Grace Wilbur Conant › Tunes

Short Name: Grace Wilbur Conant
Full Name: Conant, Grace Wilbur, 1858-1948
Birth Year: 1858
Death Year: 1948

Pseudonym: A. B. Ponsonby.

Born: Sep­tem­ber 9, 1858, Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Died: Ap­ril 7, 1948, Malden, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Grace re­mained sin­gle all her life. Her mid­dle name was her mo­ther’s maid­en name. She served as mu­sic­al ed­it­or for the Kin­der­gar­ten Review for at least six years, star­ting in 1908. Her works in­clude:

Songs for Lit­tle Peo­ple, with Fran­ces Weld Dan­i­el­son (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: The Pil­grim Press, 1905)
Worship and Song, with Ben­ja­min S. Win­ches­ter (Pilg­rim Press, 1913)
Religious Dan­gers of Mo­dern Ten­den­cies in So-Called Re­li­gious Songs, 1917
Song and Play for Child­ren, with Fran­ces Weld Dan­iel­son (Pil­grim Press, 1925)

--The Cyber Hymnal

Tunes by Grace Wilbur Conant (161)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A bunny's dear home is a hole in the ground]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251216 75112 31454
[A little band of knights are we]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355651 76552 25356
[A little rain and a little sun]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)432213 45256 71763
AGNIGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)631232 13531 71343
[All the happy children] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133433 22232 55565
[All the little children] (Conant)Grace W. Conant (Composer)112161 77232 51
[All things beautiful and fair] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)253324 32153 32432
[Always earth is very fair]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)132123 43434 53671
[America, America! our hearts belong to thee]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)113211 54334 34533
[Autumn day, bright and gay]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)134534 53455 65423
BARCAROLEGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)236717 36717 71232
[Be ye kind one to another] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)455151 23355 31345
[Blessed are the pure in heart] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355356 75314 21553
BLUE DAYGrace W. Conant (Composer)133123 43442 34567
[Bread and milk for breakfast]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)335433 23112 23123
[Brown nuts are for squirrels]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133213 34543 51667
[Children who walk in Jesus' way] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233353 43234 46517
[Comes the Christ-child gentle]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251721 15172 166
COMRADEGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)335653 43232 35
[Cream from the red cow]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255655 55653 34455
[Dandelions in the grass]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)317617 65176 36517
[Dear heavenly Father, hear us sing]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)116715 12314 43132
DEO GRATIAS (Conant)A. B. Ponsonby (Composer)513343 25565 43453
[Down the rain comes]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)151721 56551 72211
[Each flower lifts up its face to say]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)155335 56555 33556
[Enter into His gates with thanksgiving] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)435432 53517 65432
[Every morning I will raise]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)134353 21121 31766
[Faithful and steady]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)131355 31351 71233
[Father in heaven, we pray to Thee]G. W. C. (Composer)217121 44315 43221
FEALTYGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)1233323 42346 543
[Fly away, fly away over the sea]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355166 15123 52252
[For all we eat and all we wear]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133351 44223 35144
[For this good year of ours]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)213321 23144 32342
[Freely ye received, freely give]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)312352 121
[Friends of all we'd like to be]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)253514 32112 23224
[Glad in the house of God]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255556 52334 56422
[God is love, God is love] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)212334 54565 3121
["God is my helper," this I know]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)455432 11233 66545
[God, make my life a little light] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355176 54354 32533
[God of our boyhood, whom we yield]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)111112 34333 35
[God our Father watch will keep]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)311223 21223 3432
[God's children live in many lands]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251166 76551 16675
[Great is the sun, and wide he goes]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)215563 45556 71512
[Green in all the meadows]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)117121 76567 15543
[Grow, wee violet; bloom, fair rose!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211123 16133 34532
[Happy New Year! Happy New Year!] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)334252 31521 75321
[He maketh his sun to rise]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211712 11
[He that loveth not knoweth not God]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)334332 11231 651
[Hear us thank Thee, kindest Friend]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)333551 13234 65433
[Heavenly Father, thanks we bring]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)117214 23176 71221
[Here, Lord, our seeds we're sowing]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)111767 21332 12435
HERITAGE (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)257653 12333 65543
[How do you do? Welcome to you!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)112322 34317 13251
[How shall we worship thee]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)334332 26555 45
HUNT (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211177 66755 12332
HUNTINGTON (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)212714 32123 12466
[I love my friends and they love me]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255173 21121 43654
[I want to keep my record book] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)333217 61551 17665
[I wish my gift the very best]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)435312 32123 56355
[In garden, field and meadow]Grace W. Conant (Composer)117657 65343 45317
[In grandpa's barn the pigeons coo]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133252 12343 25212
[In the trees the birds are singing, in the mountains and the glens] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)512353 22112 35321
[In tiny nests among the leaves]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251176 71252 21712
[It is very good to be]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211776 65443 32213
[It is very nice to think]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355665 56544 55342
[It's Children's Day! It's Children's Day!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)311776 65571 76655
[Jesus, our Teacher and Master]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133321 23311 12171
JUNIPERGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211232 21334 54435
JUST FOR TODAY (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)312321 76641 32212
JUVENTASGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)232176 14321 26555
[Kitty cat, I'll smooth your fur]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)254332 21123 54332
LEWIS (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233444 45511 75456
[Listen to our Easter song]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)433322 11172 213
[Little brown seed, O little brown brother]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)334355 12133 23254
[Little lamb, who made thee] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)333554 31133 21224
