William S. Smith has graciously made his Hymnsearch: Indexes for the Presbyterian Hymnal, 3rd ed available to Hymnary.org users. This is an essential resource for all those who plan worship with the Presbyterian Hymnal. It includes a comprehensive scripture index, an expanded index of topics and categories, a liturgical index, a reverse index (from hymn to scripture), and more.
Thanks to the work of tireless Hymnary volunteer, Nancy Naber, all author biographies from John Julian's classic Dictionary of Hymnology are now part of Hymnary.org's PEOPLE records. So if you've been itching to learn more from a trusted source about, for example, William Gaskell, this is your lucky day.
Peter Plantinga built a revised search engine this past summer that allows certain kinds of searches that were previously not possible, such as searching for "Amazing Grace" in the key of F. It also introduces a "hymns" tab for hymn instances as published in particular hymnals. It's available for testing at beta.hymnary.org.
Try it out and add your feedback here!
In 2012 the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship will publish a Psalter with Faith Alive Christian Resources. It will feature multiple settings of all 150 Psalms. They have made available a "wish list" of Psalm settings needed to fill out the publication. View it here.
In an effort to encourage Psalm-singing, Church of the Servant invites congregational songwriters to submit a Psalm-based song to its 2010 New Psalm Contest. The winner will
Another new collection of hymns has been added to the site: Hope Publishing has given us 73 new hymns written between 2000 and 2010 but never published in any hymnal. All of them include full texts, and most have page scans. Take a look at them here: New Hymns of Hope
The Worshiping Church now has page scans for all non-copyrighted hymns. Just click on any hymn with the icon, or click the Read this hymnal link on the hymnal page!
Hymnary.org is partnering with Hope Publishing to index several of Hope's hymnals and put them on our site. We've just finished our first new addition, the 1980 hymnal "Hymns of Faith", with complete text information and page scans for reading.
Hymnary.org recently received a $266,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities* (NEH) to expand and improve its online database of hymn texts and tunes. The grant money will be used to incorporate the Dictionary of North American Hymnology, a comprehensive index of hymnals.
With Ascension Sunday just two weeks away, you may be wistfully wishing for a fully formed Ascension service to fall from the sky. Wish no longer, my friends. Here it is!
Calvin College student and media darling, Nat Burns, landed himself on the front page of the religion section in this Saturday's Grand Rapids Press for his work with Hymnary.org's melody search. Congratulations, Nat!