The Wesleyan Harp, a Collection of Hymns and Tunes Suitable for Social Worship. 1st ed.

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d101Servants of the living God
d102Shepherd divine our wants relieve
d103Shine mighty God on Zion shine
d104Sinner [sinners] turn, why will ye [you] die
d105So fades the lovely, blooming flower [flowers]
d106Soldiers of the cross, arise, lo, your Leader
d107Sometimes a light surprises
d108Son of God thy blessing grant
d109Stretched on the cross the Savior dies [died]
d110Sweet as the Shepherd's tuneful reed
d111Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] King
d112Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal
d113Tell me no more of earthly toys
d114Tell me, Savior, from above
d115Tempted, tossed, troubled spirit
d116The day has past and gone
d117The day is far spent, the evening is nigh
d118The fields are all white and the harvest is near
d119The gloomy night of sadness
d120The Lord is my Shepherd, his hand gently leads me
d121The Lord is our Shepherd, our Guardian and Guide
d122The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d123The pleasures of earth I have seen fade away
d124The Savior came into the world
d125The voice of free grace cries escape
d126The world is all a fleeting show
d127The world's not all a fleeting show
d128Thee will I love, my Strength [Lord] [Shield], [my] [and] Tower
d129There is an hour of peaceful rest
d130Thou art gone to the grave but we will not deplore thee
d131Thou God of glorious majesty
d132Thou hidden love of God, whose height
d133Thou soft [sweet] flowing [gliding] Kedron [Cedron], by thy silver [limpid] stream
d134Through sorrow's night and danger's path [way] [road]
d135Thus far the Lord hath [has] led me on
d136'Tis hard from those we love to go
d137To Jesus, the crown of my [our] hope
d138To thee in each [youth's] bright morning
d139Tossed upon life's raging billow
d140Unvail [Unveil] thy bosom, faithful tomb
d141Wandering pilgrim [pilgrims], mourning Christian [Christians]
d142When God revealed his gracious name
d143When I can read my title clear
d144When I survey the wondrous cross
d145When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d146When on Sinai's top I see
d147When shall I see the day that ends my woes
d148When sinking in sorrow, free grace did abound
d149When we, our wearied [weary] limbs to rest
d150When with [my] mind divinely pressed
d151While thee I [we] seek, protecting power
d152While with ceaseless [careless] course the sun
d153Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends
d154Why not now, my God [Lord], my God
d155Why should the children of a King
d156Why should we start and fear to die
d157Ye angels, who stand round the throne
d158Ye jewels of my [our] master
d159Ye sons of God, your tongues employ
d160Ye [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaim
d161Yes, my native land, I love thee

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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