
For me the Prince of heaven cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Friends who labored with us through the yearsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
From death the Savior rescued meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
From his throne above, Jesus came in loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
From over the river sweet voicesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
From sin and shame I turned to follow Christ the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
From the grave Christ aroseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
From the royal courts of heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Gather in to the Sunday School todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Gather together at the appointed timeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Gathered together in brotherly loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Give thanks unto God, for He is goodBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Giving out gladness, banishing sadnessB. B. E. (Author)English2
Glad song of love is flying nowBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Glory be to God, I'm saved from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Glory be to God most highB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Glory be to Him who took my sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Glory, honor be to Almighty JehovahB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Glory to God in the highest, we singB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Go tell the sweet story of Jesus, the Lord, Who paid the great debtB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
God has filled the whole wide world with music sweetB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
God is our refuge, and our strength, In trouble always He is nearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
God's promises divine are yoursB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Great is the Lord, Jehovah, in the mountain of His holinessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Hallelujah, amen, HallelujahB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Hallelujah, bless the LordB. B. E. (Author)English2
Hallelujah to the Lord, heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Happy saints are singing songs of wondrous loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Haste, ye reapers, to the reapingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Have the shadows hid the golden sun from view?B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Have you been wandering far away from the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Have you got religion, Holy Ghost religionB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English1
Have you heard the message sweet of salvation's joy completeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Have you heard the story of redeeming loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Have you lost your joyous songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
He was wounded for our transgressions (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Hear imperfections call for correctionsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Hear the call for reapers, ringing over the land (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Hear the glad tidings now ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Hear the Lord's call unto us allB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Hear the Savior gently calling you to trust His love todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Heaven is made known where hymns of gladness ringB. B. E. (Author)English2
Heavenly Father, hear Thou meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Here dark shadows fall, dimming lovely dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Here my songs are sometimes sadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here shadows often dim the dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here sin and darkness abound, but joy and peace shall be foundB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Here the shining hours of light disappear when falls the nightB. B. E. (Author)English2
Here the storm clouds gather o'erB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here the way leads through sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here the years by time are measuredB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here we may often suffer lossB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Here we meet with troublesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Here we mingle, day by day, friend and foe together meetB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English6
Here we often meet sorrow, clouds overshadow the skyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Here we often meet with disappointmentsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Here we press along upon the pathway of lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Here, we tell the story of the King of gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Highest praise be unto the Lord, the Ruler of all thingsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Him that cometh unto meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Hold thou my spirit upB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Holy Easter, blessed dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Holy, holy, Lord of hosts, Thy glory we proclaimB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Holy, holy, Mighty King of KingsB. B. E. (Author)English4
Honor and glory to JesusB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Hosts of sin may charge you often hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
How are you treating Christ todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
How I love my Savior, He has done so muchB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
How sweet is the thought, Jesus came to redeemB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
How unspeakable is the wonderful powerRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
How wonderful the love of our LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
I am called to meet many dangers hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am feeding on the fruitB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am following my Savior where He leads meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
I am glad to say that I have turned away from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am glad to tell love's storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
I am happy every moment since Jesus cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am happy since the Savior has set me freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am happy today for I'm traveling love's wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am longing to see heaven's beautyB. B. E. (Author)English2
I am on my way to the land of day, There is glory in my soulB. B. E. (Author (Chorus))English1
I am on the road to the bright abodeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am pressing along, singing salvation's songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am pressing right alongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am redeemed from sin and shame, through the great Savior's holy nameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am so glad that the Savior cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am waiting for the coming Of the promised glory dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I am walking in the beautiful wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I am walking with my Savior and I shareB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
I am walking with my Savior, sharing in His loving favorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English8
I am walking with the Savior, On the road to glory landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I can hear my Savior calling (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Arranged)English2
I dearly love my friends of earthB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I found the living Savior, and cleansing from my sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have a friend, a precious friend (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have a friend who's leading me hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have a great Redeemer, sent down from heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I have a home that's waiting over yonderB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have a precious Friend who's leading me onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have a wonderful song abiding deep in my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have been washed in the fountainRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have forsaken sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have found a Friend who redeemed my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have found a precious Friend indeedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have found the Savior, Jesus, by His favor givenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have heard the gospel story, how Jesus cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)7
