Sheng tu shi ge = Hymnary (聖徒詩歌)

Editor: Bocheng Shi
Publisher: Meiguo jian zheng chu ban she, Culver City, 1984
Language: Chinese; English
Notes: ISBN-13: 978-0942164503
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399你怎沒有傷痕?[Hast thou no scar?]
400我們現在默思[The story of a grapevine]
401領我,領我去加略[Lead, lead me to Calvary]
402主,我今背十架,前來跟隨你[Lord, here I take my cross]
403聯於基督得勝的主[United in Christ]
404與你合一,永遠之子[One with Thee]
405充滿我心境,榮耀異象[Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray]
406我主,你說你是真樹[Thou hast said Thou art the vine]
407祂為我死,我纔能活[He died for me]
408基督同死,祂死算我死;與基督同起,我有祂生命[Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine]
409我的心愛主,你是我異象 [Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart]
410不再是我,乃是基督在我裏面活著[No longer I]
411 耶穌,我今歡然安息在“你是誰”的上面[Jesus, I am resting, resting]
412求主啟示主自己[Lord, reveal Thyself to me]
413當我憑著自己思想[When I am in the nataral man]
414意志薄弱,能力軟弱[My will is weak]
415嘴唇不潔,心思不潔[Unclean lips and unclean thoughts]
416當我蒙恩能夠施恩[When I grace to mercy]
417一生聰明未遇敵手[Intelligent life, no mismatched]
418求主倒空我脫自己[Come empty me of self]
419我已與基督同釘死[Crucified with Christ my Savior]
420我與基督已同釘死[I am crucified with Jesus]
421主,你啟示一個奧祕[Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery]
422主,你知道所有乾渴[Lord, Thou knowest all the hunger]
423哦,各各他![Oh Calvary]
424祂是“平靜”祕密之源[Thou hidden source of calm repose]
425耶穌,我救主,祂是我一切[Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me]
426前要的是祝福,今要主自己[Once it was the blessing]
427惟有耶穌是我題目[Jesus only is our message]
428基督就是我的世界[Jesus is all the world to me]
429祂不誤事,因祂是神[He faileth not, for He is God]
430再唱信心的歌[Keep up the song of faith]
431我真不知神的奇恩[I know not why God's wondrous grace]
432從聖經中我領受寶貴應許[I read in the Bible the promise of God]
433站立在神話語的信實上面[Standing on the faithfulness of God's own word]
434信靠耶穌何其甘甜['Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus]
435不斷信靠主,祂正親近[Keep on believing, Jesus is near]
436或這樣,或那樣,主總必豫備[In some way or other the Lord will provide]
437主阿,即或盡是黑暗[Lord that is, or is full of darkness]
438要對這山說﹕“去"[Say to this mountain, "Go"]
439當我在我路上遇見試探時 [When sorrows and storms are besetting my track]
440何必擔心一握不釋[Share thy handful with a stranger]
441只要相信,只要相信[Only believe, only believe]
442為何灰心常怨歎 ?[Why do you feel discouraged]
443前途如何我不知[I know not what awaits me]
444我與神聖的愛立約[I divine love, contracting]
445神說話,我就相信祂[God said it, and I believe it]
446神的應許不能廢去[God's promise can not be repealed]
447我無能力,我的主[I can not afford, my Lord]
448應當住在神恩翅下[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]
449緊握我手!我是這樣的無依[Hold Thou my hand, so weak I am and helpless]
450神阿,你名何等廣大泱漭[El Shaddai]
451無你,我就無法想[I could not do without Thee]
452父阿,在你並無轉動的影兒[Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father]
453看哪,看哪,神是我的拯救[Behold, God is my salvation]
454我不知明日將如何[I don't know about tomorrow]
455誰若倚靠耶和華,真有福[Blessed is He that is trusting the Lord]
456永不灰心,永不沮喪[Never be sad or desponding]
457我是一個異鄉旅客[I'm a pilgrim and a stranger]
458日日專心靠救主[Simply trusting every day]
459哦,何等奇妙,奇妙安息[Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful rest]Text
460“我必與你同在!”甜美的應許[Fear not, I am with thee, blessed golden ray]
461決不會覺得白日淒涼[There is never a day so dreary]
462 我惟靠你,你是盾牌常護庇[We rest on Thee our Shield and our Defender]
463我靈,鎮靜!主正在你身旁[Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side]
464每一天所度過每一時刻[Day by day and with each passing moment]
465交通何甜美,喜樂何豐盈[What a fellowship, what a joy divine]
466將一切憂慮卸給神[Cast all your care upon Him]
467信靠親愛救主,真奇妙甜蜜[Trusting in the Saviour, O 'tis wondrous sweet]
468是愛的神作我牧人[The Lord my Shepherd is]
469耶穌是我牧者[Jesus is our Shepherd]
470耶和華是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏[The Lord is my Shepherd]
471一路我蒙救主引領[All the way my Savior leads me]
472指示你路,我主,指示你路[Teach me Thy way, O Lord]
473求握我手引領我[Hold my hand and lead me]
474領我,大哉,主耶和華[Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah]
475引我,柔愛的光,陰影四圍[Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom]
476慈愛天父,求引領我[Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us]
477神用奧祕行動前來[God moves in a mysterious way]
478求主耶穌操我舵[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]
479祂帶領我!此意何美[He leadeth me, O blessed thought]
480聖靈真實引導者[Holy Spirit, faithful guide]
481救主領我免迷途[Saviour, lead me, lest I stray]
482在我旅途中,榮光在前引[Walking in sunshine all of my journey]
483緊握我手引領我[Take Thou my hand and lead me]
484溫柔引領我,父阿,引領我回家[Lead me gently home, Father]
485從地去天疲倦客旅[Precious promise God hath given]
486我要歌唱那奇妙應許[I'll sing of the wonderful promise]
487無論誰願意信靠主,可來[Whosoever will to the Lord may come]
488新鮮如同清晨甘露[Fresh as the dew of the morning]
489我常居住天愛中[In heavenly love abiding]
490安穩在耶穌手臂[Safe in the arms of Jesus]
491無一朋友能像謙卑耶穌[There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus]
492是否疲倦?是否憂悒 ?[Art thou weary? heavy laden]
493神完全的平安,像長江大河[Like a river glorious]
494平安如水流,正一路跟隨我[When peace like a river attendeth my way]
495波浪怒濤勢洶湧[Though the angry surges roll]
496耶穌,靈魂的愛人[Jesus, lover of my soul]
497你這因著奔正路[O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore]
498不在此時,許在將來[Now now, but in the coming years]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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