Voices Together

General Editor: Bradley Kauffman
Music Editor: Benjamin Bergey
Intercultural Worship Editor: Katie Graber
Worship Resources Editor: Sarah Kathleen Johnson
Text Editor: Adam M. L. Tice
Publisher: MennoMedia, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 2020
Denomination: Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA
Language: English; German; Cheyenne; Latin; Spanish; Xhosa
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
201Hear the turmoil of the nationsEBENEZER
202Peace, be still, and know that I am GodPEACE PILGRIM’S PRAYER
203O God, our help in ages pastST. ANNETextPage Scan
204Praise to the living GodLEONITextPage Scan
205Light dawns on a weary worldTEMPLE OF PEACE
206Seek the peace of the citySEEK THE PEACE
207What does the Lord require of you?MOON
208With Mary sing magnificatFOREST GREEN
209We dream of a turning from ages of wrongLOCH LOMOND
210O come, O come, ImmanuelVENI EMMANUELTextPage Scan
211Hope is a candle, once lit by the prophetsGALLOWAY TAM
212Comfort, comfort O my peopleGENEVA 42 (FREU DICH SEHR)TextPage Scan
213Poor of the earth, I am a shepherdWAYFARING STRANGER
214Savior of the nations, come!NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND
215Oh, how shall I receive theeST. THEODULPH (VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN)TextPage Scan
216Lo, how a Rose e’er bloomingES IST EIN ROS’TextPage Scan
217Hark! the glad sound! The Savior comes!COMMUNIONText
218Come, thou long-expected JesusHYFRYDOLText
219Prepare ye the way of the LordPREPARE YE THE WAYText
220“Prepare the way!” the prophet calledCAROLTextPage Scan
221The angel Gabriel called Mary blessedGABRIEL’S MESSAGEPage Scan
222To me has God shown favorWALNUTText
223Bless’d be the god of IsraelWEBBTextPage Scan
224Hacia Belén, se encamina (Mary journeyed with her husband)ALEGRÍA, ALEGRÍA, ALEGRÍA
225Our hearts are empty without youWE COME
226“Sleepers, wake!” A voice astounds usWACHET AUFTextPage Scan
227Light of the world (Licht dieser Welt)HERE I AM TO WORSHIP
228Wait for the Lord (Contemplaré)WAIT FOR THE LORD
229Unexpected and mysteriousST HELENA
230[We Owe Them a Complicated Debt]
231The people walking in darkness
232A shoot will come up
233The angel said to Mary
234The angel said
235In the beginning was the Word
236Creator of the stars of nightCONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
237Now the heavens start to whisperSUO GAN
238Wisdom from on high is dawningPICARDYText
239He came down that we may have loveHE CAME DOWN
240Joy to the world, the Lord is come!ANTIOCHTextPage Scan
241Adeste fideles (O come, all ye faithful)ADESTE FIDELESText
242Noche anunciada, noche de amor (Night long awaited, God comes to earth)EL NACIMIENTO
243Infant holy, infant lowlyW ZLOBIE LEZYText
244Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent night, holy night!) (¡Noche de paz, noche de amor!)STILLE NACHTTextPage Scan
245O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISTextPage Scan
246Come, join in Mary’s prophet-songSALVATION
247Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNText
248It came upon a midnight clearCAROLTextPage Scan
249Angels we have heard on high (Les anges dans nos campagnes)GLORIATextPage Scan
250The first Noel the angel did sayTHE FIRST NOELTextPage Scan
251There were angels hov’ring roundANGELS HOVERING ROUNDTextPage Scan
252While shepherds kept their watchingGO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAINText
253While shepherds watched their flocks by nightCHRISTMASTextPage Scan
254O du fröhliche (Oh, how joyfully)O SANCTISSIMATextPage Scan
255Love came down at ChristmasLOVE INCARNATEPage Scan
256Love incarnate, love divineNOEL
257Away in a manger, no crib for a bedMUELLERTextPage Scan
258Love has come—a light in the darkness!UN FLAMBEAU (BRING A TORCH)
259To us a child of hope is bornZERAHTextPage Scan
260On this great day of daysPERSONENT HODIE
261Good Christian friends, rejoiceIN DULCI JUBILOTextPage Scan
262圣夜清, 圣夜静 (Holy night, blessed night)SHENG YE JING
263From heav’n above to earth I comeVOM HIMMEL HOCH
264Still, still, stillSTILL, STILL, STILL
265Angels, from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUARETextPage Scan
266Where is this stupendous Stranger?McRAEText
267What child is this, who, laid to restGREENSLEEVESTextPage Scan
268Helpless and hungryCHILD OF THE POOR
269Break forth, O beauteous heav’nly lightERMUNTRE DICHTextPage Scan
270In the beginning was the WordLASST UNS ERFREUEN
271Christe, lux mundi (Christ, you are light)CHRISTE, LUX MUNDI
272Hail the bless’d morn, see the great MediatorMORNING STARText
273Arise, your light is come!FESTAL SONG
274See whose glory fills the skiesWE’LL WALK IN THE LIGHTText
275O beautiful star of BethlehemBEAUTIFUL STAR OF BETHLEHEM
276Solemn stillness—weary streetsSINGING JOY TO THE WORLD
277As with gladness men of oldDIXTextPage Scan
278A voice was heard in RamahLLANGLOFFANPage Scan
279Jesus entered EgyptKING’S WESTONPage Scan
280O carpenter, why leave the benchCARPENTER
281Joyful is the darkJOYFUL DARKText
282Come and see, come and seeCOME AS A CHILD
283Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, you have come to the lakeshore)PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
284Lo, I am with you to the end of the worldPRESENCE
285Cast out, O Christ, cast far awayBANGOR
286Fierce raged the tempest, o’er the deepST. AËLREDTextPage Scan
287Jesus Christ is waiting, waiting in the streetsNOËL NOUVELET
288Love the Lord your GodGREATEST COMMANDMENT
289너는 먼저 주의 나라 (See the birds that fly through the air)SEE THE BIRDS
290Blessed are you, the poor onesREESE
291[Loaves and Fishes]
292Jesus stood up to read
293Do not fight back against someone
294The reign of heaven is like a treasure
295Blessed are the poor in spirit
296While Jesus was in Bethany
297You are salt for the earthBRING FORTH THE KINGDOM
298What is the world like when God’s will is done?NEW WORLD
299God lights a lamp, and she searches ev’rywhereNINA
300Far, far away from my loving fatherRESTORATION (I WILL ARISE)TextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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