I have heard the Savior calling, into all the world go yeBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have heard the voice of Christ the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have heard the voice of the blessed ChristBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have joy within, there's no room for sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
I have known the love of the Lord aboveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have left the gloomy vale of shadows, following salvation's golden gleamsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have not much time to tarry down here, soon my journey will be completeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have started on my journey to that glory landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have turned from sin to my blessed LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I have wandered away from the FatherRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have wandered away from the gracious LordRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I have wandered Away from the Savior and homeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I hear a voice in rosy morning's glowB. B. E. (Author)English2
I hear a voice sweetly callingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I long to be with Jesus, who died to set me freeB. B. E. (Author)English2
I love to tell to all the wondrous storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
I often think of loving friendsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)5
I see the shadows beyond earth'sB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I shall leave this world of sadness for a home of peace and gladnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I sing because the Savior loves meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I sometimes wonder what willB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I travel on the radiant sunpath of loveBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I turned from darkness into the wondrous light of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
I used to walk in evil waysB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
I used to walk the paths of sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I wandered far from home, condemned to endless woeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I wandered in sorrow, deep in despairB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I wandered in the night vainlyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I wandered out in sin and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I wandered out in sin's darkness, away from safety and lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I want to be more like my Savior each dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I want to labor for my Savior here belowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I want to walk with Christ my Lord every passing dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I was at the old cross kneeling, Jesus gave my soul love's healingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I was in blindness, away from the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
I was in bondage and knew not the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I was lost in sin, wretched and uncleanB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I was wandering in the night of sorrow, when mercy found my soulRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I will extol my Lord and KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I would honor Christ, my SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I would tell to every nationB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
If you have heard the message of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
If you miss the gates of heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
If you'll open your heart just nowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'll lift up my voice and sing praise unto TheeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm happy to tell the story of Jesus, who came from gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm happy today with Jesus my KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm on the road that leads to heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I'm on the way, the beautiful wayRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm pressing along, and joiningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I'm pressing along, and singing a song of praise to my KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm rejoicing daily in my Savior's loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I'm sailing on life's restless seaBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm sailing on the restless sea of timeB. B. E. (Author)English2
I'm striving to live, true service to giveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I'm traveling on my journeyB. B. E. (Author)English2
In Blindness I wandered onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In drear darkness and danger I wanderedRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In fury the storms of life may blowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In life's bright, rose morningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In my Father's house in glory (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In my heart a carol is ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In my heart I hear soft echoes fallingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In my heart ringing, joy to me bringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In my soul I hear my Savior callingB. B. E. (Author)English3
In the awful day of judgmentB. B. Edmiaston (Author)7
In the breeze that softly passes byB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
In the days of long ago Jesus walked with menB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
In the depths of my soul is planted, faith that's bidding me journey onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the Father's house, where all is loveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
In the light from aboveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the lovely wildwood a melody I hearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the morning all radiant and fairB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In the peaceful hoursB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In the quietude of home and in the noisy throngB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the sigh of the breeze I can hearBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the singing of the birds among the treesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
In the way my Savior trodB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
In the whispering breeze, as it sings through the treesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In the wilderness of sin, Far away from God and homeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust, Let me not be ashamed of TheeB. B. E. (Author)English2
In this life each day we're buildingB. B. E. (Author)1
In this life I meet with sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In this life we meet with tribulations as we travel onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
In this life with its strife joys are fleetingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
In this world we have sickness and sorrowB. B. E. (Author)English3
In walking the shadowy vales of this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into earth's darkness, light gleams from heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into my heart came gladness, and peace beyond compareB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into my heart comes a messageB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Into my heart there came sweet peace, on the wings of saving loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into my heart there comes sweet peace, When I in faith look up aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into my heart, to my heartB. B. Edmiaston (Author)1
Into my life a wondrous changeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Into my life there came the sweet song of wonderful loveB. B. E. (Author)English2
Into my soul there comes sweet peace and gladnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Into the garner we gatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Into the sky way leads the King's highwayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Is the light of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Is there a kind loving deedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
It was loving "grace that taught my heart to fear"Bernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I've a Friend, a precious Friend indeedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English9
