Are you interested in knowing what we sing hymns about? We have set up a hymn topic browse "cloud" that shows topics, with more frequently occurring topics made larger. Check it out!
Did you know you can easily compare the different versions of a hymn text at Just click the "Compare to other versions of this text" on a text authority page. You'll get a cool list of texts color-coded by similarity.
We're in the process of adding half a million scanned pages of hymnals. Now there's an easy, fun way to get access to those scans on your iPad!
Point Safari to's iPad page and put it on your music stand. Search for a hymn by first line or melody. Now you can browse and play the matching hymns by touching and swiping the screen!
Are you a fan of historic late nineteenth-century American hymnals? How about controversial constitutional amendments that impinge on the private lives of individuals?
...on the left sidebar. That's right, the search engine. After considerable cutting, gluing, nailing, sanding, and painting Peter Plantinga has crafted a new search engine that is much more powerful than the previous one--yet easy to use. We're still polishing it so send us any bug reports or suggestions you may have.
John Wakefield, Hymn Society life member and retired Milligan College (Johnson City, TN) prof, has taken on the task for the hymnal bibliography committee of compiling the bibliography of all hymnals published in the Stone-Campbell Movement. This American movement fostered three church groups: a cappella churches of Christ, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and independent Christian Churches / Churches of Christ (instrumental). Today the three groups have a total membership about
We have set up a new map view that lets you see where hymns come from. As we add location information to more hymns, this view will populate further. Check it out!
The Congregational Resource Guide, a project of the Alban Institute and Lilly Foundation, interviewed founders Harry Plantinga and Greg Scheer in preparation for the interest session at the 2011 Calvin Worship Symposium. It presents a good overview of and the way it serves congregations.
Did you know that allows you to compare a number of instances of the same text side by side?