Sheng tu shi ge = Hymnary (聖徒詩歌)

Editor: Bocheng Shi
Publisher: Meiguo jian zheng chu ban she, Culver City, 1984
Language: Chinese; English
Notes: ISBN-13: 978-0942164503
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1榮耀歸與至高神!榮耀歸神!榮耀歸神 (Glory to God in the highest)[Glory to God in the highest]
2聖哉,聖哉,聖哉,全能的主神 [Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty]
3讚美真神,萬福源頭,天下萬有讚祂不休 [Praise God from whom all blessings flow]
4當讚美聖父,讓每顆心向祂謝恩! [Praise ye the Father]
5全能君王降臨 [Come Thou Almighty King]
6主阿,你的名在全地何其美[How Excellent is Thy Name]
7偉大的神,我每逢靜念默思,你手所創這偉大的世界 [O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder]
8讚美我主,全能主神,受造萬有君王,[Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation]
9快樂,快樂,我們敬拜榮耀之主愛之神 [Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee]
10主手所造萬象生靈,同發聲音讚美真神,[All creatures of our God and King]
11仰看穹蒼,浩大無窮,蔚藍、深邃,沒有止境[The spacious firmament on high]
12這是天父世界,我們側耳要聽[This is my Father's world]
13主耶和華,我的力量,我心如何愛你 [Lord Jehovah, my strength]
14不能朽,不能見,獨一的真神[Immortal, invisible, God only wise]
15神阿,你是何等奇妙 [My God, how wonderful thou art]
16頌讚與尊貴並榮耀歸主,願榮耀歸主,願榮耀歸主[Blessing and honor]
17我們不會疲倦不唱這首舊詩章[We are never, never weary]
18神聖之愛,遠超眾愛,天上之樂臨地上[Love divine, all loves excelling]
19世上罪人,為何徬徨、遁走、驚懼如迷羊? [Souls of men, why will ye scatter]
20 真神之愛,偉大無窮,口舌筆墨,難以形容[The love of God]
21父阿,久在創世之前,你選我們愛無限[Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us]
22我要唱耶和華的大慈愛到永遠,我要唱,我要唱[I will sing of the mercies of the Lord]
23神阿,你為何故[What was it, blessed God]
24神哪,你在聖所之內,[O God within the holy place]
25沒有血,沒有壇,禁祀已成過去[No blood, no altar now]
26哦,神,是你召我們來看你的兒子[By Thee, o God, invited]
27我為甚麼憂懼疑惑? [Why should I worry, doubt and fear?]
28我主耶穌是我的義,[Jesus, Thy blood and righteousness]
29我的所有希望根基,[My hope is built on nothing less]
30我們聽見慈愛之聲,[We hear the words of love]
31a坦然無懼來到神前,這真是從何說起!AMAZING GRACE
31b坦然無懼來到神前 RATHBUN
32我心,應當來稱頌主,帶你禮物來獻上[Praise, my soul, the King of heaven]
33榮耀歸真神 — 祂成就大事[To God be the glory]
34我要抬頭,向眾山嶺舉目,切切仰望[Unto the hills around do I lift up]
35神,我讚美你, [We praise Thee, O God]
36永遠的光,永遠的光,[Eternal light, eternal light]
37亞伯拉罕的神! [The God of Abraham praise]
38阿爸,我們來頌讚你,我們謙卑敬拜你[Abba Father! we adore Thee]
39“阿爸,父阿,”我們現在因主到你面前來[Abba Father, we approach Thee]
40父阿,兒女稱頌你名[Father, Thy name our souls would bless]
41父阿,我們在你面前拜禮, 尊敬鄭重[Father, to Thee a joyful song we raise]
42看哪!看哪! [Behold! What manner of love]
43萬福之父,恩深無際[Blest Father, infinite in grace]
44父神阿,你在羔羊裏[O God! We see Thee in the Lamb]
45請聽佳音﹕“救主降生![Hark the glad sound, the Savior comes]
46聽阿,天使高聲唱:「榮耀歸與新生王[Hark! the herald angels sing]
47普世歡騰!救主下降,大地接她君王[Joy to the world, the Lord is come]
48天使歌唱在高天,美妙歌聲遍平原[Angels we have heard on high]
49以馬內利,懇求降臨! [O come, O come Emmanuel]
50哦,來,蒙恩群眾,快樂而又歡欣[O come, all ye faithful]