I've a glorious heritage, holyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I've a Savior dear who is with me hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
I've a Shepherd who is keeping meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I've a story sweet to tellB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
I've a wonderful FriendB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I've found a Friend who's always truesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English7
I've friends who've journeyed on aheadBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
I've left the wilderness of sin since ChristB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
I've turned from sin and started on the journey leading up to the home aboveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
I've volunteered for service with Christ, the KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
I've wandered in the valley where evil hid the lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Jesus calls for workers trueB.B.E. (Author)1
Jesus calls for workers true, Haste away, haste awayB. B. E. (Author)English2
Jesus came from glory to die for allB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Jesus came from heaven's throne that love's message might be knownB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus died on Calvary, O what wondrous loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Jesus died on the cross (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Jesus died that we through Him might liveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Jesus died upon the cruel cross that fallenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Jesus from glory land came down to earthB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus gives the message of redeeming loveBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus is bidding you come todayB. B. E. (Author)English2
Jesus is calling the weary soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus is coming back some dayB. B. E. (Author)English2
Jesus is coming from heaven's throneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
Jesus is coming to claim His own, I'll be ready when He comes againB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Jesus is leading me all the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Jesus is speaking, O hear His sweet voiceB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus is standing near all the whileB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus is tenderly calling today, Calling to thee, calling to meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English1
Jesus is with me as onward I goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus, Lord of love and lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Jesus loves everybodyB. B. E. (Author)English2
Jesus pardoned me from guilt set me freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus, Prince of gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Jesus said go into all the world and tell the storyRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus, Savior, how I love Thee, Thou hast done so much for meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Jesus, Savior, shall it beB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering in the deepest gloomB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Jesus, the Master, is callingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus, the Master, now for your help is pleadingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Jesus, the Savior, is coming againB. B. E. (Author)English2
Jesus wants us to shine with light so divineRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
John said the city was just four-squareB. B. E. (Arranger)English1
Joyfully we will keep traveling on, seeking the beautiful goalB. B. E. (Author (Chorus))English2
Joys we meet along this wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Just a few more crosses here to bearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Just a few more days on this earth belowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Just a few more yearsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Just a little while till life is overB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Keep salvation's message ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Keep the gospel message ringing clearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Kind friends, so dear, we welcome you hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Labor on when the sun is shiningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Lead me on, Thou blessed ChristB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lead us not into temptation, But from straying keep us freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Leaving my load of sin and sorrow behindB. B. E. (Author)English2
Let not the troubles of earth bow you downB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Let us come as children to the FatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Let us remember that our SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Let us sing the gospel of our SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Let's sing again, and not be cross or blueB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Lift glad voices and sing praises to Jesus the KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lift me up, Lord From all my sin and shameRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lift up high the bannerB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Lift up the gospel banner over the worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lift up the shining cross, let it reveal earth's drossBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lift up your voices in gladsome songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Lift your heart and your voice in sweet anthems of praiseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Light is swiftly flying, sin and night defyingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Like everyone else I sail life's oceanB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Little deeds of kindness (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Long have I been wandering far from the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Long the world in darkness wandered, in the wilderness of sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Long your soul has wandering beenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Look away from earthly sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Look not on the things that allure youB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Look up behold the glorious lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Looking from sorrow over the riverB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lord God of hosts, Be with us stillB. B. E. (Author)English3
Lord, I want to work for TheeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Lord, tune my heart to singB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Losses here we meet appallingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Love brought the Christ from heaven aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Love for ages past, supreme over wrongB. B. E. (Author)English2
Love in tenderness has lifted shadows from my eyesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Love speaks in beautiful flowersB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Lovely the flower that blesses all my lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Love's light is shining, for hearts repiningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Make known the gospel newsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Many are groping todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Many dear friends who've walked with me from this world have goneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Marching along with Christ the SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)5
Marching along with JesusB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Marching 'neath the colors of EmanuelB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Men had no Savior to love themB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
Mercy to you the Father has shownB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Mighty the Lord, lasting His word, mighty His strength and grace and loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Mother has been called away to her happy homeBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
My all I give to Christ, my LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
My Father's own begotten SonB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
My hands a helpful work shall doB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
My loving Savior found meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
My soul is glad todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
My soul is happy every dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
