Ellis J. Crum › Tunes

Ellis J. Crum
Short Name: Ellis J. Crum
Full Name: Crum, Ellis J.
Birth Year: 1928
Death Year: 2011
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Ellis J. Crum (130)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[We've got a great big wonderful God]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)134455 54351 11765
NEW COMMANDMENT (53221)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)153221 14432 34553
[All my sins are gone]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)131513 54565 44275
[Altogether lovely]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)132323 12343 43423
BLESS THE LORD (Anonymous)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155117 66622 17511
[Cause me to come to thy river, O Lord]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133233 43212 44344
[Christ for me. Yes, it's Christ for me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)165371 32671 2751
[Clean before my Lord I stand]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)255713 56512 35327
[Cotton candy clouds so fluffy and white]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155555 55434 44444
[Isn't He wonderful]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)134532 32146 56217
MARANATHA (Coelho)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)112217 13344 323
[For I'm persuaded to believe nothing can separate us]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[God bless America]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)117676 52123 23464
[God, grant to me the serenity, when things in life go wrong]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[God sent His Son to be our Savior]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)256111 21321 32321
[Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised] (32131)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)232131 33432 23443
[Hallelujah, I am free, Jesus came and rescued me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[Have you ever stood at the ocean]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)135666 76533 21212
[He is all I need]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
HE IS LORD (71232)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)171232 11233 33332
[He paid a debt He did not owe]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155432 34556 54345
[He signed my deed with His atoning blood]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)251234 33221 51234
[He took my feet from the miry clay]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111222 22223 16116
[Heavenly Father, we appreciate You]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)134555 56123 12333
[He's the Savior of my soul] (Spanish)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)112356 43232 13274
[His name is higher than any other]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)112116 17665 55765
[I believe Christ died for me]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[I can do all things thru Christ who strengtheneth me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)115632 11233 23211
[I count it all joy to suffer for Him]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)3
[I don't know why Jesus loved me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[I had walked life's way with an easy tread] (Crum)Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
ASSAMEllis J. Crum (Arranger)111355 56531 11111
[I know I owe, I know I owe]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)256575 65156 57567
[I know the Lord will make a way for me] (Harris)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151233 34231 33455
[I trust in God wherever I may be]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)156535 17212 34576
[I walked today where Jesus walked]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155544 33551 11766
SOJOURNEREllis J. Crum (Arranger)113551 32135 77515
[I want more of Jesus]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)235556 53322 17611
[I will praise Him in the morning]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)233315 55311 22123
[I will tell the love of Jesus]Ellis Crum (Composer)2
[If I gained the world, but lost the Savior] (Swedish)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155653 51217 55654
[I'm free today from sin and all its sorrow]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[I'm happy today, O yes, I'm happy today]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155333 55564 44653
[In God's green pastures feeding, by His cool waters lie]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)154351 35432 572
[In the secret of His presence] (Stebbins)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155533 33261 17655
[In the shady green pastures]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)254546 53551 76533
[Is your life full of heartaches and sadness]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)112326 65332 23447
[It is enough with His Word to comply]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[It was alone the Savior prayed]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111231 41335 42231
[I've been redeemed] (32313)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[I've found a Friend who is all to me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)153332 17217 62421
PEACE LIKE A RIVER (56111)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)156111 33321 11655
[Jesus is His name]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)154345 11767 17654
ALLELUIA (Sinclair)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155111 76661 77676
GOD IS SO GOODEllis J. Crum (Arranger)211322 24333 54243
[Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)156132 11111 21111
[Jesus, Jesus, Jesus] (33551)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133551 16176 53123
[Alleluia! Sing for joy and celebrate]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)117151 12234 3254
LONESOME VALLEYEllis J. Crum (Arranger)261132 16111 13356
[Joint-heirs with Jesus! How could it be?]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[Just to be a Christian, weighed heavy on my heart]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[Justified, Can I be justified]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155513 56551 35544
KUM BA YAHEllis J. Crum (Arranger)113555 66513 55543