[Little, light]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)217676 56543 25517
[Little stars that wander in the great, deep blue]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211767 76561 11176
[Love is kind, and suffers long]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)156716 17756 7123
[Love made the daisy on the hill]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133453 23116 54342
MATHAMSGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355611 76555 61327
MEADOWS (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)351712 32125 17123
[Merrily, merrily]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)254354 34323 45176
[Merry Christmas, dear Mamma!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233533 21335 33211
[Merry, merry Christmas to mother dear!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)112171 56325 44322
MISSIONERGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)351512 37373 45565
MORRIS (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)155653 32123 43234
[Mother calls us in the morning]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)256567 13321 41367
[Mother Goose and Father Gander]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)217121 67517 12167
[My shiny shoes are new, you see]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)111234 56511 23456
[Now it's happy autumn time]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255116 67112 75332
[Now our happy morning ends]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)256717 65567 17655
[O grandmother, tell me]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)155117 12123 55565
[O, what can little hands do] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355671 33543 12332
OLD GLORYGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)317143 16112 5
[Once there was a little town]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)234221 71234 22171
[One day a sunbeam met a cloud]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)311235 12356 36342
[Our bunny's so funny]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)235565 53556 55176
[Out in the garden blooms the rose]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)232344 53533 44515
BONNER (Carey Bonner)G. W. C. (Arranger)211356 71653 11431
[Rain, rain, springtime rain!]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)112345 65432 21
RELIANCE (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211112 17716 12333
[Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)351121 23334 54431
SECURITASGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255432 34556 6
[See the busy honey bee]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)135322 11464 33252
SHEPHERD'S CAROLG. W. C. (Arranger)315315 35312 42115
[Shine, shine, Christmas star]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)232211 56716 71232
[Silent, each one, the tiny flowers are sleeping]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)316712 33343 24454
[Sing unto the Lord] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)232343 55456 57656
SOLDIERS OF THE RIGHTGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)312353 21353 234
SOMETHING HAPPYGrace Wilbur Conant (Composer)356533 22556 53322
[Sometimes I say an extra prayer]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)253332 12353 33212
[Sometimes when morning lights the sky] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)533255 32553 5127
[Sound over all waters, reach out from all lands] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)311261 23341 3
SPRING CAROL (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)532161 33543 13554
[Suffer little children, and forbid them not]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)332123 51767 13255
[Tall grasses are swinging]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)332321 23525 65517
[The bells of Easter sweetly ring] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)135533 43225 53343
[The Christmas bells are ringing] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)151177 66511 77653
[The dog says, "Bow wow"]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251765 54565 51765
[The good red hen has yellow feet]G. W. C. (Composer)217657 12314 32617
[The lilacs are in blossom]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211324 35113 21132
[The little busy bee]G. W. C. (Composer)256112 35611 21
[The merry bee above the bloom]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251171 27553 32342
[The squirrel hastens to and fro]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)353553 25521 76255
[The stars are lamps set in the sky]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)134322 34511 77665
[The stars keep silent watch above]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251567 12341 23223
[The sun is shining high above]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)135653 52234 34543
[The wee bird in the willow]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)235323 21131 71766
[The whole world is a Christmas tree]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)2
[The Word of God shall guide my feet]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)453321 76556 51235
[The world is so full of a number of things]G. W. C. (Arranger)413345 35176 55432
[There's a song in the air] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)355161 76563 65
[There's frost on the hill]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)251217 51217 53432
[To every little child today]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)113322 12354 4352
['Twas long ago and far away]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233225 56533 21233
[Twinkle, twinkle, little star] (Conant)Grace W. Conant (Composer)133531 23335 31235
[Two little birds, one autumn day]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)212172 16234 32532
[Upstairs in the pine boughs]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)317676 51235 24323
[Very yellow, very brown]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)232176 71454 23543
VICTOR (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)117656 45334 56712
[We are planting a tree]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)255112 31354 54311
[We do not see the wind] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)335545 34556 17655
[We give Thee but Thine own] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)311232 12345 43234
[We love Him, because He first loved us]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)335112 3471
[We love our flag with the stars and stripes]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)113323 45531 33665
[We romp with the flowers and grass]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)351761 76751 76176
[We thank the heavenly Father]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)234321 17454 32215
[We thank Thee for our happy homes]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)333234 56533 23465
[Welcome, welcome, happy bird]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)351776 75635 46354
[What can I give Him, poor as I am?]Grace Wilbur Conant (Adapter)233211 35656 34321
[What time I am afraid] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233321 31161 251
[When at morn I first awake]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)356517 65312 34535
[When I am happiest I sing]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)211232 11556 76532
[When Jesus walked this earth of ours]G. W. C. (Composer)253321 17753 32117
[When Jesus was a little lad] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)233343 63531 12343
[When my father goes away]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)111612 21432 13225
[When the week has ended]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)133232 14434 22232
[Where do all the daises go?] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)313556 35176 51112
[Which ever way the wind doth blow]Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)333223 21133 22321
[Who has seen the wind?] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)317635 65313 16116
[Why do bells for Christmas ring] (Conant)Grace Wilbur Conant (Composer)453231 65532 3161

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