My soul was once in bondageB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Never mind your troubles on your journey hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Night is falling, voices callingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
No one our sins can pardonB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Not by anything that we may doB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O LordB. B. E. (Author)English1
Now fades the skylight, the shades of twilightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Now hath passed another dayB. B. E. (Author)English3
O come and let us raise a songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
O dear mothers, don't weep for your boys so far awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
O faithful soul, Weary and wornB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
O hear the voice that speaks from heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O how bright the hours we've spent togetherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
O how great the love of my Savior and kingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)6
O how I love Jesus, He's precious to meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
O how sweet to tell the storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
O how sweet to trustB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O how sweet to walk with JesusB. B. Edmiaston (Author)7
O lift up your eyes, ye people allB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
O mother dear, I've missed you since you have been goneBernard Bates Edmiaston (Arranger)English2
O, precious Savior, hear me nowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
O ransomed soul, in sweet accordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
O reapers true, there's workB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O sing the news, the gospel newsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O sinner, why tarry awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
O soul, redeemed from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O we loved the Savior when salvation we first knewB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
O what joy 'tis to meet and to blend our happy voicesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
O what joy to praise our blessed Savior and KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
O what love the Savior for my soul has shownB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English6
O what peace and joy the soul may knowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O why are you wandering in sin and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O wondrous message of salvationB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
O'er the billows of life, in the storm and the striveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Of a beautiful land I am dreamingB. B. E. (Author)English2
Oft in silent pensive yearningBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Oft the angel of death robes our homeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Often here I meet with careB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Often here we meet with sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
O how wonderful the Father's all saving loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
On a hill outside the gate, rugged CalvaryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
On a rugged hill, under heaven's willB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
On the cross Jesus died, life for me to provideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
On the peaceful Sabbath morn, From the church there comes a callB. B. E. (Author)English2
On the sea of time, like a vessel, we sailB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
On the upward way, for my needs each dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
On the wings of memory I sailB. B. E. (Author)English2
On this changing road, sharing every loadB. B. E. (Author)English2
Once I drifted aimlessly away from the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
Once I drifted in the lone valley filled with doubt and fearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once I wandered from the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Once I wandered here and there, in ways of sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I wandered in sin and shame, but the Savior in love to me cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I wandered in sin's darkness, but I've found the light of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I wandered in the night, far away from Jesus' foldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Once I wandered in the wilderness of sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Once I wandered in the winding paths of sinBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I wandered lonely in the coldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once I was a wanderingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once I was blind, now I can see, Since I found Christ the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I was bound in sin and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Once I was drifting day by day, far from the Savior and His wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I was lost in sin and shame (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Once I was lost in sin's wildernessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once I was lost in sorrow and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once my life was wounded by sin, dark despairB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Once the human race was groping in the nightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
One by one, our comrades leave usB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
One with God the FatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Our days on earth are numberedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Out beyond the shores of timeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English8
Out beyond these mortal barsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Out beyond this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Out in the wilderness of evil and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Out in the wilderness, of sin and wickednessBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Out of darkest night into sunshine brightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Out of darkness into light, Out of sadness into joyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English7
Out of sin's confusing shadows and away from gloomB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Out yonder, far beyond the line of mortal barsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Outside the gate, on Calvary's willB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over all the world there shines a light todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over and over, again and againB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over and over there comes againB. B. E. (Author)2
Over hills and valleys Jesus leadsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over my path here the storm clouds may rollB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Over the mountain's rugged wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Over the mountains, through the valeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over the world a glad message now ringsBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over the world a glad song is now ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Over the world a message is ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over the world, banners unfurledB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Over the world there is ringing todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Over the world war now ragesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Over topping mountains and filling valleysB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Pilgrims, as you travel this troublesome wayBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Praise Jehovah, loving FatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Praise Jehovah with a songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Praise the blessed Savior as you go alongRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, And bless His name; Christ the SonB. B. E. (Author)English2
Praise the Lord in life and songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise His nameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Praise to Jesus Christ the SonB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English6