[Last night I lay a sleeping]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151111 77766 76555
[Let me be a little kinder]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[Let's talk about Jesus]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133231 31232 16221
[Light your life with faith]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[Lord, help me to be where the battle is raging]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[Love sent my Savior to die in my stead] (Harkness)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)255566 63335 17655
[Loved me, bought me, saved me, cleansed me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)131425 36115 63155
MICHAEL (Traditional)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)113535 65356 53553
[My brother, the Lord has been here]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)235556 53111 11217
GORDON (Gordon)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)113443 21327 71134
[Not my brother, nor my sister]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133313 21111 12233
[Now Unto the King Eternal] (Sonnenberg)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[O preacher, you ought t' have been there] (13555)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)113555 34535 21355
HAPPY DAY (Rimbault)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151235 12334 32132
[O heart bowed down with sorrow!]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155365 54442 54365
[I am my Beloved's and He is mine]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111111 12332 11777
[O Savior mine, so full, so free]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[O blessed feet of Jesus, weary with seeking me]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)113343 32252 22316
[On Calvary's brow there was planted a cross]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155443 45654 33523
[One day the sky will burst in two]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[One sat alone beside the highway begging]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133212 35635 44432
[Peace give I to thee]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
REJOICE (Anonymous)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151111 23213 32123
[Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)134556 51231 12222
SEEK YE FIRSTEllis J. Crum (Arranger)133453 21612 34543
[Set my Spirit free that I might worship Thee]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)132165 35176 64276
[He is my ev'rything]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151233 33217 57244
[Some day I shall hear God's call of love]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)135456 43211 11113
IVERSON (Iverson)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133332 34312 33333
[Stand fast in faith of Christ]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus] (Taylor)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
SWEET JESUS (Goodwin)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133554 46665 56512
[Thank You Lord, for being so good]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
[The church of Christ follows Christ's Word]Ellis Crum (Composer)3
[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger (Chorus))351115 65556 5552
[The highest mountain, the deepest sea]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)233333 34455 55666
THE JOY OF THE LORDEllis J. Crum (Arranger)155331 15134 22442
[The kingdom of God is not meat and drink]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)213333 21333 11333
[The law of the Lord is perfect] (Crum)Ellis J. Crum (Composer)213445 37447 27151
[The law of the Lord is perfect] (Graham)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133512 22222 54333
[The Lord is my shepherd; I'll walk with him always]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151132 11321 23151
[The Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know] (Owens)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)253333 33343 25222
[The sea of life is raging]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[The treasures of earth are not mine]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111111 23222 22234
[The trusting heart to Jesus clings] (Kirkpatrick)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151112 35655 11321
[There are no yesterdays in God's tomorrow]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[There is a flag flown from the castle of my heart]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)256713 55654 53554
[There is a river that flows from God above]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[There is a way, the gospel way]Ellis J. Crum (Composer)2
THIS IS THE DAY (Fijian)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111231 12334 3223
[Thy loving kindness is better than life]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155433 33234 44322
[We are gathering together unto Him]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)151333 33332 17122
[We are His voice, we His song]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)153334 34345 33434
ST. BRENDAN'SEllis J. Crum (Arranger)157117 13571 17115
HOLY MANNAEllis J. Crum (Arranger)155611 22132 11656
[When I pause to think of Calvary, and the shame Christ bore that day]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[When trouble is in my way]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)155565 55555 65534
[When you know a pretty story, you don't let it go unsaid]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
[When your heart is aching, turn to Jesus] (Ackley)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)156712 17133 56712
[Where might you be going this fine day, my friend]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)133454 32123 24456
[Who's that walkin' down the road] (11223)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)111223 21116 12321
[Why stand ye idle all day long?]Ellis Crum (Composer)2
I WILL BLESS THEEEllis J. Crum (Arranger)133321 33332 12444
[Would you be poured out like wine upon the altar for me] (55433)Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)1
[Yield not to temptation] (Palmer)E. J. C. (Arranger)133432 21121 76671
[Your steadfast love extends to the heavens]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)233211 32123 33211
[You're not your own, you belong to God]Ellis J. Crum (Arranger)2
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