Worship (4th ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
611Joyful, joyful, we adore youHYMN TO JOYTextPage ScanAudio
612Sing praise to the Lord! Praise God in the height!LAUDATE DOMINUMTextPage Scan
613Magníficat, magníficat[Magnificat, magnificat]Page Scan
614Holy God, we praise thy nameGROSSER GOTTTextPage Scan
615God, whose song became creationGIFTSPage Scan
616Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!LOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
617Sing praise to God who reigns aboveMIT FREUDEN ZARTTextPage ScanAudio
618John had a vision of those redeemed by Jesus (Juan vio el número de los redimidos)[Juan vio el número de los redimidos]
619Jubiláte Deo omnis terra[Jubilate Deo ominis terra]Page Scan
620Let all mortal flesh keep silencePICARDYTextPage Scan
621O God of blessings, all praise to you!SOLI DEO GLORIAPage Scan
622With the angels and archangels[Praise our God and Savior]Page Scan
623Heaven is singing for joy (El cielo canta alegría)ALEGRÍAPage Scan
624My soul cries out with a joyful shoutSTAR OF THE COUNTY DOWNPage Scan
625Praise the Lord, all you nations[Laudate Dominum, laudate Dominum]Page Scan
626You, Lord, are both Lamb and ShepherdPICARDYPage Scan
627O God beyond all praising, we worship you todayTHAXTEDTextPage Scan
628Come, Christians, join to singMADRIDTextPage Scan
629Sing a new song to the LordCANTATE DOMINO (ONSLOW SQUARE)TextPage Scan
630Immortal, invisible, God only wiseST. DENIOTextPage Scan
631Father, we thank you, who have plantedRENDEZ À DIEUPage Scan
632For the beauty of the earthDIXTextPage Scan
633God, our Father, you have grantedREGENT SQUAREPage Scan
634We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, CreatorKREMSERTextPage Scan
635Confitemini Domino[Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus]Page Scan
636Let all things now livingASH GRVOEPage Scan
637Now thank we all our GodNUN DANKETTextPage Scan
638Sing a happy alleluiaANITATextPage Scan
639With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation[In the Lord I'll be ever thankful]Page Scan
640Shepherd, do you tramp the hillsABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
641What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soulWONDROUS LOVETextPage Scan
642Love divine, all loves excellingHYFRYDOLTextPage Scan
643Surely it is God who saves meRAQUELTextPage Scan
644The One who longs to make us wholeTHE FLIGHT OF THE EARLS
645There's a wideness in God's mercyIN BABILONETextPage ScanAudio
646Sometimes I feel discouragedBALM IN GILEADText
647When Jesus passed through JerichoFOREST GREENPage Scan
648What love and deep devotion (Porque de tal manera)[What love and deep devotion]Page Scan
649God the sculptor of the mountainsJULION
650Amazing grace! how sweet the soundNEW BRITAINTextPage Scan
651If we die with the Lord, we shall live with the Lord[If we die with the Lord, we shall live with the Lord]
652Shall tribulation or distressROMANS 8Page Scan
653God is forgiveness[God is forgiveness]Page Scan
654When my soul is sore and troubledPERILYPOS PSYCHEPage Scan
655Eternal Spirit of the living ChristSURSUM CORDATextPage Scan
656Jesus, come! for we invite youBEST GIFTTextPage Scan
657I am weak and I need thy strength and pow'rLEAD ME, GUIDE MEPage Scan
658Lord, teach us how to prayST. THOMAS (Williams)Page Scan
659Jesus, show us how to prayTHE CALLPage Scan
660As a chalice cast of goldDIXPage Scan
661Be still, my soul, before the LordSHANTIPage Scan
662Come, my Way, my Truth, my LifeTHE CALLTextPage ScanAudio
663Seek ye first the kingdom of GodSEEK YE FIRST
664We cannot measure how you healRADIANT CITYPage Scan
665Where are those who thirst for justice?THADDEUSPage Scan
666"Silence! Frenzied, unclean spirit"EBENEZERPage Scan
667O Lord, hear my prayer (Señor, ten piedad)[O Lord, hear my prayer]Page Scan
668God weeps with us who weep and mournMOSHIERPage Scan
669When streets resound with cries of griefMATNEYPage Scan
670When painful mem'ries haunt each dayMOSHIERPage Scan
671May the Lord, mighty GodWEN-TITextPage Scan
672May the grace of Christ our SaviorSTUTTGARTTextPage Scan
673Faith begins by letting goDIXTextPage Scan
674We walk by faith, and not by sightSHANTITextPage Scan
675He comes to us as one unknownREPTONTextPage Scan
676Faith of our fathers! living stillST. CATHERINEPage Scan
677O God, who gives us life and breathIN NOMINE DEITextPage Scan
678Keep me safe, O God, I take refuge in you[Keep me safe, O God, I take refuge in you]Page Scan
679Show me your hands, your feet, your sideLAND OF RESTPage Scan
680You shall cross the barren desert[You shall cross the barren desert]Page Scan
681Good Shepherd, you know us, you call us by nameST. DENIOTextPage Scan
682You are the Way; through you aloneSHANTITextPage Scan
683To whom, Lord, shall we go?FESTAL SONGPage Scan
684My life flows on in endless songHOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGINGTextPage Scan
685Do not be afraid, God has called you by your nameZUBIKPage Scan
686Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joySLANEPage Scan
687How firm a foundation, you saints of the LordFOUNDATIONTextPage Scan
688A mighty fortress is our GodEAIN' FESTE BURGPage Scan
689O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
690You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord]Page Scan
691The Lord is my Savior, who saves me from sinPADERBORN
692The storm is strong; we face the windERHALT UNS HERRPage Scan
693God loved the world so much[God loved the world so much]Page Scan
694Since the love of Christ has brought us (Congregavit nos in unum)UBI CARITASPage Scan
695Your ways are not our ownSOUTHWELLPage Scan
696Love is his word, love is his wayMELOSPage Scan
697Lord of all nations, grant me graceBEATUS VIRPage Scan
698As the Father has loved me[As the Father has loved me]Page Scan
699Love is the law that Jesus taughtBEATUS VIRTextPage Scan
700Where charity and love prevailCHRISTIAN LOVEPage Scan
701Not for tongues of heaven's angelsCOMFORTTextPage Scan
702If I have the gift of prophecy[Ubi caritas et amor]Page Scan
703Your hand, though hidden, guides usKING'S LYNNPage Scan
704I will come to you in the silence (Te habalré en la paz del silencio)[I will come to you in the silence]
705O Jesus, joy of loving heartsWAREHAMTextPage Scan
706O Christ, who shared our mortal lifeKINGSFOLDPage Scan
707I heard the voice of Jesus sayKINGSFOLDTextPage ScanAudio
708My Shepherd, you supply my needRESIGNATIONTextPage Scan
709The living God my shepherd isBROTHER JAMES' AIRPage Scan
710When we are lost and cannot find the waySHEPHERD'S CAREPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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