Praise to Jesus keep singing every dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Praise to the Father, almightyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Praise with jubilation, praise in every nationB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Praise ye the Lord, sing a new songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ready the harvest for reapingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Redeeming love in mercy sought meRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ring on bells of joy, ring on, ring onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ring on, ye gospel bells, and bid the world rejoiceB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Ringing across the low valleysBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ringing all day, brightening the wayBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ringing deep in my soul is a happy songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Roll on, roll on, Redemption's healing streamBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Safe in His arms, I rest my soulBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sailing along on the ocean of timeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Seaman, on the ocean of lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Shadows are falling, evening bells callingB. B. E. (Author)English4
Shadows of sorrow drift across noonday sunB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Sigh not for years that are past and goneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Silently I ponder as the twilight shadows gatherB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Silvery moonbeams, Silent stars at nightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sin had enslaved my lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sin to Eden came, covered man with shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Sin was once deceiving meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
Since God is realB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I gave my heart to Jesus, on a joyous dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Since I have found the Savior, wonderful joy is mineB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Since I have turned away from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I have turned my heart from sin and Christ the Lord abides withinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Since I journey toward heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I met Jesus, the King, a wondrous carol IB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I placed my faith in JesusB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I trust in the Savior to lead meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Since I turned away from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Since I turned from sin and selfish waysB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Since I'm a twice born soul, under the blood made wholeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Since I'm trusting Jesus to lead meB. B. E. (Author)English2
Since Jesus came into my life, And through His pardon I'm wholeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Since Jesus has pardoned me from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
Since the Redeemer came and found me I have been hearing joy bells ringB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Since we turned away from sin we're walkingBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sing a cheerful song as onward you journeyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sing on when skies are grayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sing, sing, ransomed sinners, singB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sing, sing, sing your cares awayB. B. E. (Author)English2
Sing the blessed story of redeeming graceB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sing the praise of Jesus, sing it every dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sing with joy a song of gladnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Singing each day, with gladnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sky and day and night declare the glory of the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
So much is fleeting in this landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Soldiers of the heavenly KIng, make the songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Soldiers true are needed to defend the rightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Some day I'll go across the dark stream that separates heaven from this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Some day we shall sail, free from storm and galeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Some of these days I'm going away, with the dear Lord forever to stayB. B. E. (Author)English2
Someone is needing your helpB. B. Edmiaston (Author)9
Some wonderful morning bright, when gone are the shadows of nightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Some wonderful time our troubles shall endB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Someone's rejecting the Savior just now, Is it you, is it you?B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometime my Lord will comeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sometime the path is dark and steepB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sometimes I feel lonely, glancing backward over the trail of yearsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometimes I grow weary, discouraged and blueB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometimes our load is heavy and the teardrops bedim our wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometimes rugged is the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometimes the clouds sweep over our skyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sometimes we're called to go through dismal vales of woeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Songs of adoration gladly bringB. B. Edmiaston (Author)7
Songs of rejoicing to Jesus we're voicingBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Soon our life below shall endB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Soon the trials of this life will all be overB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Soul, by pain and sorrow tried, in the loving Lord confideBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Soul, by sin deluded, wretched, poorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Soul redeemed from sin and woeRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sowing, we're patiently sowingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Speak a word for Jesus everywhere you goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Stand together in the cause we loveRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Storm-beat pilgrim, on life's road, struggling 'neath a heavy loadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sweet the thought, as on I goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Sweeter sing the birds todayRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Sweetly the birds are singing todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Talents, give or two or oneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Tell of salvation free, purchased on CalvaryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Tell the old story sweet, sweet to the lost souls you meetB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Tell the story far and wide, How the Christ was crucifiedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Tell the world about the Savior, show His love and wondrous favorB. B. E. (Author)English2
Tender Shepherd, lead thou usB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The beauty of each fragrant flowerB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The Bible says, so plainB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The carol of love, from heaven aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The cherished friends of long ago, and dear ones of recent yearsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
The dayspring from on high on us is shiningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The depth of love the Father hasB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The Father's own son from the throne aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The gates of heaven stand ajarB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The gates of heaven now stand ajarB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The grace of friendship is a gift sent from aboveB. B. E. (Author)English3
The great martyr Stephen died for the Lord's nameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The gushing rillsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The king of glory died for meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The light of love is upon the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Lord has given Himself to make us freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Lord is coming back to earth in gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I see (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The love of the Father for fallen manB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The loving Savior found me desolateB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The morning light dispels the nightBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Morning Star sends light afarB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The praise of Jesus I'm singingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The praise of the Savior singingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The river of music keeps rolling alongBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Savior came from glory to bring me His loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Savior came from heaven aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