51離棄寶座,撇下王冕 [Thou didst leave Thy throne]
52耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中[Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came]
53我有一位奇妙救主,祂的愛情舉世莫如[I have a Friend whose faithful love]
54我主衣袍是何等華美,飄逸沒藥馨香[My Lord has garments so woundrous fine]
55哦,主,我們今想到你在世 所歷路程 [O Lord, when we the path retrace]
56 在加利利沿海之地,尋我恩主所留蹤跡 [On the Galilean shore]
57耶穌我主榮耀王,你愛何等寬廣- [The Glory of our Lord Jesus King]
58有一日,天上充滿頌讚聲音;有一日,黑暗籠罩全人類- [One day when Heaven was filled with His praises]
59哦,滿了傷痕的頭,滿了痛苦誶詬[O head once full of bruises]
60主,你聖首滿傷跡,憂羞使你頭垂 [O sacred Head, now wounded]
61我們的靈伏著注視 [Gazing on the Lord in Glory]
62耶穌獨自為我祈禱 [It was alone the Savior prayed]
63此時何時!孤單之時!四圍都是黑暗! [O solemn hour, O hour alone]
64加略山巔,救主喪命 [On Calvary's brow my Savior died]
65救主為我十架受害 [It was for me the Savior died]
66主,當我們漂流曠野 [Lord, Thy love has sought and found us]
67遠山迢迢,其色青青 [There is a green hill far away]
68哦,主,求你指教我,為何十架高立 [O teach me what it meaneth]
69我每靜念那十字架 [When I survey the wondrous cross]
70神的兒子從天至 [Man of sorrows, what a name]
71哎呀!救主真曾流血?真曾捨命亡躬? [Alas and did my Savior bleed]
72看哪!看哪,神的羔羊! [Behold the Lamb of God]
73哦,主,甚麼使你頭垂? [O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head]
74憐憫、慈愛、寬恕,溫柔又謙和 [Merciful and loving]Text
75基督已經完成贖罪,何等奇妙的救主! [What a wonderful Saviour]
76主,我寶貴你的行徑[Lord, we treasure with affection]
77永久磐石為我開,讓我藏身在你懷 [Rock of ages, cleft for me]
78求主使我近十架! [Jesus, keep me near the cross]
79在遠山聳立著 [On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross]
80哦,愛!奇妙之愛,救主去加略!為去那地,祂竟離寶座 [All the way to Calvary He went for me]
81主是為我釘十字架,為我受害流血捨命 [For me the Lord was crucified]Text
82我何喜歡能站立,在主十架之下 [Beneath the cross of Jesus]
83救主藉著永遠的靈,來到可畏加略山頂。 [It was through God's eternal Spirit]
84祂不能救自己,必須死髑髏地[Himself He could not save]
85頌讚聲音何等難得! [How pleasant is the sound if praise]
86何能使我脫罪擔?無他,只有耶穌寶血! [Nothing but the blood of Jesus]
87你愛所給雖然甚多,恩賜眾善者哪 ! [Of all the gifts Thy love bestows]
88曾否就主,求祂洗淨你罪愆? [Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power]
89耶穌,我救主,作神羔羊,為罪人受死,罪債清償[Christ our Redeemer died on the cross]
90有一血泉,血流盈滿,湧自耶穌肋邊[There is a fountain filled with blood]
91你願脫離罪惡的重擔麼?權能是在血,權能在血[Would you be free from the burden of sin]
92彷彿當年在加利利海濱,眼望面前波光鱗鱗[In fancy I stood by the shore]
93我以信心仰望你在十字架上,我的救主![My faith looks up to Thee]
94九十九隻圈中躺臥,終日平安快樂[There were ninety and nine that safely lay]
95這個榮耀信息何甜,相信要簡單[O how sweet the glorious message]
96恩典—美妙聲音!悅耳,又慰人心 [Grace! 'tis a charming sound]
97前在埃及為罪奴僕,不知何為自由 [Far away the noise and strife upon my ear]
98美哉、善哉,羔羊的新歌;榮耀歸主!榮耀歸主![Wonderful grand new song of the Lamb]
99耶穌奇妙的救恩,超過我眾過犯 [Wonderful grace of Jesus]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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