The Savior came into the world of woeBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
The Savior died to make me freeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Savior is calling nowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Savior is leading all the day longB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
The savior is leading me safely alongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Savior is my friend divineB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The Savior leads me by his loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The Savior said, Go, preach, and teach every nationRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
The Savior touched the chords of my soulB. B. E. (Author)English2
The Savior who died to redeem us from woeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The shepherds were watching their flockB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The showers of love reviving the soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The souls in sin condemnedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The still small voice makes me rejoiceB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The sun of righteousness is comeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The sunbeams smile on all the earthB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The sunshine of this life is dimmed by sin and strifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
The things that you may have while hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The tide of salvation is rolling onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
The tidings of glory are ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
The weight of our sin no mortal can bearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
The wondrous light of the worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)1
The work of Christ's kingdomB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
The years are swiftly passing byB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
There are countless blessings comingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There are countless saints aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There are heavy crosses to be borneB. B. E. (Author)English2
There are many paths in lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There are many urgent voicesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There are shadows darkB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There are souls all around you who're goingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There are souls who're happy, rejoicing in loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There comes to my spirit today, a pleasureB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There has come a wonderful change, a great change in meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is a bright, beautiful way of loveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
There is a cross for each to bearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is a glorious conflict raging nowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is a home beyond this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is a home that's free from sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is a land of never ending dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English8
There is a way that leads the soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There is a wonderful city aboveBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is cleansing from all sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is glory in my soul, Jesus has completeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
There is much that we can doB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is music in the treesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is no room for doubt about the SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is peace from the tempests of this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is somebody near you now struggling aloneB. B. E. (Author)English2
There is something in my soul that drives the clouds of doubt awayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is wonderful joy in serving the LordRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is wonderful peace, there is certainB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is work for earnest toilersB. B. Edmiaston (Author)1
There is work for every one to doB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is work for you to do every dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is work for you to do, if to dutyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There is work that each one may do, Jesus calls for me and for youBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
There is work to be doneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There is work to do in the Master's fieldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There rings within my heart a songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There will be a happy meeting, when we get homeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
There's a battle raging o'er the landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a beautiful home now preparing for meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a beautiful land where sweet flowers ever bloomB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a beautiful land where the flowersB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a blessed lightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a call comes ringing down the ages dimeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a call that comes to theeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a city bright, eternalB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a cross for me to bear, while travelingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a fountain flowing freely (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
There's a fountain open wideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a great day coming in the by and byB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a happy homeland up in gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a happy song ringing all day longB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a highway leading upward to glory landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a home of peace and love for meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a land all free from sadnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
There's a land of delight, where there cometh no night (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a land of perfect peace, where the soul shall find releaseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a little church that stands on a hillsideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a lovely garden blooming for meBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a mansion fair preparing or the soul, Over in the land of gloryRev. B. B. Edmisston (Author)English2
There's a melody that rings within my heartB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a promise in the rainbowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a ringing call unto one and allRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a silvery stream that's flowing from the mount called CalvaryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a song in my heart, and it never shall departBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a star that's shining brightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a story sweet to tellB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
There's a sweet, yet a sad, wondrous storyRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
There's a telephone to heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
There's a voice enthralling me, 'tis the Savior calling meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's a wonderful lifegiving storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)5
There's a wonderful song that is thrillingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's a wonderful, sweet old storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's always something that every one can doB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's been a change down in my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's coming a glorious dawningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
There's coming a happy day when we shall hear Jesus sayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
There's nothing that is everlasting hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
This world can give no lasting joyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
This world is headquarters for doubtersB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Though shadows dark drift over my way and hide the golden sun from viewB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Though sometimes discouraged as I travel on my wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Thou Lord of lords, the morning starB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though I know not where or whenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though life's sorrows round me flowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though our friends of earth we sometimes cannot seeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Though shadows sweep over the pathwayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though the clouds be dark and drearyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though the gloomy clouds may dim the noonday sunB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Though we here but dimly seeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Though you may not sing like angelsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Though you meet with loss and sorrow hereB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through every day, though rough the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through night and through wrong we struggle alongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through the day the sun gives light and the stars shine all the nightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through the night dreary, into hearts weary, comes to us from aboveB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through the shadows that would bedim the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through this world you travel on the winding trailB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Through the eye of faith, Jesus the Savior I seeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Through this sinful land, help me hold Thy handB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
To a little church house gray, standing on a hillB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
To earth from heaven flowsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
To Jesus, the Savior, all honor beB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
To subdue earth's sin and the victory winRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
To the Father's great broadcasting stationBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
To the pleasant Hall of MemoryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Toiling along on the rough and weary roadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Traveling along life's way, others we're meeting every dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Troubles of earth life may sometimes here befallB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Trudging up the mountainB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Trust in the Lord for He is most highRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Trusting Jesus Christ, my LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Turn our hearts to Thee, our SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Twilight, soft the evening chimesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Under the saving blood of CalvaryRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Unknown to the world in the manger layB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Unto Christ, the mighty KingB. B. E. (Author)English2
Unto Jesus I am clingingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Unto our Maker bring your gladsome songs of praiseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Unto Thee, O Lord, I'll render praise with my whole heartBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Unto you the Savior cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Unworthy, Unworthy, Unworthy are we Before the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Up the ladder of love we are climbingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Upon the dark and stormy sea we're sailingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Wake, my soul, and praise the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)6
Walking with Jesus each day on the bright glory land wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Walking with Jesus the SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Walking with my Savior, the King of gloryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Walking with the Savior by my sideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Wanderers help now are needingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Was it for me the Savior came and bore the cross, the cross of shame?B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English8
Way down upon the Swanee riverB. B. Edmiaston (Arranger)English2
We are a happy band, gladly we singB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
We are a happy band, Marching to Canaan's landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We are an army strong and true, enlisted for the rightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are borne adown the everflowing stream of timeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are children of the Lord (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We are going forth in battleB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are happy, happy ChristiansB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
We are in a land of shadows, there's wrong on every sideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are marching under the banner of our blessedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We are pilgrims below, oft sharing earth's woeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We are pilgrims here in a foreign landRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
We are pilgrims in this land, traveling throughB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
We are pressing along with a faith that is strongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are sailing on over the sea of lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are singing with gladnessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We are soldiers of the cross, counting not earth's gain as lossB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We are to witness for the Lord in every nationB. B. E. (Author)English2
We are told that the Savior will come againRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
We are walking now by faith the highwayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We gather today to sing the praises of Jesus our KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We give Thee humble, heartfelt thanksB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We have burdens along this pilgrim roadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We have enlisted with the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We have heard the Savior's callB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We have volunteered for JesusB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We know our days down here are numberedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We loved you so, our darling oneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We meet together joining in glad praiseB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
We must pass through shadows as we press alongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We often sing the gospel storyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
We praise Thee now, our Father dearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
We read in the Bible the children of IsraelB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We sing and teach the gospel, wherever we may goB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We together labor here, in communion deep and dearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Weary pilgrim, look unto the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
Weary pilgrim now struggling through the wilderness drearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Weary pilgrim on the road, though you bend beneath the loadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Weary pilgrims as you travel on the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We're a band of happy pilgrimsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We're a long way from home, but we can sing praises to the great KingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
We're a pilgrim band, marching through the landB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
We're bearing goodly fruits, or barren thorns todayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
We're happy soldiers, every one in lineBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
We're only pilgrims, pilgrimsB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, what a wonderful friend is HeB. B. E. (Author (Chorus))English1
What, could ye not watch with me for one hour?B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When a load of care I am called to bearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When all around us here the sun is shining in his mightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When clouds are hanging lowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When darkening shadows are gathering roundB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When dawns a new morningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When depressing clouds are gathering over usB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When foes in wrath approach my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When forces of wrongB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When I am walking shadowed pathwaysB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When I lay my burdens downB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When I read the blessed word of JesusBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
When I think of that city that John saw descendingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When I was bound by sin and shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When I was bound in sin and shame, Jesus, the Christ, in love to me cameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When I was dead in trespasses and sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When I was lost and wandering in the dismal night of sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When I was lost in deepest shameB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When I was lost in sin and shame, and wanderingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When I was on the sinking sandB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When I was wandering in the nightB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
When I was wandering far away from love and homeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When I would honor my SaviorB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When I'm crushed by pain and careB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When in sin I blindly wanderedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When in the dark night of sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When Jesus speaks to meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When Jesus went away He said He's come to earth againB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When life's storms around me beatB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When my burdens heavy have grownB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When my soul is tried by sin and woeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
When our hearts are worn and wearyB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
When raging storms around me roll and darknessB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When rough the path or darkB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When skies are dreary all the dayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When sorrows beat upon my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When storms draw near or foes appearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When temptations try my soulB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the bells of time shall ring no moreB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the bright morning earth is adorningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the cares of earth are overB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the clouds are hanging low over paths that we must goB. B. Edmiaston, 1881-1964 (Author)2
When the clouds hang low, turningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the clouds have drifted and the sun is shiningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the day is fair and bright, or when clouds bedim the lightB. B. E. (Author)English2
When the dead, small and great, stand before the great throneB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the golden sun is shining out beyond the western hillsB. B. Edmiaston (Author (Chorus))English2
When the heart is tuned to the chords of loveB.B.E. (Author)English3
When the judgment morn is breaking (Edmiaston)B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the labor of the day is overB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When the load would press us downB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the morning breaksB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the morning light is breaking (Edmiaston)B. B. E. (Author)English3
When the night of sin and condemnation settles over meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the raging winds of grief and sorrow blowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the rosy morning sheds its beauty over land and seaB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When the Savior calls me to go with himB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the Savior came from heavenB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the shades of night around us fallingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the shades of night have vanishedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the shadows gather And life's troublesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)4
When the sorrows of this worldB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When the storms of life are beating, All my need to Christ I bringB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English1
When the tempests wildly round me ragesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the tempter throws his forces on the wayB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the time comes, yes, when the time comesB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the twilight's deep shadows have gathers around meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the voice of God shall call, In the morningB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When the woman of Sychar came to the wellB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When the wrongs of earth oppress meB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When twilight shadows fall and heavenly breezes fan my browB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
When we are discouraged, let us press right onB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When we are weary, burdened with careB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When we yield our all to the Savior's callB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When we're beaten and crushed beneath sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When we're free from carnal might againBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
When you are weary, your heart bowed downB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
When you have a burden that would press you downB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
When you meet with those who're bowedB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
When you struggle neath your loadB. B. Edmiaston (Author)5
When your path is bright and fairB. B. Edmiaston (Author)3
While I am traveling in sorrowB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
While traveling here on the pathway of lifeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
While traveling on earth's rugged mileB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
While traveling on the road down here so often we are prone to fearB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
While traveling over the deserts of earthB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Who died to save from sinB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
Who has died to save us from our sin?B. B. E. (Author)English3
Why do you live for earth's treasuresB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English5
Why should a Christian weep or sighB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
With heart and voice I'll praise the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
With the dear Savior leadingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Within my heart there is a song, That rings and swells of things divineB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Within my heart there's a songB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Within my spirit, a song is ringingB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
Wonderful is Jesus, who died on CalvaryB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Wonderful visions of heaven I seeB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English4
Wonderful, wonderful, love of my KingMrs. B. B. (Ella Allen) Edmiaston (Author)3
Working with the blessed Lord, the soul hears music tender and sweetB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
Ye believe in Christ, the LordB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
You are on the ocean wideB. B. Edmiaston (Author)English2
You have heard the gospelB. B. Edmiaston (Author)2
You may think that you need nothing hereBernard Bates Edmiaston (Author)English2
Your time is coming, friend, my time is coming tooRev. B. B. Edmiaston (Author)English3
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